R data.table,列数可变

时间:2015-07-19 19:28:11

标签: r data.table




## Suppose these are 10 students in various grades
dat <- data.frame(id = 1:10, grade = rep(3:7, by = 2),
              A = sample(c(1:5, 9), 10,  replace = TRUE),
              B = sample(c(1:5, 9), 10, replace = TRUE),
              C = sample(c(1:5, 9), 10, replace = TRUE),
              D = sample(c(1:5, 9), 10, replace = TRUE))
## 9 is a marker for missing value, there might also be
## NAs in real data, and those are supposed to be regarded
## differently in some exercises

## Students in various grades are administered different
## tests.  A data structure gives the grade to test linkage.
## The letters are column names in dat
lookup <- list("3" = c("A", "B"),
           "4" = c("A", "C"),
           "5" = c("B", "C", "D"),
           "6" = c("A", "B", "C", "D"),
           "7" = c("C", "D"),
           "8" = c("C"))

## wrapper around that lookup because I kept getting confused
getLookup <- function(grade){

## Function that receives one row (named vector)
## from data frame and chooses columns and makes calculation
getMean <- function(arow, lookup){
    scores <- arow[getLookup(arow["grade"])]
    mean(scores[scores != 9], na.rm = TRUE)

stuscores <- apply(dat, 1, function(x) getMean(x, lookup))

result <- data.frame(dat, stuscores)

## If the data is 1000s of thousands of rows,
## I will wish I could use data.table to do that.

## Client will want students sorted by state, district, classroom,
## etc.

## However, am stumped on how to specify the adjustable
## column-name chooser

DT <- data.table(dat)
## How to write call to getMean correctly?
## Want to do this for each participant (no grouping)
setkey(DT, id)


> result
  id grade A B C D stuscores
1   1     3 9 9 1 4       NaN
2   2     4 5 4 1 5       3.0
3   3     5 1 3 5 9       4.0
4   4     6 5 2 4 5       4.0
5   5     7 9 1 1 3       2.0
6   6     3 3 3 4 3       3.0
7   7     4 9 2 9 2       NaN
8   8     5 3 9 2 9       2.0
9   9     6 2 3 2 5       3.0
10 10     7 3 2 4 1       2.5



2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:6)




apply(dat, 1, function(x) getMean(x, lookup))
# [1] 2.000000 5.000000 4.666667 4.500000 2.500000 1.000000 4.000000 2.333333 2.500000 1.500000

这里有一个可能的data.table应用程序,只运行lookup列表(for循环列表在R btw中非常有效,请参阅here

## convert all 9 values to NAs
is.na(dat) <- dat == 9L 
## convert your original data to `data.table`, 
## there is no need in additional copy of the data if the data is huge
## loop only over the list
for(i in names(lookup)) {
  dat[grade == i, res := rowMeans(as.matrix(.SD[, lookup[[i]], with = FALSE]), na.rm = TRUE)]
#     id grade  A  B  C  D      res
#  1:  1     3  2 NA NA NA 2.000000
#  2:  2     4  5  3  5 NA 5.000000
#  3:  3     5  3  5  4  5 4.666667
#  4:  4     6 NA  4 NA  5 4.500000
#  5:  5     7 NA  1  4  1 2.500000
#  6:  6     3  1 NA  5  3 1.000000
#  7:  7     4  4  2  4  5 4.000000
#  8:  8     5 NA  1  4  2 2.333333
#  9: NA     6  4  2  2  2 2.500000
# 10: 10     7  3 NA  1  2 1.500000


<强> P.S。

正如@Arun所建议的那样,请看一下他自己撰写的小插曲here,以便熟悉:=运算符,.SDwith = FALSE,等

答案 1 :(得分:1)

以下是使用data.table(需要melt.data.table 1.9.5+)的另一种data.table方法,然后在data.table之间加入:

DT_m <- setkey(melt.data.table(DT, c("id", "grade"), value.name = "score"), grade, variable)
lookup_dt <- data.table(grade = rep(as.integer(names(lookup)), lengths(lookup)),
  variable = unlist(lookup), key = "grade,variable")
score_summary <- setkey(DT_m[lookup_dt, nomatch = 0L,
  .(res = mean(score[score != 9], na.rm = TRUE)), by = id], id)
setkey(DT, id)[score_summary, res := res]
#    id grade A B C D mean_score
# 1:  1     3 9 9 1 4        NaN
# 2:  2     4 5 4 1 5        3.0
# 3:  3     5 1 3 5 9        4.0
# 4:  4     6 5 2 4 5        4.0
# 5:  5     7 9 1 1 3        2.0
# 6:  6     3 3 3 4 3        3.0
# 7:  7     4 9 2 9 2        NaN
# 8:  8     5 3 9 2 9        2.0
# 9:  9     6 2 3 2 5        3.0
#10: 10     7 3 2 4 1        2.5


microbenchmark(da_method(), nk_method(), times = 1000)
#Unit: milliseconds
#        expr       min        lq      mean    median        uq       max neval
# da_method() 17.465893 17.845689 19.249615 18.079206 18.337346 181.76369  1000
# nk_method()  7.047405  7.282276  7.757005  7.489351  7.667614  20.30658  1000