我正在尝试在Unity中创建一个程序(用于android),当吹出的音量超过x分贝时打开ParticleSystem。 我试图使用这个教程http://www.kaappine.fi/tutorials/using-microphone-input-in-unity3d/,但我没有相处...我很感激任何帮助。
答案 0 :(得分:0)
public class ballanimation : MonoBehaviour
private float targetTime = 0.0f;
// Start is called before the first frame update
public AudioSource source;
private const int SAMPLECOUNT = 1024; // Sample Count.
private const float REFVALUE = 0.1f; // RMS value for 0 dB.
private const float THRESHOLD = 0.02f; // Minimum amplitude to extract pitch (recieve anything)
private const float ALPHA = 0.09f; // The alpha for the low pass filter I don't really understand this
public int recordedLength ; // How many previous frames of sound are analyzed.
public int requiedBlowTime; // How long a blow must last to be classified as a blow (and not a sigh for instance).
public int clamp; // Used to clamp dB (I don't really understand this either).
private float rmsValue; // Volume in RMS
private float dbValue; // Volume in DB
private float pitchValue; // Pitch - Hz (is this frequency?)
private int blowingTime; // How long each blow has lasted
private float lowPassResults; // Low Pass Filter result
private float peakPowerForChannel; //
private GameObject[] cubes; // This is cubes array to show spectrum
public float SpectrumRefreshTime; // refresh rate to show cubes
private float lastUpdate = 0;
public float scaleFactor = 10000;
private float[] samples; // Samples
private float[] spectrum = new float[1024]; // Spectrum
private List<float> dbValues; // Used to average recent volume.
private List<float> pitchValues; // Used to average recent pitch.
void Start()
cubes = new GameObject[1024];
samples = new float[SAMPLECOUNT];
spectrum = new float[SAMPLECOUNT];
dbValues = new List<float>();
pitchValues = new List<float>();
foreach (var device in Microphone.devices)
Debug.Log("Micro Connecté " + device);
private void StartMicListener() /// Starts the Mic, and plays the audio back in (near) real-time.
source.clip = Microphone.Start(Microphone.devices[0], true, 999, AudioSettings.outputSampleRate);
// HACK - Forces the function to wait until the microphone has started, before moving onto the play function.
while (!(Microphone.GetPosition(Microphone.devices[0]) > 0))
source.loop = true;
// Update is called once per frame
void Update()
targetTime += Time.deltaTime;
if (targetTime <= 10.0f)
{ gameStart(); }
// If the audio has stopped playing, this will restart the mic play the clip.
if (!source.isPlaying)
// Gets volume and pitch values
// Runs a series of algorithms to decide whether a blow is occuring.
// Update the meter display.
Debug.Log("RMS (vol ): " + rmsValue.ToString("F2") + " Gain " + dbValue.ToString("F1") + " dB" + " Pitch: " + pitchValue.ToString("F0") + " Hz");
if (Time.time - lastUpdate > SpectrumRefreshTime)
source.GetSpectrumData(spectrum, 0, FFTWindow.Blackman);
for (int i = 0; i < spectrum.Length; i++)
cubes[i].transform.localScale = new Vector3(1, spectrum[i] * scaleFactor, 1);
lastUpdate = Time.time;
void createDisplayObjects()
for (int i = 0; i < 1024; i++)
GameObject cube = GameObject.CreatePrimitive(PrimitiveType.Cube);
cube.transform.position = new Vector3(i, 0, 0);
cubes[i] = cube;
private void gameStart()
private void DeriveBlow()
UpdateRecords(dbValue, dbValues);
UpdateRecords(pitchValue, pitchValues);
// Find the average pitch in our records (used to decipher against whistles, clicks, etc).
float sumPitch = 0;
foreach (float num in pitchValues)
sumPitch += num;
sumPitch /= pitchValues.Count;
// Run our low pass filter.
lowPassResults = LowPassFilter(dbValue);
// Decides whether this instance of the result could be a blow or not.
if (lowPassResults > -20 && sumPitch == 0)
blowingTime += 1;
} else
blowingTime = 0;
// Once enough successful blows have occured over the previous frames (requiredBlowTime), the blow is triggered.
// This example says "blowing", or "not blowing", and also blows up a sphere.
if (blowingTime > requiedBlowTime)
Debug.Log ( "Blowing");
GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("Mongol").transform.localScale *= 1.012f;
//GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("blow text").SetActive(false);
Debug.Log ( "Not blowing");
GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("Mongol").transform.localScale *= 0.999f;
// Updates a record, by removing the oldest entry and adding the newest value (val).
private void UpdateRecords(float val, List<float> record)
if (record.Count > recordedLength)
/// Gives a result (I don't really understand this yet) based on the peak volume of the record
/// and the previous low pass results.
private float LowPassFilter(float peakVolume)
return ALPHA * peakVolume + (1.0f - ALPHA) * lowPassResults;
private void AnalyzeSound()
// Get all of our samples from the mic.
source.GetOutputData(samples, 0);
// Sums squared samples
float sum = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < SAMPLECOUNT; i++)
sum += Mathf.Pow(samples[i], 2);
// RMS is the square root of the average value of the samples.
rmsValue = Mathf.Sqrt(sum / SAMPLECOUNT);
dbValue = 20 * Mathf.Log10(rmsValue / REFVALUE); //calculate DB
// Clamp it to {clamp} min
if (dbValue < -clamp)
dbValue = -clamp;
// Gets the sound spectrum.
source.GetSpectrumData(spectrum, 0, FFTWindow.BlackmanHarris);
float maxV = 0;
var maxN = 0;
// Find the highest sample.
for (int i = 0; i < SAMPLECOUNT; i++)
if ((spectrum[i] > maxV) || !(spectrum[i] > THRESHOLD))
maxV = spectrum[i];
//float freqN = maxN;
maxN = i;
float freqN = maxN;// Pass the index to a float variable
// Interpolate index using neighbours
if (maxN > 0 && maxN < SAMPLECOUNT - 1)
float dL = spectrum[maxN - 1] / spectrum[maxN];
float dR = spectrum[maxN + 1] / spectrum[maxN];
freqN += 0.5f * (dR * dR - dL * dL);
// maxN = i; // maxN is the index of max
// Convert index to frequency
pitchValue = freqN * (AudioSettings.outputSampleRate/2) / SAMPLECOUNT;