
时间:2015-07-14 20:43:46

标签: c# arrays char



String wordString = "(Four)";
String sentenceString = "Maybe the fowl of Uruguay repeaters (Four) will be found";
char[] wordArray = wordString.ToCharArray();
List<String> words = sentenceString.Split(' ').ToList<string>();
//This would be the part where I iterate through sentence
foreach (string sentence in sentArray)
     //Here I would need to find where the string of (Four) and trim it and see if it equals the wordString. 
     if (sentence.Contains(wordString)
         //At this point I would need to go back the length of wordString which happens to be four places but I'm not sure how to do this.  And for each word I go back in the sentence I need to capture that in another string array.


9 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:2)

int i ;
string outputString = (i=sentenceString.IndexOf(wordString))<0 ?     
                          sentenceString : sentenceString.Substring(0,i) ;

答案 1 :(得分:2)

var wordString = "(Four)";
            int wordStringInt = 4; // Just do switch case to convert your string to int
            var sentenceString = "Maybe the fowl of Uruguay repeaters (Four) will be found";
            var sentenceStringArray = sentenceString.Split(' ').ToList();
            int wordStringIndexInArray = sentenceStringArray.IndexOf(wordString) - 1;
            var stringOutPut = "";
            if (wordStringIndexInArray > 0 && wordStringIndexInArray > wordStringInt)
                stringOutPut = "";
                while (wordStringInt > 0)
                    stringOutPut = sentenceStringArray[wordStringInt] + " " + stringOutPut;


答案 2 :(得分:2)

我们是你。关于这个练习我几乎没有问题。 如果Word (四)刚开始它不应该返回?或者返回所有字符串? 因为长度为4等于4 想象一下,如果该单词出现在句子的第二个单词上,它应该只返回第一个单词还是返回4个单词,甚至包括(四个)单词。


  • 如果长度大于(四个)字之前的字词,我的解决方案假设它返回(四个)之前的所有字词。
  • 如果(四)这个词在开头,我的解决方案会返回空字符串。
  • 我的解决方案在(四个)字之前返回(四个)(4)字的长度。



        string wordString = "(Four)";
        string sentenceString = "Maybe the fowl of Uruguay repeaters (Four) will be found";
        //Additionally you can add splitoption to remove the empty word on split function bellow
        //Just in case there are more space in sentence.
        string[] splitedword = sentenceString.Split(' ');
        int tempBackposition = 0;
        int finalposition = 0;
        for (int i = 0; i < splitedword.Length; i++)
            if (splitedword[i].Contains(wordString))
                finalposition = i;
        tempBackposition = finalposition - wordString.Replace("(","").Replace(")","").Length;
        string output = "";
        tempBackposition= tempBackposition<0?0:tempBackposition;
        for (int i = tempBackposition; i < finalposition; i++)
            output += splitedword[i] + " ";


答案 3 :(得分:2)



string word = "(Four)";
string sentence = "Maybe the fowl of Uruguay repeaters (Four) will be found";


var words = Regex.Matches(sentence, @"[\p{Ps}]*(?<Content>[\w]+)[\p{Pe}]*").Cast<Match>().ToList();


Followed是一个名为Content(由?<Content>指定)的子捕获,带有一个或多个单词字符。 最后,我们指定我们想要零或更多结束标点符号。


var item = words.Single(x => x.Value == word);


int index = words.IndexOf(item);


var length = item.Groups["Content"].Length;


var start = words.Skip(index - length).First();


var result = sentence.Substring(start.Index, item.Index - start.Index);

结果应包含fowl of Uruguay repeaters


string word = "(Four)";
string sentence = "Maybe the fowl of Uruguay repeaters (Four) will be found";

var wordMatch = Regex.Match(word, @"[\p{Ps}]*(?<Content>[\w]+)[\p{Pe}]*");
var length = wordMatch.Groups["Content"].Length;

var words = Regex.Matches(sentence, @"\S+").Cast<Match>().ToList();
var item = words.Single(x => x.Value == word);
int index = words.IndexOf(item);

var start = words.Skip(index - length).First();
var result = sentence.Substring(start.Index, item.Index - start.Index);


答案 4 :(得分:2)


string[] GetWords()
    string sentenceString = "Maybe the fowl of Uruguay repeaters (Four) will be found";
    string[] words = sentenceString.Split();
    int num = 0;
    int i; // scope of i should remain outside the for loop
    for (i = 0; i < words.Length; i++)
        string word = words[i];
        if (word.StartsWith("(") && word.EndsWith(")"))
            num = ConvertToNum(word.Substring(1, word.Length - 1));
            // converted the number word we found, so we break
    if (num == 0)
        // no number word was found in the string - return empty array
        return new string[0];
        // do some extra checking if number word exceeds number of previous words
        int startIndex = i - num;
        // if it does - just start from index 0
        startIndex = startIndex < 0 ? 0 : startIndex;
        int length = i - startIndex;
        string[] output = new string[length];
        Array.Copy(words, startIndex, output, 0, length);
        return output;

// Convert the number word to an integer
int ConvertToNum(string numberStr)
    return 4; // you should implement this method correctly

有关实施ConvertToNum解决方案的帮助,请参阅 - Convert words (string) to Int。显然,它可以根据您期望处理的数字范围进行简化。

答案 5 :(得分:2)


        static void Main() {
            var wordString = "(Four)";
            int wordStringLength = wordString.Replace("(","").Replace(")","").Length; 
            //4, because i'm assuming '(' and ')' doesn't count. 

            var sentenceString = "Maybe the fowl of Uruguay repeaters (Four) will be found";

            //Transform into a list of words, ToList() to future use of IndexOf Method
            var sentenceStringWords = sentenceString.Split(' ').ToList();

            //Find the index of the word in the list of words
            int wordIndex = sentenceStringWords.IndexOf(wordString);

            //Get a subrange from the original list of words, going back x Times the legnth of word (in this case 4),

            var wordsToConcat = sentenceStringWords.GetRange(wordIndex-wordStringLength, wordStringLength);

            //Finally concat the output;
            var outPut = string.Join(" ", wordsToConcat);

            //Output: fowl of Uruguay repeaters


答案 6 :(得分:0)


string wordToMatch = "(Four)";
            string sentence = "Maybe the fowl of Uruguay repeaters (Four) will be found";

            if (sentence.Contains(wordToMatch))
                int length = wordToMatch.Trim(new[] { '(', ')' }).Length;
                int indexOfMatchedWord = sentence.IndexOf(wordToMatch);
                string subString1 = sentence.Substring(0, indexOfMatchedWord);
                string[] words = subString1.Split(new[] { ' ' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
                var reversed = words.Reverse().Take(length);

                string result = string.Join(" ", reversed.Reverse());


答案 7 :(得分:0)


    private string getPartialSentence(string sentence, string word)
        if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(sentence) || string.IsNullOrEmpty(word))
            return string.Empty;

        int locationInSentence = sentence.IndexOf(word, StringComparison.Ordinal);

        if (locationInSentence == -1)
            return string.Empty;

        string partialSentence = sentence.Substring(0, locationInSentence);
        string[] words = partialSentence.Split(new[] {' '}, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);

        int nbWordsRequired = word.Replace("(", "").Replace(")", "").Length;

        if (words.Count() >= nbWordsRequired)
            return String.Join(" ", words.Skip(words.Count() - nbWordsRequired));

        return String.Join(" ", words);

答案 8 :(得分:0)


case "(Four)": { currentNumber = 4; };


public enum NumberVerb
        one = 1,
        two = 2,
        three = 3,
        four = 4,
        five = 5,
        six = 6,
        seven = 7,
        eight = 8,
        nine = 9,
        ten = 10,

    public static Dictionary<string, NumberVerb> m_Dictionary
            Dictionary<string, NumberVerb> temp = new Dictionary<string, NumberVerb>();

            temp.Add("(one)", NumberVerb.one);
            temp.Add("(two)", NumberVerb.two);
            temp.Add("(three)", NumberVerb.three);
            temp.Add("(four)", NumberVerb.four);
            temp.Add("(five)", NumberVerb.five);
            temp.Add("(six)", NumberVerb.six);
            temp.Add("(seven)", NumberVerb.seven);
            temp.Add("(eight)", NumberVerb.eight);
            temp.Add("(nine)", NumberVerb.nine);
            temp.Add("(ten)", NumberVerb.ten);

            return temp;

    static void Main(string[] args)
        string resultPhrase = "";

        // Get the sentance that will be searched.
        Console.WriteLine("Please enter the starting sentance:");
        Console.WriteLine("(don't forget your keyword: ie '(Four)')");
        string sentance = Console.ReadLine();

        // Get the search word.
        Console.WriteLine("Please enter the search keyword:");
        string keyword = Console.ReadLine();

        // Set the associated number of words to backwards-iterate.
        int currentNumber = -1;
            currentNumber = (int)m_Dictionary[keyword.ToLower()];
        catch(KeyNotFoundException ex)
            Console.WriteLine("The provided keyword was not found in the dictionary.");

        // Search the sentance string for the keyword, and get the starting index.
        Console.WriteLine("Searching for phrase...");

        string[] words = sentance.Split(' ');
        int searchResultIndex = -1;

        for (int i = 0; (searchResultIndex == -1 && i < words.Length); i++)
            if (words[i].Equals(keyword))
                searchResultIndex = i;

        // Handle the search results.
        if (searchResultIndex == -1)
            resultPhrase = "The keyword was not found.";
        else if (searchResultIndex < currentNumber)
            // Check the array boundaries with the given indexes.
            resultPhrase = "Error: Out of bounds!";
            // Get the preceding words.
            for (int i = 0; i < currentNumber; i++)
                resultPhrase = string.Format(" {0}{1}", words[searchResultIndex - 1 - i], resultPhrase);

        // Display the preceding words.

        // Exit.