
时间:2015-07-11 10:40:29

标签: c# lambda custom-attributes


public static void Main(string[] args) {

    Func<object> fun = () => Foo();

    //fun. Get Foo Custom Attribute

public static object Foo() {
    return new object();

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:2)

使用- (NSMutableDictionary *)deepMutableCopyOfDictionary:(NSDictionary *)dictionary { NSMutableDictionary *mutableDictionary = [dictionary mutableCopy]; for (id key in [mutableDictionary allKeys]) { id value = mutableDictionary[key]; if ([value isKindOfClass:[NSDictionary class]]) { // If the value is a dictionary make it mutable and call recursively mutableDictionary[key] = [self deepMutableCopyOfDictionary:dictionary[key]]; } else if ([value isKindOfClass:[NSArray class]]) { // If the value is an array, make it mutable mutableDictionary[key] = [(NSArray *)value mutableCopy]; } } return mutableDictionary; } 时,您要查找的信息不可用AFAIK。

但是,如果它是private final String User_role ="admin"; if(User_role.eguals(UserRole.getUser())){ PreparedStatement st = session.connection().prepareStatement("{update tblUser user set user.user_role = ? where (Condition)}"); st.setString(1,User_role ); st.execute(); } ,那将非常简单:


您可以使用Expression方法将Expression<Func<object>> expression = () => Foo(); var method = ((MethodCallExpression)expression.Body).Method; Console.WriteLine(method.GetCustomAttributes(false)[0]); 转换为Expression

