1 5 4 2
2 2 1 0
3 8 4 1
4 4 3 0
5 1 0 0
6 8 2 1
7 4 3 3
8 7 5 4
plot 'std.txt' using 1:2 with lines, \
'std.txt' using 1:3 with lines, \
'std.txt' using 1:4 with lines
答案 0 :(得分:3)
我们假设您已经计算了每列的平均值和标准差 您可以使用类似下面的脚本
# Computed values of means (Avg) and standard deviations (SD)
Avg2=4.875000; SD2=2.471715
Avg3=2.750000; SD3=1.561249
Avg4=1.375000; SD4=1.408678
set termoption enhanced
set key below
set style fill transparent solid 0.40 noborder # <------ Note transparent
set title "{/=14 Plot for Kayan}" # Bigger
set xlabel "{/=12 X of Kayan data [a.u]}" # Big
set ylabel "{/=12 Y of Kayan data [a.u]}" # Big
plot Avg2+ SD2 with filledcurve y1=Avg2-SD2 t "Mean #2" lc rgb "#00B000" \
, Avg2 notitle lw 2 lc rgb "#00B000" \
, 'std.txt' using 1:2 with lines t "Data #2" lc rgb "#008000" \
, Avg3+ SD3 with filledcurve y1=Avg3-SD3 t "Mean #3" lc rgb "#00B0F0" \
, Avg3 notitle lw 2 lc rgb "#00B0F0" \
, 'std.txt' using 1:3 with lines t "Data #3" lc rgb "#00B0B0" \
, Avg4+ SD4 with filledcurve y1=Avg4-SD4 t "Mean #3" lc rgb "#0000B0" \
, Avg4 notitle lw 2 lc rgb "#0000B0" \
, 'std.txt' using 1:4 with lines t "Data #4" lc rgb "#000080" \
Big Bonus: awk代码,用于生成均值和标准偏差。
awk 'BEGIN{for (i=2; i<5; i++ ){n[i]=0; s[i]=0; sq[i]=0; } } \
{for (i=2; i<5; i++ ){n[i]++; s[i]+= $i; sq[i]+=$i*$i ; } } \
END{for (i=2; i<5; i++ ){printf("Avg%s=%f; SD%s=%f\n",i,s[i]/n[i], \
i,sqrt(sq[i]/n[i]-s[i]^2/n[i]^2)) } }' std.txt