使用C ++自定义地图

时间:2015-07-06 17:30:42

标签: c++ stl hashmap hashtable


#include <iostream>
#include <map>

struct box {
    int size, color, price, position;

struct custom_compare {
    bool operator()(const box& lhs, const box& rhs) const {
        if(lhs.size  != rhs.size)  return lhs.size < rhs.size;
        if(lhs.color != rhs.color) return lhs.color < rhs.color;
        if(lhs.price != rhs.price) return lhs.price < rhs.price;
        return lhs.position < rhs.position;

int main() {                   //here, box isn't the key
    std::map<std::string, box, custom_compare> box_map;
    box_map["my box"] = {1,5,200,1};
    box_map["jose's box"] = {3,1,300,2};
    box_map["maria's box"] = {2,4,100,3};
    // The problem is that the custom_compare get 'box_map.first', not 'box_map.second'
    // I wish map compare struct box, not string



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