代码的主要部分从标题' CUTTING TOOL'下面抓取值。在指定文件夹中的各种打开文件中。然后将它们打印到工作簿中,其中包含打印所有信息的代码,StartSht,并且该函数会更改输出信息,以便TL-后面有正好6个数字,CT-有4个,如果有,则加上2个" - "在四个数字之后(即CT-0081-01)。如果小于指定的长度,则在" - "之后立即添加0。如果大于特定长度,则在" - "。
之后立即删除0有关如何潜在简化此代码或一般提示的任何建议都会很棒。我尝试在this website处实施提示,但没有太大改变。
With WB
For Each ws In .Worksheets
'find CUTTING TOOL on the source sheet
If Not ws.Range("A1:M15").Find(What:="CUTTING TOOL", LookAt:=xlWhole, LookIn:=xlValues) Is Nothing Then
Set hc = ws.Range("A1:M15").Find(What:="CUTTING TOOL", LookAt:=xlWhole, LookIn:=xlValues)
Set dict = GetValues(hc.Offset(1, 0), "SplitMe")
If dict.count > 0 Then
'add the values to the master list, column 3
Set d = StartSht.Cells(Rows.count, hc2.Column).End(xlUp).Offset(1, 0)
d.Resize(dict.count, 1).Value = Application.Transpose(dict.items)
'if no items are under the CUTTING TOOL header
StartSht.Cells(Rows.count, hc2.Column).End(xlUp).Offset(1, 0) = " "
End If
For k = 2 To StartSht.Range("C2").End(xlDown).Row
ret = ""
str = StartSht.Range("C" & k).Value
ret = ExtractNumberWithLeadingZeroes(str, "TL", 6)
If ret <> "" Then
StartSht.Range("C" & k).Value = "TL-" & ret
'for CT numbers
ret = ExtractNumberWithLeadingZeroes(str, "CT", 4)
If ret <> "" Then
StartSht.Range("C" & k).Value = "CT-" & ret
End If
End If
Next k
'Get the Values from columns with specified headers
Function GetValues(ch As Range, Optional vSplit As Variant) As Scripting.Dictionary
Dim dict As Scripting.Dictionary
Dim dataRange As Range
Dim cell As Range
Dim theValue As String
Dim splitValues As Variant
Dim counter As Long
Set dict = New Scripting.Dictionary
Set dataRange = ch.Parent.Range(ch, ch.Parent.Cells(Rows.count, ch.Column).End(xlUp)).Cells
' If there are no values in this column then return an empty dictionary
' If there are no values in this column, the dataRange will start at the row
' *above* ch and end at ch
If (dataRange.Row = (ch.Row - 1)) And (dataRange.Rows.count = 2) And (Trim(ch.Value) = "") Then
GoTo Exit_Function
End If
For Each cell In dataRange.Cells
counter = counter + 1
theValue = Trim(cell.Value)
If Len(theValue) = 0 Then
theValue = " "
End If
'exclude any info after ";"
If Not IsMissing(vSplit) Then
splitValues = Split(theValue, ";")
theValue = splitValues(0)
End If
'exclude any info after ","
If Not IsMissing(vSplit) Then
splitValues = Split(theValue, ",")
theValue = splitValues(0)
End If
If Not dict.exists(theValue) Then
dict.Add counter, theValue
End If
Next cell
Set GetValues = dict
End Function
'find a header on a row: returns Nothing if not found
Function HeaderCell(rng As Range, sHeader As String) As Range
Dim rv As Range, c As Range
For Each c In rng.Parent.Range(rng, rng.Parent.Cells(rng.Row, Columns.count).End(xlToLeft)).Cells
'copy cell value if it contains some string "holder" or "cutting tool"
If Trim(c.Value) = sHeader Then
'If InStr(c.Value, sHeader) <> 0 Then
Set rv = c
Exit For
End If
Next c
Set HeaderCell = rv
End Function
'gets the last row in designated column
Function GetLastRowInColumn(theWorksheet As Worksheet, col As String)
With theWorksheet
GetLastRowInColumn = .Range(col & .Rows.count).End(xlUp).Row
End With
End Function
'gets the last row in designated sheet
Function GetLastRowInSheet(theWorksheet As Worksheet)
Dim ret
With theWorksheet
If Application.WorksheetFunction.CountA(.Cells) <> 0 Then
ret = .Cells.Find(What:="*", _
After:=.Range("A1"), _
LookAt:=xlPart, _
LookIn:=xlFormulas, _
SearchOrder:=xlByRows, _
SearchDirection:=xlPrevious, _
ret = 1
End If
End With
GetLastRowInSheet = ret
End Function
'get the file name without the extension
Function GetFilenameWithoutExtension(ByVal FileName)
Dim Result, i
Result = FileName
i = InStrRev(FileName, ".")
If (i > 0) Then
Result = Mid(FileName, 1, i - 1)
End If
GetFilenameWithoutExtension = Result
End Function
Public Function ExtractNumberWithLeadingZeroes(ByRef theWholeText As String, ByRef idText As String, ByRef numCharsRequired As Integer) As String
' Finds the first entry of idText, TL/CT, in theWholeText
' Returns the first number found after idText formatted with leading zeroes
Dim returnValue As String
Dim extraValue As String
Dim tmpText As String
Dim firstPosn As Integer
Dim secondPosn As Integer
Dim ctNumberPosn As Integer
returnValue = ""
firstPosn = InStr(1, theWholeText, idText)
If firstPosn > 0 Then
' remove any text before first idText, also remove the first idText
tmpText = Mid(theWholeText, firstPosn + Len(idText))
'if more than one idText value, delete everything after (and including) the second idText
secondPosn = InStr(1, tmpText, idText)
If secondPosn > 0 Then
tmpText = Mid(tmpText, 1, secondPosn)
End If
returnValue = ExtractTheFirstNumericValues(tmpText, 1)
If idText = "CT" Then
ctNumberPosn = InStr(1, tmpText, returnValue)
' Is the next char a dash? If so, must include more numbers
If Mid(tmpText, ctNumberPosn + Len(returnValue), 1) = "-" Then
' There are some more numbers, after the dash, to extract
extraValue = ExtractTheFirstNumericValues(tmpText, ctNumberPosn + Len(returnValue))
End If
End If
'force to numCharsRequired numbers if too short; add 0s immediately after idText
'force to numCharsRequired numbers if too long; eliminate 0s immediately after idText
' The CLng gets rid of leading zeroes and the Format$ adds any required up to numCharsRequired chars
If returnValue <> "" Then
returnValue = Format$(CLng(returnValue), String(numCharsRequired, "0"))
If extraValue <> "" Then
returnValue = returnValue & "-" & extraValue
End If
End If
End If
ExtractNumberWithLeadingZeroes = returnValue
End Function
Private Function ExtractTheFirstNumericValues(ByRef theText As String, ByRef theStartingPosition As Integer) As String
Dim i As Integer
Dim j As Integer
Dim tmpText As String
Dim thisChar As String
' Find first number
For i = theStartingPosition To Len(theText)
If IsNumeric(Mid(theText, i, 1)) Then
tmpText = Mid(theText, i)
Exit For
End If
Next i
' Find where the numbers end
For j = 1 To Len(tmpText)
thisChar = Mid(tmpText, j, 1)
If Not IsNumeric(thisChar) Then
tmpText = Mid(tmpText, 1, j - 1)
Exit For
End If
Next j
ExtractTheFirstNumericValues = tmpText
End Function
答案 0 :(得分:2)
你有没有突破点看哪些部分花时间?例如,第一部分的For循环花了很多时间?我可以看到你最简单的方法就是加快速度,任何时候你做一个循环,对于每个单元格而是设置一个等于该范围的变量并循环变量。这可以疯狂地提高速度,特别是如果你触摸很多细胞。根据我的经验,基本上任何与细胞有关的事情都是excel中最慢的事情。我经常将所有内容转换为变量,完成所有工作,然后在完成后将其删除。我这样做了2小时到2分钟。 Make it faster?
答案 1 :(得分:0)