
时间:2010-07-14 13:07:18

标签: access-vba


    'get the dates'
'check if both date fields are filled out'
If A_AfterDateTxt.Value <> "" And A_BeforeDateTxt.Value <> "" Then
    'check if they are valid (ie, one date is not bigger then the other)'
    If CDate(A_AfterDateTxt.Value) > CDate(A_BeforeDateTxt.Value) Then
        MsgBox "You have selected invalid dates. Try again."
        GetSQLForActiveRecords = False   'this is the function name
        Exit Function  'exit the function'
        'this takes both fields and appends them to the sql statement'
        strSql = strSql & " AND ([Submitted] >= #" & A_AfterDateTxt.Value & "#  and [Submitted] <= #" & A_BeforeDateTxt.Value & "#)"
    End If
    'one or both of them are blank, select the one thats entered
    If (SF_isNothing(A_AfterDateTxt.Value) And Not SF_isNothing(A_BeforeDateTxt.Value)) Then
        strSql = strSql & " AND ([Submitted] <= #" & A_BeforeDateTxt.Value & "#)"
    ElseIf (SF_isNothing(A_BeforeDateTxt.Value) And Not SF_isNothing(A_AfterDateTxt.Value)) Then
        strSql = strSql & " AND ([Submitted] >= #" & A_AfterDateTxt.Value & "#)"
    End If
End If

注意:SI_isnothing只是一个检查null / empty的函数,但由于它们的数据来自文本框,它永远不会为空吗?



5 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:3)


  • 都是空的
  • 有效
  • b有效
  • 两者都有效


    Dim dx As Integer = 0

    If Not String.IsNullOrEmpty(txtBefore.Text) Then
        If IsDate(txtBefore.Text) Then
            dx += 1
        End If
    End If

    If Not String.IsNullOrEmpty(txtAfter.Text) Then
        If IsDate(txtAfter.Text) Then
            dx += 2
        End If
    End If

    Select Case dx
        Case 1
            'only before date is not empty and a valid date
        Case 2
            'only after date is not empty and a valid date
        Case 3
            'both are valid and not empty
    End Select


答案 1 :(得分:1)


'get the dates
Dim before As String = A_BeforeDateTxt.Value
Dim after As String = A_AfterDateTxt.Value
'check if both date fields are filled out
If after.Length > 0 And before.Length > 0 Then
    'check if they are valid (ie, one date is not bigger then the other)
    If CDate(after) > CDate(before) Then
        MsgBox "You have selected invalid dates. Try again."
        GetSQLForActiveRecords = False
        Exit Function
        'this takes both fields and appends them to the sql statement
        strSql = strSql & " AND ([Submitted] >= #" & after & "#  and [Submitted] <= #" & before & "#)"
    End If
    'one or both of them are blank, select the one thats entered
    If (after.Length = 0 And before.Length > 0 Then
        strSql = strSql & " AND ([Submitted] <= #" & before & "#)"
    ElseIf before.Length = 0 And after.Length > 0 Then
        strSql = strSql & " AND ([Submitted] >= #" & after & "#)"
    End If
End If




Exit Function  'exit the function'


答案 2 :(得分:1)


If A_AfterDateTxt.Value <> "" And A_BeforeDateTxt.Value <> "" Then .....


Dim dateValuesPresent as Boolean = A_AfterDateTxt.Value <> "" And A_BeforeDateTxt.Value <> ""

If dateValuesPresent Then ....

If CDate(A_AfterDateTxt.Value) > CDate(A_BeforeDateTxt.Value) Then ....


Dim areValidDates as Boolean = CDate(A_AfterDateTxt.Value) > CDate(A_BeforeDateTxt.Value)

If areValidDates Then ....

答案 3 :(得分:0)


Private Function IsNullOrZLS(toCheck As Variant) As Boolean
IsNullOrZLS = True
If TypeName(toCheck) = "String" Then
    If Len(toCheck) > 0 Then IsNullOrZLS = False
End If
End Function


Public Function GetSQLForActiveRecords() As Boolean
Dim whereClause As String, badDate As Boolean
Dim before As Date, after As Date

If Not IsNullOrZLS(A_BeforeDateTxt) Then
    If Not IsDate(A_BeforeDateTxt) Then
        MsgBox "Unable to parse date!"
        GetSQLForActiveRecords = False
        Exit Function
    End If
    before = CDate(A_BeforeDateTxt)
    whereClause = "[Submitted] <= #" & A_BeforeDateTxt.value & "#"
End If

If Not IsNullOrZLS(A_AfterDateTxt) Then
    If Not IsDate(A_AfterDateTxt) Then
        MsgBox "Unable to parse date!"
        GetSQLForActiveRecords = False
        Exit Function
    End If
    after = CDate(A_AfterDateTxt)
    If Len(whereClause) > 0 Then whereClause = whereClause & " AND "
    whereClause = "[Submitted] >= #" & A_AfterDateTxt.value & "#"
End If

If after <> 0 And before > after Then
    MsgBox "Invalid dates!"
    GetSQLForActiveRecords = False
    Exit Function
End If

GetSQLForActiveRecords = True

If Len(whereClause) = 0 Then Exit Function

strsql = strsql & " AND (" & whereClause & ")"
End Function


  • 这可以处理无效日期的可能性
  • 它在VBA中,而不是VB.NET
  • 一旦检测到错误,请退出该功能。这有助于避免嵌套的If-Then
  • 尚未初始化的Date变量的值为0,对应于1899年12月30日12:00 AM。如果将该日期输入A_AfterDateTxt文本框,则代码会将其视为空。
  • 必须有一些方法可以避免重复日期解析消息。

答案 4 :(得分:0)


Select Case True
Case Not IsDate(A_BeforeDateTxt.Value) And Not IsDate(A_AfterDateTxt.Value)
    MsgBox "You have selected invalid dates. Try again."
    GetSQLForActiveRecords = False   'this is the function name

Case A_AfterDateTxt.Value = ""
    strSql = strSql & " AND ([Submitted] <= #" & A_BeforeDateTxt.Value & "#)"

Case A_BeforeDateTxt.Value = ""
    strSql = strSql & " AND ([Submitted] <= #" & A_BeforeDateTxt.Value & "#)"

Case CDate(A_AfterDateTxt.Value) > CDate(A_BeforeDateTxt.Value)
    MsgBox "You have selected invalid dates. Try again."
    GetSQLForActiveRecords = False   'this is the function name

Case Else
    strSql = strSql & " AND ([Submitted] >= #" & A_AfterDateTxt.Value & "# and
      [Submitted] <= #" & A_BeforeDateTxt.Value & "#)"

End Select