首先,我正在制作一个炸弹人,我想让它在局域网中工作。游戏有一个主循环,它在其中移动炸弹人,使用TCP通过套接字发送和接收信息。使用服务器然后它绘制它需要绘制的所有内容。问题是游戏的刷新率应该是每50ms(20fps)刷新一次,并且发送和接收游戏需要继续循环的所有数据需要127ms(平均值)。因此,它会移动炸弹人,并等待在重新绘制屏幕之前检索数据的方法。换句话说,由于数据包的传输速度较慢,游戏运行缓慢。数据包不是很大(至少我认为是这样),它们包含5个整数和一个图像.GIF 60x30。
--------------------------这是游戏循环的代码(只有数据发送部分)------ --------------
while (Running)
packet = DataExchange.retrieve(); //DataExchange is the auxiliary class object
//decompress the received package
Sprite =packet.Sprite.getImage();
X = packet.coordenadaX;
Y = packet.coordenadaY;
B = packet.M; //M is a class with 3 integers
packet.SetPacket(b1.x, b1.y, new PaqueteImagen(b1.SpriteActual) , BombaAliada); //Compress the packet that the game will send
DataExchange.SetPacket( packet ); //set the packet of the auxiliary class to the packet that will be sent.
Thread t = new Thread( DataExchange );
t.start(); //start the trasference thread
if (b1.isAlive()) controlPj.MovePj(); //moves the bomberman (b1)
Draw(); //here the game draws in the screen.
while (t.isAlive()); //waits for the auxiliary thread to end.
-----------------------------这是辅助类------------- -----------
public class DataExchange implements Runnable {
ObjectOutputStream output =null;
ObjectInputStream input = null;
PaqueteBomberman packet;
Socket socket;
public DataExchange( Socket socket, PacketClass P){ //constructor
this.socket = socket;
packet = P;
public PacketClass retrieve ( ){ //get packet
return packet;
public void SetPacket( PacketClass P){ //set packet
packet = P;
public void run(){
output = new ObjectOutputStream(socket.getOutputStream());
input = new ObjectInputStream(socket.getInputStream());
output.writeObject(packet); //sends the packet to the server
packet = (PacketClass) input.readObject();//receives the packet from the server
catch(Exception e){}
------------------------------这是服务器的代码---------- ---------
public class Server {
private ServerSocket serverSocket = null;
private Socket socket = null;
private Socket socket2 = null;
public boolean conected = false;
private ObjectInputStream Packetinput = null;
private ObjectOutputStream Packetoutput = null;
private ObjectInputStream Packetinput2 = null;
private ObjectOutputStream Packetoutput2 = null;
private PacketClass packet1 = null;
private PacketClass packet2 = null;
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
Server Servidor = new Server();
public void run() throws Exception{
serverSocket = new ServerSocket(208);
socket = serverSocket.accept(); //socket for player 1
socket2 = serverSocket.accept(); //socket for player 2
while ( conected ){
//=====create ImputStream and OutputStream================================
Packetinput = new ObjectInputStream(socket.getInputStream());
Packetoutput = new ObjectOutputStream(socket.getOutputStream());
Packetinput2 = new ObjectInputStream(socket2.getInputStream());
Packetoutput2 = new ObjectOutputStream(socket2.getOutputStream());
//==========receives the package from one player and sends it to the other=================
packet1 = (PacketClass) Packetinput.readObject();
packet2 = (PacketClass) Packetinput2.readObject();