
时间:2015-07-01 15:18:44

标签: spring-data-neo4j

在使用Spring Data Neo4j 3.2的项目中,我有一个看起来像的模型:

public abstract class A {
    public Long id;
    @Indexed(unique = true)
    public Long technicalId;

public class B extends A {}

public class C extends A {}

我错过了paragraph in the documentation谈论默认合并功能,我们遇到了以下情况而没有出现异常:

B b = new B();
b.technicalId = 42;
// I now have Node[1] in Neo4j with the following labels: B, _B, A

C c = new C();
c.technicalId = 42;
// No exception and Node[1] now has the following labels: B, _B, A, C, _C


  • 使用instance-based indices

    public abstract class A {
        public Long id;
        @Indexed(unique = true, level = Level.INSTANCE)
        public Long technicalId;
  • 或使用failOnDuplicate(虽然在文档中没有提及,即使是3.3,但我发现它herehere)避免了创建3个索引而不是1 ,因此写入时的I / O更少,使用的磁盘空间更少:

    public abstract class A {
        public Long id;
        @Indexed(unique = true, failOnDuplicate = true)
        public Long technicalId;


MERGE (n:`A` {`technicalId`: {value}})
  ON CREATE SET n={props} SET n:SupplierCompany
  return n
// params {value=42, props={technicalId=42}}
match (n)
  where id(n)={nodeId}
  set n:`A`:`C`:`_C`
// params {nodeId=1}

我是否应该在SDN JIRAgithub上针对测试用例提出问题?

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