
时间:2015-06-30 09:24:52

标签: c# .net com


我实现了IClassFactory接口来创建插件实例。 CreateInstance-Method以这种方式实现:

(table1 JOIN table2) UNION (table1 JOIN table3)

public int CreateInstance(IntPtr pUnkOuter, ref Guid riid, out IntPtr ppvObject) { MessageBox.Show("TestClassFactory CreateInstance"); ppvObject = IntPtr.Zero; if (pUnkOuter != IntPtr.Zero) { // The pUnkOuter parameter was non-NULL and the object does // not support aggregation. Marshal.ThrowExceptionForHR(ComNative.CLASS_E_NOAGGREGATION); } if (riid == new Guid(ManagerGuids.ClassId) || riid == new Guid(ComNative.IID_IDispatch) || riid == new Guid(ComNative.IID_IUnknown)) { MessageBox.Show("Pre GetComInterfaceForObject"); // Create the instance of the .NET object // The container has to be passed as property and not by constructor injection. // This is because COM (de-)registration needs a constructor without parameters. ppvObject = Marshal.GetComInterfaceForObject(new NetPlugin(), typeof(INetPlugin)); MessageBox.Show("Post GetComInterfaceForObject"); } else { // The object that ppvObject points to does not support the // interface identified by riid. Marshal.ThrowExceptionForHR(ComNative.E_NOINTERFACE); } return WinError.S_OK; } 的调用返回无效参数错误(E_INVALIDARG)。



Marshal.GetComInterfaceForObject(new NetPlugin(), typeof(INetPlugin));


public class NetPlugin : INetPlugin
    public NetPlugin()


        public String LastParameters
            get { return ""; }
            set { }

        public String Vendor
            get { return "Company"; }
            set { }

        public String Description
            get { return "Test plugin written in .NET"; }
            set { }

        public String Version
            get { return "1.0"; }
            set { }

        public String Category
            get { return "Void"; }
            set { }

        public String MenuEntry
            get { return "NetPlugin"; }
            set { }

        public String MessageString
            get { return "NetPlugin"; }
            set { }

        public String TooltipText
            get { return "Tooltip NetPlugin"; }
            set { }

        public String FriendlyName
            get { return "NetPlugin FFFFF Friendly"; }
            set { }

        public String BitmapResourceSmall
            get { return "BitmapResourceSmall.bmp"; }
            set { }

        public String BitmapResourceLarge
            get { return "BitmapResourceLarge.bmp"; }
            set { }

        public String Key
            get { return ""; } // must be empty 
            set { }

        public String Reserved
            get { return "Void"; }
            set { }

        public Int32 Run()
            //-- Return scode
            return 0;


[Guid(ManagerGuids.InterfaceId), ComVisible(true)]
interface INetPlugin
    String LastParameters { get; set; }

    String Vendor { get; set; }

    String Description {get; set; }

    String Version { get; set; }

    String Category { get; set; }

    String MenuEntry { get; set; }

    String MessageString { get; set; }

    String TooltipText { get; set; }

    String FriendlyName { get; set; }

    String BitmapResourceSmall { get; set; }

    String BitmapResourceLarge { get; set; }

    String Key { get; set; }

    String Reserved { get; set; }

    Int32 Run();


RegistrationServices rs = new RegistrationServices();
bool b = rs.RegisterAssembly(System.Reflection.Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly(), AssemblyRegistrationFlags.SetCodeBase);

if (!b)
    return 998;

String exePath = new Uri(System.Reflection.Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().CodeBase).LocalPath;
                Registry.SetValue(@"HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\CLSID\{" + ManagerGuids.ClassId + @"}\LocalServer32", "", exePath);


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