
时间:2015-06-30 04:39:25

标签: ocaml

我有一个Ring的模块签名。 IntRing(Z)很容易定义,但我想创建IntRingModP(Z_p)。如何在创建模块时将P传递​​给仿函数来设置它?

File "polynomials.ml", line 25, characters 24-27:
Error: Unbound module type Int

这导致var self = this; var mongoose = new Mongoose(); mongoose.save(function (err, coll) { //save to database self.methodOne(); //If you call `this` from here, This will refer to `mongoose` class }

2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:5)


module type IntT = sig
    val x : int

module IntRingModP (P : IntT) : Ring = struct
    let p = P.x
    type t = int
    let zero = 0 mod p
    let one = 1 mod p
    let add a b = (a+b) mod p
    let mult a b = (a*b) mod p
    let compare a b = compare (a mod p) (b mod p)
    let equal a b = ((a mod p) = (b mod p))
    let to_string a = Int.to_string (a mod p)
    let print a = print_string (to_string a)


答案 1 :(得分:3)


module type Modulus = sig
   val modulus : int

module IntRingModP (P : Modulus) : Ring = struct
  let p = P.modulus
  type t = int
  let zero = 0 mod p
  let one = 1 mod p
  let add a b = (a+b) mod p
  let mult a b = (a*b) mod p
  let compare a b = compare (a mod p) (b mod p)
  let equal a b = ((a mod p) = (b mod p))
  let to_string a = Int.to_string (a mod p)
  let print a = print_string (to_string a)


module Int2 = IntRingModP(struct let modulus = 2 end)