
时间:2015-06-28 08:00:11

标签: python python-2.7 recursion multidimensional-array pathing




| 0 | 2 | 5 |
| 1 | 1 | 3 |
| 2 | 1 | 1 |


| X | X | X |
| 1 | 1 | X |
| 2 | 1 | X |


def answer (food, grid):

    # Grid is N*N in size
    n = len(grid)

    # Memoize a given function
    def memoize (f):
        memo = {}
        def helper (r, c, k):
            i = c + (r * n)
            if i not in memo:
                memo[i] = f(r, c, k)
            return memo[i]
        return helper

    # Get cost function
    def get_cost (r, c, k):

        if r >= n or c >= n:
            return -1
        if k < grid[r][c]:
            return -1
        if r == n - 1 and c == n - 1:
            return grid[r][c]

        down = get_cost(r + 1, c, k - grid[r][c])
        right = get_cost(r, c + 1, k - grid[r][c])

        if down < 0 and right < 0:
            return -1

        return grid[r][c] + max(down, right)

    # Memoize the get cost function
    get_cost = memoize(get_cost)

    return get_cost(0, 0, food)

print answer (12, [[0, 2, 5], [1, 1, 3], [2, 1, 1]])



我更改了memoize代码,以在索引中包含给定的食物值。我得到了正确的答案。但是,还有其他情况不起作用。 (在这些情况下我没有提供输入,所以我看不出它出错了。)


# Memoize a given function
    def memoize (f):
        memo = {}
        def helper (r, c, k):
            i = (k * food) + (c + (r * n))
            if i not in memo:
                memo[i] = f(r, c, k)
            return memo[i]
        return helper

2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)


def memoize (f):
    memo = {}
    def helper(*args):
        if args not in memo:
            memo[args] = f(*args)
        return memo[args]
    return helper
grid = [[0,2,5],[1,1,3],[2,1,1]]
answer(12, grid)
# 11


def fn(*args):

(1, 2, 3)

i = c + (r * n)组成的原始记忆缓存密钥排除在考虑k之外,并且还允许针对不同的c和r组合进行可能的冲突。

答案 1 :(得分:0)


def find_path(food, grid):

    n = len(grid)

    def worker(cost, path):
        row, col = path[-1]
        if row == n - 1 and col == n - 1:
            # we reached the bottom right corner, exit now
            return cost, path

        possible_paths = []
        if row < n - 1:
            # we can go down
            cost_down = cost + grid[row+1][col]
            path_down = list(path)
            path_down.append((row+1, col))
            possible_paths.append(worker(cost_down, path_down))
        if col < n - 1:
            # we can go to the right
            cost_right = cost + grid[row][col+1]
            path_right = list(path)
            path_right.append((row, col+1))
            possible_paths.append(worker(cost_right, path_right))

        # a path is valid, if its cost is
        # less or equal to the food available
        valid_paths = [item for item in possible_paths
                       if item is not None
                       and item[0] <= food]

        if valid_paths:
            return max(valid_paths, key=lambda x: x[0])

        return None

    return worker(grid[0][0], [(0, 0)])



print(find_path(12, [[0, 2, 5],
                     [1, 1, 3],
                     [2, 1, 1]]))
# (11, [(0, 0), (0, 1), (0, 2), (1, 2), (2, 2)])

print(find_path(12, [[0, 2, 5],
                     [1, 1, 3],
                     [2, 1, 10]]))
# None

print(find_path(42, [[3, 8, 6, 5],
                     [1, 5, 3, 9],
                     [1, 5, 8, 1],
                     [2, 1, 9, 4]]))
# (42, [(0, 0), (0, 1), (1, 1), (2, 1), (2, 2), (3, 2), (3, 3)])