我们需要在网页中实现搜索功能。所以我们创建了一个存储过程来检索记录。 逻辑是,当我选择输入参数时,Sp返回参数的过滤记录,否则它将检索所有可用记录。
EXEC [WB_GetClassesByLocation_new2] null,null,null,'null',null,NULL,'N','N','N','N','N','N','N',NULL,null,null,null,null,null
(N是Days字段的默认值) SP将返回所有可用记录。 如果我给,
EXEC [WB_GetClassesByLocation_new2] 1000,null,null,'null',null,NULL,'N','N','N','N','N','N','N',NULL,null,null,null,null,null
。 SP将返回1000区的记录。我已实现以下逻辑
Select distinct c.classID, co.fCourseName as CourseName, StreetAddress + ', ' + l.City as LocationAddress, s.SessionName, sh.fShift as shift, StartTime, EndTime, c.classname, s.SessionID,
From dbo.vw_Class c
Inner Join dbo.lk_Session s
On (s.SessionID = c.sessionID)
Inner Join dbo.lk_Course co
On (co.CourseID = c.CourseID )
Inner Join dbo.vw_Location l
On (l.locationid = c.locationid)
Inner Join lk_District d
On (d.districtID = c.districtId)
Inner Join lk_Province p
On (p.provik = d.provik)
Inner Join lk_Shift sh
On (c.shiftid = sh.shiftid)
c.DistrictID = case when @Districtid is null then c.DistrictID else @Districtid end
and c.LocationID = case when @locationid is null then c.LocationID else @locationid end
and s.SessionID = case when @sessionid is null then s.SessionID else @sessionid end
and c.CourseID = case when @levelid is null then c.CourseID else @levelid end
and c.ShiftID = case when @shiftid is null then c.ShiftID else @shiftid end
and c.StartDate >= case when @startdate is null then c.StartDate else @startdate end
and c.EndDate <= case when @enddate is null then c.EndDate else @enddate end
and convert(time,c.StartTime) >= case when @starttime is null then convert(time,c.StartTime) else convert(time,@starttime) end
and convert(time,c.endtime) <= case when @endtime is null then convert(time,c.endtime) else convert(time,@endtime) end
and c.Monday = case when @day1 = 'N' then c.monday else @day1 end
and c.Tuesday = case when @day2 = 'N' then c.Tuesday else @day2 end
and c.Wednesday = case when @day3 = 'N' then c.Wednesday else @day3 end
and c.Thursday = case when @day4 = 'N' then c.Thursday else @day4 end
and c.Friday = case when @day5 = 'N' then c.Friday else @day5 end
and c.Saturday = case when @day6 = 'N'then c.Saturday else @day6 end
and c.Sunday = case when @day7 = 'N' then c.Sunday else @day7 end
and c.RowStatus = 'A'
ORDER BY co.fCourseName, s.SessionID ,c.ClassName
但Sp需要花费太多时间来执行。这是在sql server中实现“All IF null”逻辑的正确方法吗?还有其他方法吗?
答案 0 :(得分:2)
( @Districtid is null OR c.DistrictID = @Districtid )
( @Locationid is null OR c.LocationID = @Locationid )
答案 1 :(得分:2)
使用OR(如上所述),这可能导致查询优化器扫描表。 有关详细信息,请参阅此帖子:How to Optimize the Use of the "OR" Clause When Used with Parameters (SQL Server 2008)
使用动态SQL - 这可能导致查询优化器计算每个参数中每次更改的执行计划 一个很好的选择是使用Bind Variables的动态sql, 这样,优化器将缓存查询和执行计划。
declare @sql varchar(500)
DECLARE @ParmDefinition nvarchar(500);
SET @sql='select * from a where 1=1 '
if @Locationid is null
set @sql=@sql +' and @LocationId is null'
set @sql=@sql +' and LocationID= @LocationId'
EXECUTE sp_executesql @sql, N'@LocationId int',
@LocationID ;