
时间:2015-06-18 09:00:32

标签: android android-gradle proguard android-proguard


鉴于我的Gradle DSL:

    buildTypes {
    debug {
        versionNameSuffix = ".D"
    release {
    all {
        minifyEnabled = true
        proguardFile "proguard-configur.txt"


# Allow obfuscation of android.support.v7.internal.view.menu.**
# to avoid problem on Samsung(and other) 4.2.2 devices with appcompat v21
# see https://code.google.com/p/android/issues/detail?id=78377
-optimizations !class/merging/*,!code/allocation/variable
-keepattributes **
-keep class !android.support.v7.internal.view.menu.**,** {*;}
-keep class !android.support.** {*;}
-dontwarn **

我期望的行为是保留所有类但支持库,因此,支持库将被混淆和优化。 然而,它没有经过优化,也似乎没有被混淆:

<root>: 64710
    <default>: 1
    android: 15856
        accessibilityservice: 6
        accounts: 23
        animation: 38
        app: 437
        appwidget: 7
        bluetooth: 2
        content: 397
            pm: 85
            res: 95
        database: 91
            sqlite: 23
        graphics: 275
            drawable: 85
                shapes: 2
            pdf: 3
        hardware: 4
            display: 3
        location: 35
        media: 200
            session: 72
        net: 62
            http: 6
            wifi: 6
        os: 236
        preference: 22
        print: 22
            pdf: 5
        provider: 15
        speech: 6
            tts: 6
        support: 12406
            annotation: 3
            v4: 7030
                accessibilityservice: 41
                app: 1438
                content: 232
                    pm: 1
                    res: 8
                database: 3
                graphics: 122
                    drawable: 96
                hardware: 19
                    display: 19
                internal: 74
                    view: 74
                media: 1108
                    routing: 96
                    session: 766
                net: 64
                os: 21
                print: 82
                provider: 96
                speech: 14
                    tts: 14
                text: 88
                util: 265
                view: 2290
                    accessibility: 847
                widget: 1072
            v7: 5373
                app: 458
                appcompat: 15
                cardview: 8
                gridlayout: 7
                internal: 2172
                    app: 267
                    text: 3
                    transition: 2
                    view: 608
                        menu: 512
                    widget: 1290
                recyclerview: 1
                view: 25
                widget: 2687
        telephony: 4
        text: 53
            method: 3
            style: 4
        transition: 16
        util: 66
        view: 807
            accessibility: 164
            animation: 35
            inputmethod: 3
        webkit: 73
        widget: 553


2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:3)

我不知道,但你可以检查为什么proguard保持课程: http://proguard.sourceforge.net/manual/usage.html

搜索 -whyareyoukeeping

答案 1 :(得分:0)

我认为它应该是minifyEnabled true而不是minifyEnabled = true至少在我的build.gradle文件中是这样的,并且混淆有效。