
时间:2015-06-14 21:13:07

标签: java

所以我正在编写一个程序来添加和减去多项式。多项式以字符串形式出现(例如:4x ^ 7-2x ^ 5 + 3x ^ 2 + 78)并将其拆分为术语(示例4x ^ 7),然后将系数值分配给PolynomialArray [exponent]。


public interface PolynomialInterface {
PolynomialInterface add(PolynomialInterface other);

// Effect: Adds value to owner of addPolynomial method.
// Postcondition: Return value = this + value.
PolynomialInterface subtract(PolynomialInterface other);

// Effect: Subtracts value from owner of addPolynomial method.
// Postcondition: Return value = this - value.
void readPolynomial();

// Postcondition: polynomial read.
String toString();
// Postcondition: polynomial converted to string.


import java.lang.*;

public class ArrayWithExponentAsIndexPolynomial implements     PolynomialInterface {
Integer PolynomialArray[] = new Integer[1000];
CharSequence minus = "-";
CharSequence plusMinus = "+-";
boolean FirstElementPos = true;

public ArrayWithExponentAsIndexPolynomial(String input) {
    if (input.charAt(0) == '-') {
        input = input.substring(1);
        FirstElementPos = false;
    String inputPolynomial = input.replaceAll("-", "+-");
    // input.replace(minus, plusMinus);
    String[] splitTerms = inputPolynomial.split("\\+");
    // int PolynomialArray[] = new int[100];

    for (int i = 0; i <= splitTerms.length - 1; i++) {
    String tempTemp = splitTerms[1];

    int coef;
    int exponent;
    String tempExp = null;
    for (int i = 0; i < splitTerms.length; i++) {

        String tempTerm = splitTerms[i];
        System.out.println("Term we are working with " + tempTerm);
        boolean tempPos = true;
        if (tempTerm.contains("-")) {
            tempTerm = tempTerm.substring(1);
            System.out.println("After removing negative from term: "
                    + tempTerm);
            tempPos = false;
        int IndexOfexponent = tempTerm.indexOf('^');

        if (IndexOfexponent == -1) {
            exponent = 1;
            // FirstElementPos = true;
        } else {
            tempExp = tempTerm.substring(IndexOfexponent + 1);
            exponent = Integer.parseInt(tempExp);

        System.out.println("The exp is " + exponent);
        // String tempTerm = splitTerms[i];
        System.out.println("The term rn is: " + tempTerm);
        String tempTermNoCarrot = tempTerm.replaceAll("\\^" + tempExp, "");
        String tempCoef = tempTermNoCarrot.replaceAll("x", "");
        // String tempCoef = tempTermNoX.replaceAll(tempExp, "");
        System.out.println("THe Coeff rn is: " + tempCoef);
        coef = Integer.parseInt(tempCoef);

        if (tempPos == false || FirstElementPos == false) {
            coef = (coef * -1);

        System.out.println("After everything, Coef is:" + coef
                + " and exp is: " + exponent);
        PolynomialArray[exponent] = coef;



public PolynomialInterface add(PolynomialInterface other) {
    String finalOutput=null;
    //Integer top = this.PolynomialArray[i];
    Integer Sum[] = new Integer[100];
    for (int i = 99; i >= 1; i--){
        Integer top = this.PolynomialArray[i];
        Integer bottom = other.PolynomialArray[i];
        Sum[i] = top + bottom;

    String tempOutput = null;
    for (int i = 99; i >= 1; i--) {

        if (Sum[i] != null && Sum[i] != 0) {
            tempOutput += "+";
            int outputCoef = Sum[i];
            tempOutput += outputCoef;
            tempOutput += "x^";
            tempOutput += i;
    String RemoveNull = tempOutput;
    tempOutput = RemoveNull.replaceAll("null", "");
    if (tempOutput.charAt(0) == '+') {
        tempOutput = tempOutput.substring(1);
    tempOutput = tempOutput.replaceAll("\\+-","-");
    finalOutput = tempOutput;

    return new ArrayWithExponentAsIndexPolynomial(finalOutput);


public PolynomialInterface subtract(PolynomialInterface other) {
    return other;

public void readPolynomial() {


public String toString() {
    String output = null;
    for (int i = 99; i >= 1; i--) {

        if (PolynomialArray[i] != null && PolynomialArray[i] != 0) {
            output += "+";
            int outputCoef = PolynomialArray[i];
            output += outputCoef;
            output += "x^";
            output += i;
    String outputTemp = output;
    output = outputTemp.replaceAll("null", "");
    if (output.charAt(0) == '+') {
        output = output.substring(1);
    output = output.replaceAll("\\+-","-");
    return output;


我的问题在于添加mehthod,我如何在“其他”对象中引用PolynomialArray。当我做other.PolynomialArray [i]它说PolynomialArray无法解析或者不是接口中的字段感,没有这样的东西。我有办法在不改变界面的情况下引用我的目标,因为在我未来的项目中我将需要使用这个



2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)

CreateDirectory "$InstDir"

这是您实施的课程Integer PolynomialArray[] = new Integer[1000];添加的内容。它没有在您的接口合同中指定。您正尝试从您的界面参考中获取ArrayWithExponentAsIndexPolynomial。那不行。您需要像PolynomialArray[]


答案 1 :(得分:0)


