如何方便地处理C ++类模板中的长参数列表?

时间:2015-06-14 11:07:49

标签: c++ templates


问题类似于this one,但没有提供示例代码,我仍然无法编译我的大部分尝试。当我将参数移动到其他地方时,通常什么都得不到,因为我只需要在另一个地方(构造函数,结构等)定义我的长参数列表。


#include <iostream>

template <class MyInt_t, int _N, int _M, MyInt_t _A, MyInt_t _B> class MyClass{
// generally this list is even longer and composed of fundamental classes
// and MyInt_t template type-parameter
   static const int N = _N, M = _M; // any way not to keep different names
                                    // for params and fields? N = MyPars.N?
   // static const MyInt_t MA[2] = {_A, _B}; // ...but ofc it will not work
   // also cannot (or do not know how to) pass arrays to templates
   static const MyInt_t MA[2];      // another repetition of template parameters below
   MyInt_t getSth();
   // rest of implementation with non-static fields and methods

// static const array definition
template <class MyInt_t, int _N, int _M, MyInt_t _A, MyInt_t _B>
         const MyInt_t MyClass<MyInt_t, _N, _M, _A, _B>::MA[2] = {_A,_B};

// and now to defining the method...
template <class MyInt_t, int _N, int _M, MyInt_t _A, MyInt_t _B>
  MyInt_t MyClass<MyInt_t, _N, _M, _A, _B>::getSth(){
    std::cout << "Yey! " << N << ", " << M << " || " << MA[1] << std::endl;
    return MA[0];

typedef MyClass<long long unsigned, 5,6, ~123ull, -5ull> MySpecClass1;
typedef MyClass<long unsigned, 13,19, 123ull, 456ull>    MySpecClass2;

// main()
int main()
  MySpecClass1 Obj1;
  long long unsigned test = Obj1.getSth();
  std::cout << "Bye! " << test << " || " << MySpecClass2::N << std::endl;
  return 0;


Yey! 5, 6 || 18446744073709551611
Bye! 18446744073709551492 || 13




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