
时间:2015-06-12 21:14:42

标签: c# unit-testing autofixture nsubstitute



  1. 我希望用随机值调用构造函数(除了一个 - 请阅读第2点)。
  2. 在施工期间或之后,我想更改某个属性的值 - Data
  3. 接下来致电Execute并确认结果
  4. 我正在尝试的测试是:“should_run_GetCommand_with_provided_property_value”



    using FluentAssertions;
    using NSubstitute;
    using Ploeh.AutoFixture;
    using Ploeh.AutoFixture.AutoNSubstitute;
    using Xunit;
    namespace RemotePlus.Test
        public class SimpleTest
            public void should_set_property_to_sepecified_value()
                var sut = Substitute.For<ISimple>();
            public void should_run_GetCommand_with_provided_property_value()
                /* TODO:  
                 * How do I create a constructor with AutoFixture and/or NSubstitute such that:
                 *   1.  With completely random values.
                 *   2.  With one or more values specified.
                 *   3.  Constructor that has FileInfo as one of the objects.
                 * After creating the constructor:
                 *   1.  Specify the value for what a property value should be - ex: sut.Data.Returns("1,2");
                 *   2.  Call "Execute" and verify the result for "Command"
                // Arrange
                var fixture = new Fixture().Customize(new AutoNSubstituteCustomization());
    //            var sut = fixture.Build<Simple>().Create();  // Not sure if I need Build or Freeze            
                var sut = fixture.Freeze<ISimple>();  // Note: I am using a Interface here, but would like to test the Concrete class
                // Act
                // Assert (combining multiple asserts just till I understand how to use NSubstitue and AutoFixture properly
    //            sut.Received().Execute();
                // Fails with : FluentAssertions.Execution.AssertionFailedExceptionExpected string to be "1,2,abc" with a length of 7, but "" has a length of 0.
        public class Simple : ISimple
            // TODO: Would like to make this private and use the static call to get an instance
            public Simple(string inputFile, string data)
                InputFile = inputFile;
                Data = data;
                // TODO: Would like to call execute here, but not sure how it will work with testing.
            // TODO: Would like to make this private
            public void Execute()
                // Other private methods
            private void GetCommand()
                Command = Data + ",abc";            
            public string InputFile { get; private set; }
            public string Data { get; private set; }
            public string Command { get; private set; }
            // Using this, so that if I need I can easliy switch to a different concrete class
            public ISimple GetNewInstance(string inputFile, string data)
                return new Simple(inputFile, data);
        public interface ISimple
            string InputFile { get; }   // TODO: Would like to use FileInfo instead, but haven't figured out how to test.  Get an error of FileNot found through AutoFixture
            string Data { get; }
            string Command { get; }
            void Execute();

3 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:6)



查看您尝试创建的类,构造函数需要两个string个参数。这些都不是抽象类型或接口,因此AutoFixture将为您生成一些值并将其传入。这是AutoFixture的默认行为,并基于@Mark Seemann在评论中链接的answer这是设计的。他在那里提出了各种各样的工作,你可以实施,如果这对你来说真的很重要,我在此不再重复。



public interface IFileWrapper {
    FileInfo File { get; set; }


public interface ISimple {
    IFileWrapper InputFile { get; }   
    string Data { get; }
    string Command { get; }


public class Simple : ISimple {

    public Simple(IFileWrapper inputFile, string data) {
        InputFile = inputFile;
        Data = data;

    public void Execute() {
        // Other private methods

    private void GetCommand() {
        Command = Data + ",abc";

    public IFileWrapper InputFile { get; private set; }
    public string Data { get; private set; }

    public string Command { get; private set; }


public void should_run_GetCommand_with_provided_property_value() {
    // Arrange
    var fixture = new Fixture().Customize(new AutoNSubstituteCustomization());

    // create and inject an instances of the IFileWrapper class so that we 
    // can setup expectations
    var fileWrapperMock = fixture.Freeze<IFileWrapper>();

    // Setup expectations on the Substitute.  Note, this isn't needed for
    // this test, since the sut doesn't actually use inputFile, but I've
    // included it to show how it works...
    fileWrapperMock.File.Returns(new FileInfo(@"c:\pagefile.sys"));

    // Create the sut.  fileWrapperMock will be injected as the inputFile
    // since it is an interface, a random string will go into data
    var sut = fixture.Create<Simple>();

    // Act

    // Assert - Check that sut.Command has been updated as expected
    Assert.AreEqual(sut.Data + ",abc", sut.Command);

    // You could also test the substitute is don't what you're expecting
    Assert.AreEqual("pagefile.sys", sut.InputFile.File.Name);


答案 1 :(得分:1)



  1. 添加了默认构造函数。
  2. 标记了我想为&#34;虚拟&#34;提供默认值的方法和属性。
  3. 理想情况下,我不想做这些事情,但这足以让我开始并让我继续前进。



    using FluentAssertions;
    using NSubstitute;
    using Ploeh.AutoFixture;
    using Ploeh.AutoFixture.AutoNSubstitute;
    using Xunit;
    using Xunit.Abstractions;
    namespace Try.xUnit.Tests
        public class TestingMethodCalls
            private readonly ITestOutputHelper _output;
            public TestingMethodCalls(ITestOutputHelper output)
                _output = output;
            public void should_set_property_to_sepecified_value()
                var sut = Substitute.For<ISimple>();
            [Fact (Skip="Don't quite understand how to use AutoFixture and NSubstitue together")]
            public void should_run_GetCommand_with_provided_property_value_old()
                /* TODO:  
                 * How do I create a constructor with AutoFixture and/or NSubstitute such that:
                 *   1.  With completely random values.
                 *   2.  With one or more values specified.
                 *   3.  Constructor that has FileInfo as one of the objects.
                 * After creating the constructor:
                 *   1.  Specify the value for what a property value should be - ex: sut.Data.Returns("1,2");
                 *   2.  Call "Execute" and verify the result for "Command"
                // Arrange
                var fixture = new Fixture().Customize(new AutoNSubstituteCustomization());
    //            var sut = fixture.Build<Simple>().Create();  // Not sure if I need Build or Freeze            
                var sut = fixture.Freeze<ISimple>();  // Note: I am using a Interface here, but would like to test the Concrete class
                // Act
                // Assert (combining multiple asserts just till I understand how to use NSubstitue and AutoFixture properly
    //            sut.Received().Execute();
                // Fails with : FluentAssertions.Execution.AssertionFailedExceptionExpected string to be "1,2,abc" with a length of 7, but "" has a length of 0.
            /* Explanation:
             * Create a construtor without any arguments.
             *      Had to create a parameterless constructor just for testing purposes (would like to improve on this)
             * Specify a default value for the desired method or property.
             *      It is necessary that the property or method has to be virtual.
             *      To specify that the based mehod should be call use the "DoNotCallBase" before the "Returns" call
            public void should_run_GetCommand_with_provided_Method_value()
                // Arrange
                var sut = Substitute.ForPartsOf<Simple>();
                sut.When(x => x.GetData()).DoNotCallBase();
                // Act
                // Assert
            public void should_run_GetCommand_with_provided_Property_value()
                // Arrange
                var sut = Substitute.ForPartsOf<Simple>();
                sut.When(x => { var data = x.Data; }).DoNotCallBase();
                // Act
                // Assert
        public class Simple : ISimple
            public Simple(){}
            // TODO: Would like to make this private and use the static call to get an instance
            public Simple(string inputFile, string data)
                InputFile = inputFile;
                InputData = data;
                // TODO: Would like to call execute here, but not sure how it will work with testing.
            public virtual string GetData()
                // Assume some manipulations are done
                return InputData;
            // TODO: Would like to make this private
            public void Execute()
                Data = GetData();
                // Other private methods
            private void GetCommand()
                Command = Data + ",abc";            
            string InputData { get; set; }
            public string InputFile { get; private set; }
            public virtual string Data { get; private set; }
            public string Command { get; private set; }
            // Using this, so that if I need I can easliy switch to a different concrete class
            public ISimple GetNewInstance(string inputFile, string data)
                return new Simple(inputFile, data);
        public interface ISimple
            string InputFile { get; }   // TODO: Would like to use FileInfo instead, but haven't figured out how to test.  Get an error of FileNot found through AutoFixture
            string Data { get; }
            string Command { get; }
            void Execute();

答案 2 :(得分:1)

我将此作为单独的答案发布,因为它更像是对方法的批评,而不是对原始问题的直接回答。在我的other answer中,我试图直接回答你的AutoFixture / NSubstitute问题,假设你正在尝试向框架学习这些问题。


public void should_set_property_to_sepecified_value()
    var sut = Substitute.For<ISimple>();




因为您正在处理基本类型而不是嵌套对象,所以现在很容易创建+测试您的对象而不使用像AutoFixture / NSubstitute这样的东西。你的代码看起来像这样,似乎更接近你所希望的:

public interface ISimple {
    string InputFile { get; }   
    string Data { get; }
    string Command { get; }

public class Simple : ISimple {
    private Simple(string inputFile, string data) {
        InputFile = inputFile;
        Data = data;

    private void Execute() {

    private void GetCommand() {
        Command = Data + ",abc";

    public string InputFile { get; private set; }
    public string Data { get; private set; }

    public string Command { get; private set; }

    // Note.. GetNewInstance is static and it calls the Execute method
    static public ISimple GetNewInstance(string inputFile, string data) {
        var simple =  new Simple(inputFile, data);
        return simple;



public void should_run_GetCommand_with_provided_property_value() {
    // Arrange
    var inputFile = "someInputFile";
    var data = "1,2";
    var expectedCommand = "1,2,abc";

    // Act
    // Note, I'm calling the static method to create your instance
    var sut = Simple.GetNewInstance(inputFile, data);

    // Assert
    Assert.AreEqual(inputFile, sut.InputFile);
    Assert.AreEqual(data, sut.Data);
    Assert.AreEqual(expectedCommand, sut.Command);

我已将Execute留在对象构造函数之外,因为它感觉有点像它会做得太多。除了在构造函数中进行基本设置之外,我并不是一个很大的粉丝,特别是如果你有可能最终calling virtual methods。我也将GetNewInstance设为静态,以便可以直接调用它(否则你必须创建一个Simple来调用GetNewInstance,这似乎是错误的)...


public interface IMyObjectFactory {
    ISimple CreateSimple(string inputFile, string data);

public class MyObjectFactory {
    ISimple CreateSimple(string inputFile, string data) {
        var simple =  new Simple(inputFile, data);
        return simple;
