Android Google Maps API v2一些Markers没有显示

时间:2015-06-12 04:09:17

标签: android google-maps-android-api-2

我试图在地图上绘制标记,这些标记将被移除并在调用updateMap()时重绘,但是没有绘制一些标记。 Android Google Maps API v2是否会阻止绘图标记彼此太靠近?当它们随机生成并且日志显示正在解析正确的Lat / Lon坐标时绘制点没有问题,但如果它的坐标太靠近myMarker(阈值),它将不会绘制标记。其中我并不确切知道,但就应用而言,它太大了。

public void updateMap() {
    if (myMarker != null)
    for (Marker m : friendMarkers)

    myLocation = new LatLng(((MainPageActivity) getActivity()).getLatitude(),
                            ((MainPageActivity) getActivity()).getLongitude());

    myMarker = map.addMarker(new MarkerOptions().position(  myLocation) // Marker is set at my location
                                                                        // Title of Marker is set to user-determined value
                                                .title( ((MainPageActivity) getActivity()).getUsername() + " : You Are Here").visible(true)

    // DEBUG - To be commented/removed
    Toast.makeText( getActivity().getApplicationContext(),
                    "UPDATING MAP\nshowFriendList size: " + ((MainPageActivity) getActivity()).showFriendList.size(), Toast.LENGTH_SHORT)

    Log.d("Drawing Friends on Map", "Number of Friends: " + ((MainPageActivity)getActivity()).showFriendList.size());
    Log.d("Drawing Friends on Map", "Number of Friends Total: " + ((MainPageActivity)getActivity()).allFriendList.size());

    double friendLat, friendLon;

    // Loop through currently selected Friends list (showFriendList)
    for (Friend friend : ((MainPageActivity) getActivity()).showFriendList) {

        // THe user is also in the showFriendList, but we don't need to draw them
        if (!friend.getID().equals(((MainPageActivity)getActivity()).userId)){

        // Random rng = new Random();
        // friendLat = ((rng.nextInt() % 180000000) - 90000000) / 1000000.0; // Range +/- 90.0
        // friendLon = ((rng.nextInt() % 360000000) - 180000000) / 1000000.0; // Range +/- 180.0

        friendLat = ((MainPageActivity)getActivity()).getFriendLatitudeFromAll(friend);
        friendLon = ((MainPageActivity)getActivity()).getFriendLongitudeFromAll(friend);
        //friendLocation = new LatLng(friendLat, friendLon);

            Bitmap bmp = ig.makeIcon(friend.getName());

            // Make a LatLng item with the appropriate location
            Log.e("Drawing Friends","Drawing Friend : "+friend.getName()+" at Lat: " + friendLat + " Lon: " + friendLon);

            Marker toAdd = map.addMarker(new MarkerOptions()
                .position(new LatLng(friendLat, friendLon))


            Log.d("Drawing Friend on Map", "Friend: " + friend.getName() + " Location: Lat: " + friend.getLatitude() + " Lon: " + friend.getLongitude());

    // Disable map's buttons for external apps

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TL; DR:我是个白痴。如果您得到异常结果,请检查您在外部地图服务上获得的坐标。
