select s.description, avg(c.taktTime)
from CountEntity c, SkillEntity s, FwmsUserEntity u, SkillTypeEntity t
where c.fwmsUser = u.id
*AND s.description in (:skillsList)*
AND c.skill = s.id
AND t.id=6 AND t.id=s.skillType
GROUP BY s.description """).setParameter("skillsList", skillsListStr)
我得到String skills = ('Shelf Count', 'Notion Count', 'Tube Count', '2nd Count')
select s.description, avg(c.taktTime)
from CountEntity c, SkillEntity s, FwmsUserEntity u, SkillTypeEntity t
where c.fwmsUser = u.id
*AND s.description in ('Shelf Count', 'Notion Count', 'Tube Count', '2nd Count')*
AND c.skill = s.id
AND t.id=6 AND t.id=s.skillType
GROUP BY s.description """).getResultList()