我非常感谢对我的小程序的任何评论。请注意它是我的第一个代码,我知道它写的很糟糕。我想听听你们怎么认为代码可以改进,以及我应该如何为多个玩家组织代码。我有兴趣在稍后阶段学习移动设备的编程,并希望最终将这个小游戏变成一个应用程序,这样我就可以和朋友一起玩(为了娱乐和学习操作方法而且#39 ; S)
from random import choice # Importing the random element to create the dice
score = 0
rounds = 1
secured = 0
unsecured = 0
ask = "N/A"
while secured+unsecured < 100: # Check if the total score is below 100
a = int(choice([1,2,3,4,5,6])) # Choose a dice number
if a == 1: # Check if the dice is one
if ask == "s": # Check if the player secured the last score
print ("Good thing you just secured your score, because you now rolled a 1.")
print ("Because of this, you only lost your round, not any points! :)")
if ask =="N/A": # Check if the player rolled a one on the first throw
print ("************* Round 1 ***********")
print ("Tough luck, you rolled a ONE on your first roll. You lost one round.")
rounds +=1
if ask == "r": # Check if the player lost points that was unsecured
print ("")
print ("***** UH UH UH UH UH - YO ROLLED A ONE ******")
print ("You lost the", unsecured,"points you didn't secure")
unsecured = 0 # Player loses the unsecured points
rounds +=1 # Increase round number
unsecured = unsecured + a # If the dice returned something else than one, the player wins the points
print ("")
print ("")
print ("************ Round ", rounds, "**************")
print ("")
if a > 1: # Only display the dice if the dice is higher than one (if it's one it has already been printed)
print ("You rolled a ", a)
print ("")
print ("Unsecured points: ", unsecured)
print ("Secured points:" , secured)
print ("The sum of secured and unsecured pointsare:",secured+unsecured, "points")
print ("")
ask = input ("Roll the dice or secure? (r/s) ")
if ask == "s":
secured = secured+unsecured # If player chooses to secure the points, the points are added
score = 0
rounds +=1 # Increase round
if unsecured == 0: # Check if player was an idiot and chose to secure 0 points
print ("You chose to secure zero points, not very clever! You wouldn't risk anything by rolling the dice, and you lost the round!")
print ("You chose to secure your", unsecured, "points, and you have secured", secured, "points in total")
print ("")
unsecured = 0 # Reset unsecured points, since it is added to secure points
input ("Press Enter to roll the dice:")
if ask == "r":
score = unsecured+a
print ("Congrats! You made ",secured+unsecured, "points in", rounds , "rounds")