select /*+ full(c)parallel(c,4) */ a.*
from ioct_inv_item_all a,
(select udac_group_name, function_order , db_region, workflow_type, change_level
from ioct_function_target
where udac_group_name = 'Banner'
and function_name = 'emptyParam'
and workflow_type = 'CHGFCLTR'
and ('emptyParam' = 'emptyParam' or ('CHGFCLTR' != 'NEWITM' AND change_level = 'emptyParam') or ('CHGFCLTR' = 'NEWITM' and change_level = 'Simple') )
and sysdate between effective_from_date and effective_to_date ) b , item_ca c ,product_ca d,assignment_ca ac ,branches b
where a.udac_group_name = 'Banner'
and a.workflow_type = 'CHGFCLTR'
and a.DB_REGION = b.db_region (+)
and a.workflow_type = b.workflow_type (+)
and a.udac_group_name = b.udac_group_name (+)
and a.change_level = b.change_level (+)
and a.product_code = c.product_code(+)
and a.product_issue_num = c.product_issue_num(+)
and a.item_id = c.item_id(+)
and a.customer_id = c.customer_id(+)
and c.product_code = d.product_code(+)
and c.product_issue_num = d.product_issue_num(+)
and c.product_issue_year = d.product_issue_year(+)
and c.customer_id = d.customer_id(+)
and (case when c.contract_assignment_id IS NOT NULL
AND c.contract_assignment_id > 0
THEN c.contract_assignment_id
ELSE d.regular_assign_id
END) = ac.assignment_id(+)
and ('emptyParam' = 'emptyParam' OR ('CHGFCLTR' = 'NEWITM' AND a.eue_normal_ind = 'emptyParam') OR ('CHGFCLTR' != 'NEWITM' AND a.change_level = 'emptyParam') )
and (('emptyParam') IN ('emptyParam') OR a.region IN ('emptyParam'))
and ('emptyParam' = 'emptyParam'
OR (b.function_order is not null and a.assignee_group_seq = b.function_order)
OR (b.function_order is null and 'emptyParam' = 'emptyParam')
ORA-01417:一个表可以外连接到最多一个其他表 01417. 00000 - “一张桌子最外面可以连接另一张桌子” *原因:不允许
a.b (+) = b.b and a.c (+) = c.c
*动作:检查这是否是你想要的,然后先加入b和c 在一个视图中。 行错误:28列:20
在没有使用关键字LEFT OUTER JOIN的情况下,是否有任何机构建议做同样事情的替代方法,因为我不想更改已经写过的SQL查询的结构?
答案 0 :(得分:0)
select x
from a,b,c
where a.x = b.x(+)
and a.y = c.y(+)
select *
from a,
(select *
from a,c
where c.y = a.y(+)
where b.x = a.x(+)