该过滤器具有numpy 1d阵列的容差

时间:2015-05-27 16:33:47

标签: python numpy

假设我有一个带有一些嘈杂数据系列的1d numpy数组。

我想建立一个阈值来检查值时的值。 但是,因为数据有噪音,所以只做

is_high = data > threshold


def tolerance_filter(data, threshold, tolerance):
    currently_high = False  # start low
    signal_state = np.empty_like(data, dtype=np.bool)
    for i in range(data.size):
        # if we were high and we are getting too low, become low
        if currently_high and data[i] < (threshold-tolerance):
            currently_high = False
        # if we were low and are getting too high, become high
        elif not currently_high and data[i] > (threshold+tolerance):
            currently_high = True
        signal_state[i] = currently_high
    return signal_state

此函数提供我期望的输出。但是,我想知道是否有任何方法可以使用numpyscipy而不是原始python for循环的速度来执行此操作。

有什么想法吗? :)


感谢Joe Kington的评论指出我 hysteresis 一词,我发现this other问题。我担心它非常相似(重复?),Bas Swinckels也有one nice working solution

无论如何,我试图实现Joe Kington建议的加速(不知道我是否做得对)并将他的解决方案Fergal's和Bas'与我的天真方法进行了比较。以下是结果(代码如下):

Proposed function in my original question
10 loops, best of 3: 22.6 ms per loop

Proposed function by Fergal
1000 loops, best of 3: 995 µs per loop

Proposed function by Bas Swinckels in the hysteresis question
1000 loops, best of 3: 1.05 ms per loop

Proposed function by Joe Kington using Cython
Approximate time cost of compiling: 2.195411
1000 loops, best of 3: 1.35 ms per loop

答案中的所有方法都表现相似(尽管Fergal需要一些额外的步骤才能获得布尔矢量!)。在这里添加任何考虑因素? 另外,我很惊讶Cython方法较慢(虽然稍微有点)。无论如何,我不得不承认,如果你不了解所有numpy功能,它可能是最快的代码......

以下是我用来对不同选项进行基准测试的代码。审核和修订非常受欢迎! :P (Cython代码位于中间,强制SO将所有代码保存在同一个可滚动的块中。当然我将它放在不同的文件中)

# Naive approach from the original question
def tolerance_filter1(data, threshold, tolerance):
    currently_high = False  # start low
    signal_state = np.empty_like(data, dtype=np.bool)
    for i in range(data.size):
        # if we were high and we are getting too low, become low
        if currently_high and data[i] < (threshold-tolerance):
            currently_high = False
        # if we were low and are getting too high, become high
        elif not currently_high and data[i] > (threshold+tolerance):
            currently_high = True
        signal_state[i] = currently_high
    return signal_state

# Numpythonic approach suggested by Fergal
def tolerance_filter2(data, threshold, tolerance):
    a = np.zeros_like(data)
    a[ data < threshold-tolerance] = -1
    a[ data > threshold+tolerance] = +1
    wh = np.where(a != 0)[0]
    idx= np.diff( a[wh]) == 2
    #This variable indexes the values of data where data crosses
    #from below threshold-tol to above threshold+tol
    crossesAboveThreshold = wh[idx]
    return crossesAboveThreshold

# Approach suggested by Bas Swinckels and borrowed
# from the hysteresis question
def tolerance_filter3(data, threshold, tolerance, initial=False):
    hi = data >= threshold+tolerance
    lo_or_hi = (data <= threshold-tolerance) | hi
    ind = np.nonzero(lo_or_hi)[0]
    if not ind.size: # prevent index error if ind is empty
        return np.zeros_like(x, dtype=bool) | initial
    cnt = np.cumsum(lo_or_hi) # from 0 to len(x)
    return np.where(cnt, hi[ind[cnt-1]], initial)

## IN A DIFFERENT FILE (tolerance_filter_cython.pyx)
## So that StackOverflow shows a single scrollable code block :)

import numpy as np
import cython

def tolerance_filter(data, float threshold, float tolerance):
    cdef bint currently_high = 0  # start low
    signal_state = np.empty_like(data, dtype=int)
    cdef double[:] data_view = data
    cdef long[:] signal_state_view = signal_state
    cdef int i = 0
    cdef int l = len(data)
    low = np.empty_like(data, dtype=bool)
    high = np.empty_like(data, dtype=bool)
    low = data < (threshold-tolerance)
    high = data > (threshold+tolerance)

    for i in range(l):
        # if we were high and we are getting too low, become low
        if currently_high and low[i]:
            currently_high = False
        # if we were low and are getting too high, become high
        elif not currently_high and high[i]:
            currently_high = True
        signal_state_view[i] = currently_high
    return signal_state


import numpy as np
from time import clock
from datetime import datetime
from IPython import get_ipython
ipython = get_ipython()
time = np.arange(0,1000,0.01)
data = np.sin(time*3) + np.cos(time/7)*8 + np.random.normal(size=time.shape)*2
threshold, tolerance = 0, 4

print "Proposed function in my original question"
ipython.magic("timeit tolerance_filter1(data, threshold, tolerance)")

print "\nProposed function by Fergal"
ipython.magic("timeit tolerance_filter2(data, threshold, tolerance)")

print "\nProposed function by Bas Swinckels in the hysteresis question"
ipython.magic("timeit tolerance_filter3(data, threshold, tolerance)")

print "\nProposed function by Joe Kington using Cython"
start = datetime.now()
import pyximport; pyximport.install()
import tolerance_filter_cython
print "Approximate time cost of compiling: {}".format((datetime.now()-start).total_seconds())
tolerance_filter4 = tolerance_filter_cython.tolerance_filter
ipython.magic("timeit tolerance_filter4(data, threshold, tolerance)")

2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:2)

我认为有时会看到像cython extensions这样简单易用的Python有些令人惊讶。这是你的代码转换成cython。它可以从Python调用,但应该给你C ++速度。

$obj = json_decode($json);
$res = $obj->["objective"];
echo $res;


  • 请注意函数在typed memory views

  • 的开头使用
  • 该功能有意保持尽可能接近原始代码。但是,可以通过关闭范围检查(参考Cython文档),以及计算


答案 1 :(得分:0)


a = np.zeros_like(data)
a[ data < threshold-tol] = -1
a[ data > threshold+tol] = +1
wh = np.where(a != 0)
idx= np.diff( a[wh]) == 2
#This variable indexes the values of data where data crosses
#from below threshold-tol to above threshold+tol
crossesAboveThreshold = wh[idx]