
时间:2015-05-23 11:38:18

标签: haskell

(感谢Rein Henrichs和Carsten关于上一篇文章的建议 - 现已删除。)


> let (?) f g = \x -> g (f x) --  forward function composition operator

> :t (+3) ? (*4)

> (+3) ? (*4) :: Num t => t -> t

> let x ?? f = f x -- reverse application operator
-- For those who have the Haskell Platform 2014.2.0.0 with GHCi version 7.8.3, so Data.Function (&) :: a -> (a -> b) -> b is unavailable

- 示例

> "roma" ?? (reverse ? map toUpper ? concatMap (\c -> [c,' ']) ? (++ "- ") ? repeat ? take 3? concat ? (\cs -> take (length cs - 3) cs) ? putStrLn)

> A M O R - A M O R - A M O R 

> :t (reverse ? map toUpper ? concatMap (\c -> [c,' ']) ? (++ "- ") ? repeat ? take 3? concat ? (\cs -> take (length cs - 3) cs) ? putStrLn)
> reverse ? ... ?putStrLn :: [Char] -> IO ()

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:3)

我不认为这种方法效率低下。但请注意,使用# create your data-only containers (safe to run several times) crane provision data # needed when building from Dockerfile crane create data # build/start your app. crane lift -r # similar to docker-compose build && docker compose up # Force re-create off your data-only containers... crane create --recreate data flip上的.可以更轻松地定义您的功能:


还要确保不要忘记运算符上的(?) = flip (.) (??) = flip ($) 声明(最好是与非反转版本一致的声明)。
