我正在使用Apache Spark来使用MLib提供的LogisticRegressionWithLBFGS()类来构建LRM。构建模型后,我们可以使用提供的预测函数,它只给出二进制标签作为输出。我也希望计算相同的概率。
override protected def predictPoint(
dataMatrix: Vector,
weightMatrix: Vector,
intercept: Double) = {
require(dataMatrix.size == numFeatures)
// If dataMatrix and weightMatrix have the same dimension, it's binary logistic regression.
if (numClasses == 2) {
val margin = dot(weightMatrix, dataMatrix) + intercept
val score = 1.0 / (1.0 + math.exp(-margin))
threshold match {
case Some(t) => if (score > t) 1.0 else 0.0
case None => score
此方法未公开,并且概率不可用。我可以知道如何使用此函数来获取概率。 上述函数中使用的点方法也没有公开,它存在于BLAS包中但不公开。
答案 0 :(得分:5)
请注意,这仅适用于二元Logistic回归(numClasses == 2)。
答案 1 :(得分:3)
我在尝试获取多重问题的原始预测时遇到了类似的问题。对我来说,最好的解决方案是通过从Spark MLlib Logistic Regression src借用和定制来创建方法。您可以这样创建:
object ClassificationUtility {
def predictPoint(dataMatrix: Vector, model: LogisticRegressionModel):
(Double, Array[Double]) = {
require(dataMatrix.size == model.numFeatures)
val dataWithBiasSize: Int = model.weights.size / (model.numClasses - 1)
val weightsArray: Array[Double] = model.weights match {
case dv: DenseVector => dv.values
case _ =>
throw new IllegalArgumentException(
s"weights only supports dense vector but got type ${model.weights.getClass}.")
var bestClass = 0
var maxMargin = 0.0
val withBias = dataMatrix.size + 1 == dataWithBiasSize
val classProbabilities: Array[Double] = new Array[Double](model.numClasses)
(0 until model.numClasses - 1).foreach { i =>
var margin = 0.0
dataMatrix.foreachActive { (index, value) =>
if (value != 0.0) margin += value * weightsArray((i * dataWithBiasSize) + index)
// Intercept is required to be added into margin.
if (withBias) {
margin += weightsArray((i * dataWithBiasSize) + dataMatrix.size)
if (margin > maxMargin) {
maxMargin = margin
bestClass = i + 1
classProbabilities(i+1) = 1.0 / (1.0 + Math.exp(-(margin - maxMargin)))
return (bestClass.toDouble, classProbabilities)
// Compute raw scores on the test set.
val predictionAndLabelsAndProbabilities = test
.map { case LabeledPoint(label, features) =>
val (prediction, probabilities) = ClassificationUtility
.predictPoint(features, model)
(prediction, label, probabilities)}
。 ML逻辑回归API目前不支持多重分类。我现在使用OneVsRest作为一个与所有分类的包装器。我正在进行类似的定制以获得原始分数。
答案 2 :(得分:0)