
时间:2015-05-19 14:34:40

标签: c arrays string logical-operators


#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>

int main()
    char str [100];
    char garbage[100];
    int loopcondition = 0 , j = 0 , k = 0;
    int userinput;
    char a = "a" , e = "e" , i = "i", o = "o" , u = "u";

    printf("!!!Hello World!!! Please type in a string from which I can  remove all the vowels:\n");

    //This program is supposed to take in a string and then delete all the vowels

    gets(str); //gets user input

    userinput = strlen(str); //makes userinput equal to the length of the string

    while(loopcondition < userinput) //the loop runs until the condition is no longer smaller than the input
        loopcondition++;    //incrementation of condition
        if(str[j] != a || e || i || o || u) // this should check wether the current position in the array is a vowel
            garbage[k] = str[j] ; //if it's not the it puts the current character into the garbage array
            k++;        //iteration of the garbage array position
        j++; //incrementation of string array position

    garbage[k] = '\0';
    strcpy (str , garbage ); //this copies the string?!?! aka reinitiliazing array variable
    printf("%s" , str);
    return 0;

4 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:7)


char a = 'a' , e = 'e' , i = 'i', o = 'o' , u = 'u';

请记住,双引号" ")适用于字符串文字单引号({{1 }})用于字符文字



这不是你在c中使用逻辑OR( if(str[j] != a || e || i || o || u) )运算符的方式。链接是不可能的。你必须分别检查每个条件。像


但是,在我看来,如果你改变逻辑以使用if( (str[j] != a) && (str[j] != e) && (str[j] != i).......//so on 案例,那么它将是一个更好的设计。


答案 1 :(得分:0)

char str [100];
char *src;          // source position of copying characters
char *dst;          // destination position 


gets(str); //gets user input
printf( "Input: %s\n" , str);

for( dst = src = str; *src; src++ )       // scan chars of the string
    if( *src != 'a' && *src != 'e' &&     // check if a vowel
        *src != 'i' && *src != 'o' && *src != 'u')
        * dst ++ = * src;                 // no? copy it
*dst = 0;  // ASCII NUL (zero) char to terminate the string

printf( "Result: %s\n" , str);

for循环使用src指针扫描整个字符串,从开头(str)开始直到结束(一个零字符,ASCII NUL,由{{检测到1}}表达式,相当于*src)。

每个角色都经过测试,如果它不是元音,则会被复制到*src != 0位置,然后由{1} dest推进。* dst ++ = * srcdest变量最初设置为str,因此除了元音外,所有字符都在字符串的初始部分逐个复制。最后一个赋值(*dst = 0)终止字符串。

答案 2 :(得分:0)


char vowels = "aeiou";
if (strchr(vowels, 'x'))
 // Then 'x' is a vowel.

答案 3 :(得分:0)

无论如何你一次要检查一个字符是否是元音,所以不是使用(不安全)$( document ).ready()或者根本不使用多个数组,你可以只使用gets()将非元音添加到数组中。这简化了逻辑的其余部分,因此您可以使用指针。


或使用#include <stdio.h> //for puts and getchar int main(void){ char s[128], *sp = s, *end = sp + sizeof(s) - 1; puts("Please type in a string"); while ((*sp=getchar())!='\n' && sp<end){ switch(*sp|32){ // |32 will catch uppercase vowels too case 'a': case 'e' : case 'i' : case 'o' : case 'u' : continue; //*sp will be overwritten default : sp++; } } *sp=0; puts(s); }
