`<?xml version="1.0" ?>
<CustomerQueryRs requestID="183" statusCode="0" statusSeverity="Info" statusMessage="Status OK">
<Name>Test 2 Contractor, Inc.</Name>
<FullName>Test 2 Contractor, Inc.</FullName>
<CompanyName>Test 2 Contractor, Inc.</CompanyName>
<Addr1>Test bill 1</Addr1>
<Addr2>Test bill 2</Addr2>
<City>Test City</City>
<Addr1>Test bill 1</Addr1>
<Addr2>Test bill 2</Addr2>
<Addr3>Test City, Utah 84057</Addr3>
<Addr4>United States</Addr4>
<Addr1>Test ship 1</Addr1>
<Addr2>Test ship 2</Addr2>
<City>Test City</City>
<Addr1>Test ship 1</Addr1>
<Addr2>Test ship 2</Addr2>
<Addr3>Test City, Utah 84057</Addr3>
<Addr4>United States</Addr4>
<Name>Ship To 1</Name>
<Addr1>Test ship 1</Addr1>
<Addr2>Test ship 2</Addr2>
<City>Test City</City>
<ContactName>Main Phone</ContactName>
<ContactName>Alt. Phone</ContactName>
<ContactName>Main Email</ContactName>
`<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<?qbxml version="13.0"?>
<QBXMLMsgsRq onError="stopOnError">
<CustomerModRq requestID="184">
<Name>Test 2 Contractor, Inc.Updated</Name>
<CompanyName>Test 2 Contractor, Inc.</CompanyName>
$mod_info = json_decode($queue_set['qb_queue_item']->extra);
$list_id = $mod_info->list_id;
$edit_sequence = $mod_info->edit_sequence;
//Get the contractor to be sent to quickbooks
$contractor = new Contractor();
if(!($contractor = $contractor::find($queue_set['kyco_queue_item']->obj_id)))
return array('status' => $this::STATUS_ERROR, 'data' => "Failed to find contractor in the database");
return array('status' => $this::STATUS_ERROR, 'data' => "Contractor does not have a valid name");
/*$address_billing = Address::Primary(get_class($contractor), $contractor->id, Address::ADDRESS_TYPE_BILLING);
$address_shipping = Address::Primary(get_class($contractor), $contractor->id, Address::ADDRESS_TYPE_SHIPPING);
$phone_primary = PhoneNumber::Primary(get_class($contractor), $contractor->id, PhoneNumber::PHONE_TYPE_STATIC);
$phone_alt = PhoneNumber::Primary(get_class($contractor), $contractor->id, PhoneNumber::PHONE_TYPE_MOBILE);
$phone_fax = PhoneNumber::Primary(get_class($contractor), $contractor->id, PhoneNumber::PHONE_TYPE_FAX);
$email = Email::Primary(get_class($contractor), $contractor->id, Email::EMAIL_TYPE_BUSINESS);*/
// Build the qbXML request from the contractors data
$xml = "";
$xml .= '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>'. LINE_RETURN;
$xml .= '<?qbxml version="13.0"?>'. LINE_RETURN;
$xml .= '<QBXML>'. LINE_RETURN;
$xml .= LINE_TAB . '<QBXMLMsgsRq onError="stopOnError">'. LINE_RETURN;
$xml .= LINE_TAB . LINE_TAB . '<CustomerModRq requestID="' . $queue_set['qb_queue_item']->quickbooks_queue_id . '">'. LINE_RETURN;
$xml .= LINE_TAB . LINE_TAB . LINE_TAB . '<CustomerMod>'. LINE_RETURN;
$xml .= LINE_TAB . LINE_TAB . LINE_TAB . LINE_TAB . '<ListID>' . $list_id . '</ListID>'. LINE_RETURN;
$xml .= LINE_TAB . LINE_TAB . LINE_TAB . LINE_TAB . '<EditSequence>' . $edit_sequence . '</EditSequence>'. LINE_RETURN;
//$xml .= LINE_TAB . LINE_TAB . LINE_TAB . LINE_TAB . '<Name>' . $contractor->contractor . "Updated". '</Name>'. LINE_RETURN;
$xml .= LINE_TAB . LINE_TAB . LINE_TAB . LINE_TAB . '<CompanyName>' . $contractor->contractor . '</CompanyName>'. LINE_RETURN;
$xml .= LINE_TAB . LINE_TAB . LINE_TAB . LINE_TAB . '<BillAddress>'. LINE_RETURN;
$xml .= LINE_TAB . LINE_TAB . LINE_TAB . LINE_TAB . LINE_TAB . '<Addr1>' . $address_billing->address_1 . '</Addr1>'. LINE_RETURN;
$xml .= LINE_TAB . LINE_TAB . LINE_TAB . LINE_TAB . LINE_TAB . '<Addr2>' . $address_billing->address_2 . '</Addr2>'. LINE_RETURN;
$xml .= LINE_TAB . LINE_TAB . LINE_TAB . LINE_TAB . LINE_TAB . '<City>' . $address_billing->city . '</City>'. LINE_RETURN;
$xml .= LINE_TAB . LINE_TAB . LINE_TAB . LINE_TAB . LINE_TAB . '<State>' . $address_billing->state . '</State>'. LINE_RETURN;
$xml .= LINE_TAB . LINE_TAB . LINE_TAB . LINE_TAB . LINE_TAB . '<PostalCode>' . $address_billing->postal_code . '</PostalCode>'. LINE_RETURN;
$xml .= LINE_TAB . LINE_TAB . LINE_TAB . LINE_TAB . LINE_TAB . '<Country>' . $address_billing->country . '</Country>'. LINE_RETURN;
$xml .= LINE_TAB . LINE_TAB . LINE_TAB . LINE_TAB . '</BillAddress>'. LINE_RETURN;
$xml .= LINE_TAB . LINE_TAB . LINE_TAB . LINE_TAB . '<ShipAddress>' . LINE_RETURN;
$xml .= LINE_TAB . LINE_TAB . LINE_TAB . LINE_TAB . LINE_TAB . '<Addr1>' . $address_shipping->address_1. '</Addr1>'. LINE_RETURN;
$xml .= LINE_TAB . LINE_TAB . LINE_TAB . LINE_TAB . LINE_TAB . '<Addr2>' . $address_shipping->address_2 . '</Addr2>'. LINE_RETURN;
$xml .= LINE_TAB . LINE_TAB . LINE_TAB . LINE_TAB . LINE_TAB . '<City>' . $address_shipping->city . '</City>'. LINE_RETURN;
$xml .= LINE_TAB . LINE_TAB . LINE_TAB . LINE_TAB . LINE_TAB . '<State>' . $address_shipping->state . '</State>'. LINE_RETURN;
$xml .= LINE_TAB . LINE_TAB . LINE_TAB . LINE_TAB . LINE_TAB . '<PostalCode>' . $address_shipping->postal_code . '</PostalCode>'. LINE_RETURN;
$xml .= LINE_TAB . LINE_TAB . LINE_TAB . LINE_TAB . LINE_TAB . '<Country>' . $address_shipping->country . '</Country>' . LINE_RETURN;
$xml .= LINE_TAB . LINE_TAB . LINE_TAB . LINE_TAB . '</ShipAddress>' . LINE_RETURN;
$xml .= LINE_TAB . LINE_TAB . LINE_TAB . LINE_TAB . '<Phone>' . $phone_primary->number . '</Phone>'. LINE_RETURN;
$xml .= LINE_TAB . LINE_TAB . LINE_TAB . LINE_TAB . '<AltPhone>' . $phone_alt->number . '</AltPhone>'. LINE_RETURN;
$xml .= LINE_TAB . LINE_TAB . LINE_TAB . LINE_TAB . '<Fax>' . $phone_fax->number . '</Fax>'. LINE_RETURN;
$xml .= LINE_TAB . LINE_TAB . LINE_TAB . LINE_TAB . '<Email>' . $email->email . '</Email>'. LINE_RETURN;
$xml .= LINE_TAB . LINE_TAB . LINE_TAB . '</CustomerMod>'. LINE_RETURN;
$xml .= LINE_TAB . LINE_TAB . '</CustomerModRq>'. LINE_RETURN;
$xml .= LINE_TAB . '</QBXMLMsgsRq>'. LINE_RETURN;
$xml .= '</QBXML>'. LINE_RETURN;
//get the relational entry attached to the quickbooks queue id ($qb_queue_id)
$queue_set['kyco_queue_item']->status = KycoQueueItem::STATUS_MOD_SENT;
return array('status' => $this::STATUS_SUCCESS, 'data' => $xml);
我的php日志文件没有任何报告。 Apache Log没有任何报告,我发布的那两个xml字符串都是我在xml离开Web连接器之前打印到日志的log_message消息。
我的集成是通过quickbooks web连接器为quickbooks企业解决方案承包商15.0