I have a simple bash function which includes a loop to capture hostnames for x number of times (defined in $number_of_hosts):
<add key="ValidationSettings:UnobtrusiveValidationMode" value="None" />
If I echo out each variable individually they work. For example
awk '{$0=substr($0,47)}/^S\|/{x=1}/\^M$/{x=0}x' file
.05|28/04/2015|0428|C|105840.|dddd|fffff|9511705558|/CTC/097/eeeeee eee|/PT
/SC/TT/12/SN/eee eeeeeee/CeeY/ee -eee aa aaaa S.A.B. DE C.V./DC/aaaaa
AND aaaaa aaaa/NA/aaaaa,/SK/aaaaa|D|M|28/04/2015|MXN|11111.17||||
However, if I try to add another for loop around that (used in a later function), I can't seem to get it to work. I am using
for i in $(seq 1 $number_of_hosts); do
read -ep "enter hostname" host$i
How can I successfully echo the values that were captured by 'read' earlier?
Thank you in advance for your help.