section .data
num dq 2.0
len equ $ - num
section .text
global _start
mov edx, len
mov ecx, num
mov ebx, 1
mov eax, 4
int 80h
mov eax, 1
int 80h
答案 0 :(得分:3)
global _start
section .bss
dec_str: resb 512
section .text
double2dec: ; Args: ST(0): FPU-register to convert, EDI: pointer to string
%define CONTROL_WORD word [ebp-2]
%define TEN word [ebp-4]
%define TEMP word [ebp-4]
%define INTEGER qword [ebp-12]
push ebp
mov ebp, esp
sub esp, 12
; modifying rounding mode
or ah, 0b00001100 ; Set RC=11: truncating rounding mode
mov TEMP, ax
fldcw TEMP ; Load new rounding mode
; Separate integer and fractional part & convert integer part into ASCII
frndint ; ST(0) to integer
fsub st1, st0 ; Integral part in ST(0), fractional part in ST(1)
call fpu2bcd2dec
fabs ; Make fractional positive (not guaranteed by fsub)
mov byte [edi], '.' ; Decimal point
add edi, 1
; Move 10 to st(1)
mov TEN, 10
fild TEN
; isolate digits of fractional part and store ASCII
fmul st0, st1 ; Multiply by 10 (shift one decimal digit into integer part)
fist word TEMP ; Store digit
fisub word TEMP ; Clear integer part
mov al, byte TEMP ; Load digit
or al, 0x30 ; Convert digit to ASCII
mov byte [edi], al ; Append it to string
add edi, 1 ; Increment pointer to string
fxam ; ST0 == 0.0?
fstsw ax
jnz .get_fractional ; No: once more
mov byte [edi], 0 ; Null-termination for ASCIIZ
; clean up FPU
ffree st0 ; Empty ST(0)
ffree st1 ; Empty ST(1)
fldcw CONTROL_WORD ; Restore old rounding mode
ret ; Return: EDI points to the null-termination of the string
fpu2bcd2dec: ; Args: ST(0): FPU-register to convert, EDI: target string
push ebp
mov ebp, esp
sub esp, 10 ; 10 bytes for local tbyte variable
fbstp [ebp-10]
mov ecx, 10 ; Loop counter
lea esi, [ebp - 1] ; bcd + 9 (last byte)
xor bl, bl ; Checker for leading zeros
; Handle sign
btr word [ebp-2], 15 ; Move sign bit into carry flag and clear it
jnc .L1 ; Negative?
mov byte [edi], '-' ; Yes: store a minus character
add edi, 1
mov al, byte [esi]
mov ah, al
shr ah, 4 ; Isolate left nibble
or bl, ah ; Check for leading zero
jz .1
or ah, 30h ; Convert digit to ASCII
mov [edi], ah
add edi, 1
and al, 0Fh ; Isolate right nibble
or bl, al ; Check for leading zero
jz .2
or al, 30h ; Convert digit to ASCII
mov [edi], al
add edi, 1
sub esi, 1
loop .L1
test bl, bl ; BL remains 0 if all digits were 0
jnz .R1 ; Skip next line if integral part > 0
mov byte [edi], '0'
add edi, 1
mov byte [edi], 0 ; Null-termination for ASCIIZ
ret ; Return: EDI points to the null-termination of the string
fldpi ; Load PI
fchs ; Change sign
mov edi, dec_str
call double2dec
mov eax,4 ; Kernel function sys-out
mov ebx,1 ; Stdout
mov ecx,dec_str ; Pointer to string
mov edx, edi ; EDI points to the null-termination of the string
sub edx, dec_str ; Length of the string
int 0x80 ; Call kernel
mov eax,1 ; Kernel function sys-exit
mov ebx,0 ; Exit code, 0=normal
int 0x80 ; Call kernel
答案 1 :(得分:1)