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Function MATCHER(str1 As Range, rng1 As Range, str2 As String, rng2 As Range, num1 As Long, rng3 As Range, lim1 As Long)
Dim col(2) As Range, ws As Worksheet, rng As Range, str11 As String, FirstRow As Long, LastRow As Long
Set ws = rng1.Worksheet 'finds the worksheet of the first range (assumes all three ranges are on the same worksheet)
FirstRow = str1.Row + 1
LastRow = ws.Cells.Find("*", SearchOrder:=xlByRows, SearchDirection:=xlPrevious).Row 'find the last row in the worksheet
Set rng = ws.Range("1:" & LastRow) 'look down to the last row, inclusive
Set col(0) = Intersect(rng1.Columns, rng) 'apply the above criterion
Set col(1) = Intersect(rng2.Columns, rng) 'apply the above criterion
Set col(2) = Intersect(rng3.Columns, rng) 'apply the above criterion
For i = FirstRow To LastRow 'from first to last row
If col(0)(i, 1).Value2 = str1.Value2 Then 'if the first range variable's first column's value in row equals the first string variable
If col(1)(i, 1) = str2 Then 'if the second range variable's first column's value in row equals the second string variable
If col(2)(i, 1) >= num1 - lim1 And col(2)(i, 1) <= num1 + lim1 Then 'if the third range variable's first column's value in row equals the lookup value in confidence interval
MATCHER = True 'then it is true
Exit Function 'and there's no point in looking further
End If
End If
End If
End Function
Sub ertdfgcvb()
x = MATCHER(Range("A1"), Range("A1"), "B", Range("B1"), 200, Range("C1"), 10)
MsgBox x
End Sub
对于实时环境中的运行时注意事项测试。第一个n-1记录的输出 TRUE ,其中n =相似的记录 它适用于单个记录集。