检查玩家是否在tic tac toe游戏中获胜

时间:2015-05-01 16:54:10

标签: arrays haskell tic-tac-toe

作为Haskell的初学者,我编写了一个tic tac toe游戏。在游戏的第一个版本中,我用9元组代表游戏板。我曾经检查过这样的胜利条件;

checkWinner :: Board -> Maybe Player
checkWinner (X,X,X,_,_,_,_,_,_) = Just Player1
checkWinner (_,_,_,X,X,X,_,_,_) = Just Player1
... same thing continues



import Data.Array

data Tile   = EmptyTile | X | O
data Player = Player1 | Player2

showTile :: Tile -> String
showTile EmptyTile = " "
showTile X         = "X"
showTile O         = "O"

type Board = Array (Int,Int) Tile

emptyBoard :: Board
emptyBoard = array ((1,1),(3,3)) [((x,y), EmptyTile) | x <- [1,2,3], y <- [1,2,3]]

put :: Board -> Tile -> Int -> Int -> Maybe Board
put b t x y = case b!(x,y) of
                EmptyTile -> Just (b // [((x,y), t)])
                _         -> Nothing

p1wins, p2wins :: Board -> Bool
p1wins b = tileWins b X
p2wins b = tileWins b O

-- will be called with a board and either x or o
-- and it will tell whether that tile wins
tileWins :: Board -> Tile -> Bool
tileWins b t = 


2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:4)

data Tile   = EmptyTile | X | O deriving Eq

tileWins :: Board -> Tile -> Bool
tileWins b t = 
   any (\row -> all (\col -> b!(row,col) == t) [1..3]) [1..3] ||
   any (\col -> all (\row -> b!(row,col) == t) [1..3]) [1..3] ||
   all (\rc -> b!(rc,rc) == t) [1..3] ||
   all (\rc -> b!(rc,4-rc) == t) [1..3]


  • 必须存在row,以便在所有col umn位置找到t
  • 必须存在col umn,以便在所有row位置找到t
  • 在主对角线中我们找到三个t s
  • 在另一个对角线上我们找到三个t s

答案 1 :(得分:0)


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另外,正如@chi所说(我的猜测),if ((b ! 0 ! 0) == t && (b ! 0 ! 1) == t && (b ! 0 ! 2) == t) || ((b ! 1 ! 0) == t && (b ! 1 ! 1) == t ... tileWinsp1wins应该返回p2wins