答案 0 :(得分:1)
作为数字的权限是3个八进制数。例如,555,当转换为3个二进制数时,为101 101 101,其对应于r-x r-x r-x。第一组是所有者,第二组是组,第三组是其他人。
r = read
w =写
x =执行
如果缺少任何一个( - ),那么该集合没有这些权限。
答案 1 :(得分:1)
rwx ------ =用户可以读,写,执行
--- rwx --- =组可以读,写,执行
------ rwx =所有人都可以读写,执行
chmod a+r
chmod g+r
chmod u+x
答案 2 :(得分:0)
第一个 - 用于特殊权限,例如粘滞位。
答案 3 :(得分:0)
File permissions
Linux uses the same permissions scheme as Unix. Each file and directory on your system is assigned access rights for the owner of the file, the members of a group of related users, and everybody else. Rights can be assigned to read a file, to write a file, and to execute a file (i.e., run the file as a program).
To see the permission settings for a file, we can use the ls command as follows:
[me@linuxbox me]$ ls -l /bin/bash
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 316848 Feb 27 2000 /bin/bash
The chmod command is used to change the permissions of a file or directory. To use it, you specify the desired permission settings and the file or files that you wish to modify. There are two ways to specify the permissions, but I am only going to teach one way.
It is easy to think of the permission settings as a series of bits (which is how the computer thinks about them). Here's how it works:
rwx rwx rwx = 111 111 111
rw- rw- rw- = 110 110 110
rwx --- --- = 111 000 000
and so on...
rwx = 111 in binary = 7
rw- = 110 in binary = 6
r-x = 101 in binary = 5
r-- = 100 in binary = 4
Here is a table of numbers that covers all the common settings. The ones beginning with "7" are used with programs (since they enable execution) and the rest are for other kinds of files.
Directory permissions
The chmod command can also be used to control the access permissions for directories. In most ways, the permissions scheme for directories works the same way as they do with files. However, the execution permission is used in a different way. It provides control for access to file listing and other things. Here are some useful settings for directories: