1)Unexpected data declaration statement at (1)
2)Unterminated character constant beginning at (1)
3)Unclassifiable statement at (1)
4)Unexpected STATEMENT FUNCTION statement at (1)
5)Expecting END PROGRAM statement at (1)
6)Syntax error in data declaration at (1)
7)Statement function at (1) is recursive
8)Unexpected IMPLICIT NONE statement at (1)
我不知道帽子他们真正的意思或如何解决它们,谷歌搜索已证明null和本网站上的其他主题我们关于其他错误。对于错误5)我放入程序主程序和结束程序主要像我可能在C ++但仍然得到相同的结果。错误7)没有意义,我正在尝试程序中的递归。错误8)我读隐含的没有是为了防止不必要的减速。
我发布了代码本身,但是我对编译错误更感兴趣,因为我仍然需要微调数组数据处理,但我不能这样做,直到我开始工作。 Program main
implicit none
real, dimension(:,:), allocatable :: m, oldm
real a
integer io, nn
character(30) :: filename
real, dimension(:,:), allocatable :: alt, temp, nue, oxy
integer locationa, locationt, locationn, locationo, i
integer nend
real dz, z, integral
real alti, tempi, nuei, oxyi
integer y, j
allocate( m(0, 0) ) ! size zero to start with?
nn = 0
j = 0
write(*,*) 'Enter input file name: '
read(*,*) filename
open( 1, file = filename )
do !reading in data file
read(1, *, iostat = io) a
if (io < 0 ) exit
nn = nn + 1
allocate( oldm( size(m), size(m) ) )
oldm = m
deallocate( m )
allocate( m(nn, nn) )
m = oldm
m(nn, nn) = a ! The nnth value of m
deallocate( oldm )
! Decompose matrix array m into column arrays [1,n]
write(*,*) 'Enter Column Number for Altitude'
read(*,*) locationa
write(*,*) 'Enter Column Number for Temperature'
read(*,*) locationt
write(*,*) 'Enter Column Number for Nuetral Density'
read(*,*) locationn
write(*,*) 'Enter Column Number for Oxygen density'
read(*,*) locationo
nend = size(m, locationa) !length of column #locationa
do i = 1, nend
alt(i, 1) = m(i, locationa)
temp(i, 1) = log(m(i, locationt))
nue(i, 1) = log(m(i, locationn))
oxy(i, 1) = log(m(i, locationo))
! Interpolate Column arrays, Constant X value will be array ALT with the 3 other arrays
!real dz = size(alt)/100, z, integral = 0
!real alti, tempi, nuei, oxyi
!integer y, j = 0
dz = size(alt)/100
do z = 1, 100, dz
y = z !with chopped rounding alt(y) will always be lowest integer for smooth transition.
alti = alt(y, 1) + j*dz ! the addition of j*dz's allow for all values not in the array between two points of the array.
tempi = exp(linear_interpolation(alt, temp, size(alt), alti))
nuei = exp(linear_interpolation(alt, nue, size(alt), alti))
oxyi = exp(linear_interpolation(alt, oxy, size(alt), alti))
j = j + 1
integral = integral + tempi*nuei*oxyi*dz
end program main
real function linear_interpolation(x, y, n, x0)
implicit none
integer :: n, i, k
real :: x(n), y(n), x0, y0
k = 0
do i = 1, n-1
if ((x0 >= x(i)) .and. (x0 <= x(i+1))) then
k = i ! k is the index where: x(k) <= x <= x(k+1)
exit ! exit loop
end if
if (k > 0) then ! compute the interpolated value for a point not in the array
y0 = y(k) + (y(k+1)-y(k))/(x(k+1)-x(k))*(x0-x(k))
write(*,*)'Error computing the interpolation !!!'
write(*,*) 'x0 =',x0, ' is out of range <', x(1),',',x(n),'>'
end if
! return value
linear_interpolation = y0
end function linear_interpolation
答案 0 :(得分:0)
tempi = exp(linear_interpolation(alt, temp, size(alt), alti) ) ! <- extra ")"
nuei = exp(linear_interpolation(alt, nue, size(alt), alti) )
oxyi = exp(linear_interpolation(alt, oxy, size(alt), alti) )
另一个错误(“unclassifiable statement”)适用于你的循环:
do(i=1, nend)
! ...
do(z=1, 100, dz)
! ...
real dz = size(alt)/100, z, integral = 0
real :: dz = size(alt)/100, z, integral = 0