
时间:2015-04-23 18:06:55

标签: algorithm data-structures graph

![基于旅行计划的问题] [1] 什么方法最适合解决这个问题?,任何形式的帮助将不胜感激

输入是各个城市之间的航班集。它以文件形式提供。该文件的每一行包含“city1 city2出发时间到达时间航班 - 没有价格”这意味着从city1到city2有一个名为“flight-no”的飞行(这是一个XY012形式的字符串) city1在时间“出发时间”并且在“到达时间”到达city2。此航班的价格是“价格”,这是一个整数。所有时间都以24小时格式的4位数字给出,例如1135,0245,2210。假设所有城市名称都是1和N之间的整数(其中N是城市总数)。


您必须回答的问题是:给定两个城市“A”和“B”,时间“t1”,“t2”,其中t1< t2,找到在时间“t1”之后离开城市“A”并在时间“t2”之前到达城市“B”的最便宜的旅程。行程是一系列飞行,其在时间t1之后从A开始并且在时间t2之前在B结束。此外,任何过境(中间)城市C的出发时间在抵达C后至少30分钟

2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)

您可以使用图表搜索算法解决此问题,例如Dijkstra's Algorithm


这是Python的快速实现。我假设您已经将航班数据解析为字典,该字典从出发的机场名称映射到包含航班信息((flight_number, cost, destination_airport, departure_time, arrival_time))的5元组列表:

from heapq import heappush, heappop
from datetime import timedelta

def find_cheapest_route(flight_dict, start, start_time, target, target_time):
    queue = []  # a min-heap based priority queue
    taken_flights = set()  # flights that have already been considered
    heappush(queue, (0, start, start_time - timedelta(minutes=30), []))  # start state

    while queue:  # search loop
        cost_so_far, location, time, route = heappop(queue)  # pop the cheapest route

        if location == target and time <= target_time: # see if we've found a solution
            return route, cost

        earliest_departure = time + timedelta(minutes=30)  # minimum layover

        for (flight_number, flight_cost, flight_dest,  # loop on outgoing flights
             flight_departure_time, flight_arrival_time) in flight_dict[location]:
            if (flight_departure_time >= earliest_departure and  # check flight
                    flight_arrival_time <= target_time and
                    flight_number not in taken_flights):
                queue.heappush(queue, (cost_so_far + flight_cost,  # add it to heap
                                       flight_dest, flight_arrival_time,
                                       route + [flight_number]))
                taken_flights.add(flight_number)  # and to the set of seen flights

    # if we got here, there's no timely route to the destination
    return None, None # or raise an exception

答案 1 :(得分:0)


