
时间:2015-04-21 22:04:30

标签: r


plotID  Rs.ten  Corr.Rs
1   4.7 2.434437263
1   5.4 2.753744943
1   4   2.044908476
1   0   1.19251
1   1.2 1.84929
1   1.7 1.0755
1   2   1.55399
1   4.5 1.45883
1   3   1.12485
1   4.4 1.92245
1   3.6 1.77914
2   -8.0    0.027792795
2   0.2 0.988443802
2   3.5 0.937311439
2   4   1.007496802
2   5.6 1.738293766
2   6.5 1.722974764
2   6.4 1.590481774
2   5.5 1.097063592
2   5.2 1.389683585
2   6.4 1.392490686
2   6.6 1.812855123
2   5   1.42508238
2   0.4 0.90678
2   3.1 1.00162
2   2.7 0.7914
2   5.9 0.81313
2   4.9 0.89668
2   6.3 1.25597
2   4.7 1.03459
3   5   2.265195289
3   5.3 1.655801734
3   4.4 3.593587609
3   4   3.668348047
3   5.2 2.459742028
3   4.3 3.128687638
3   0.7 2.55316
3   3   2.5708
3   2.8 1.34671
3   2.6 1.90105
3   5.6 1.56052
3   4.2 2.26067
3   4.7 2.22488
3   3.7 2.91198


换句话说,我需要一个功能,可以从plotID 1,plotID 2,plotID 3等随机选择60%的数据进行培训,然后留下余下的每个plotID有40%用于测试。我接下来使用以下链接:Randomly split data by criterion into training and testing data set using R,然而,这只是将整个数据集60/40除以组的总数,而不是从每个组中分开。



4 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:2)



> table(mydf$plotID) * .6

   1    2    3 
 6.6 11.4  8.4 


> library(splitstackshape)
> out <- stratified(mydf, "plotID", .6, bothSets = TRUE)


> str(out)
List of 2
 $ SAMP1:Classes ‘data.table’ and 'data.frame': 26 obs. of  3 variables:
  ..$ plotID : int [1:26] 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 ...
  ..$ Rs.ten : num [1:26] 2 4.4 3.6 3 4 0 4.7 5.9 6.5 6.4 ...
  ..$ Corr.Rs: num [1:26] 1.55 1.92 1.78 1.12 2.04 ...
  ..- attr(*, ".internal.selfref")=<externalptr> 
 $ SAMP2:Classes ‘data.table’ and 'data.frame': 18 obs. of  3 variables:
  ..$ plotID : int [1:18] 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 ...
  ..$ Rs.ten : num [1:18] 5.4 1.2 1.7 4.5 -8 3.5 5.2 5 0.4 3.1 ...
  ..$ Corr.Rs: num [1:18] 2.7537 1.8493 1.0755 1.4588 0.0278 ...
  ..- attr(*, "sorted")= chr "plotID"
  ..- attr(*, ".internal.selfref")=<externalptr> 
> lapply(out, function(x) table(x$plotID))

 1  2  3 
 7 11  8 


1 2 3 
4 8 6 



# [1] "mydf"
list2env(stratified(mydf, "plotID", .6, bothSets = TRUE), envir = .GlobalEnv)
# <environment: R_GlobalEnv>


# [1] "mydf"  "SAMP1" "SAMP2"
#    plotID Rs.ten  Corr.Rs
# 1:      1    2.0 1.553990
# 2:      1    1.7 1.075500
# 3:      1    4.5 1.458830
# 4:      1    3.6 1.779140
# 5:      1    4.0 2.044908
# 6:      1    5.4 2.753745
# [1] 26
#    plotID Rs.ten  Corr.Rs
# 1:      1    4.7 2.434437
# 2:      1    1.2 1.849290
# 3:      1    3.0 1.124850
# 4:      1    4.4 1.922450
# 5:      2    4.0 1.007497
# 6:      2    5.5 1.097064
> nrow(SAMP2)
# [1] 18

答案 1 :(得分:1)


ind_train <- lapply(split(seq(1:nrow(df)), df$plotID), function(x) sample(x, floor(.6*length(x))))
ind_test <- mapply(function(x,y) setdiff(x,y), x = split(seq(1:nrow(df)), df$plotID), y = ind_train)


   plotID Rs.ten    Corr.Rs
2       1    5.4 2.75374494
3       1    4.0 2.04490848
5       1    1.2 1.84929000
6       1    1.7 1.07550000
9       1    3.0 1.12485000
12      2   -8.0 0.02779279
15      2    4.0 1.00749680
16      2    5.6 1.73829377
17      2    6.5 1.72297476
23      2    5.0 1.42508238
27      2    5.9 0.81313000
29      2    6.3 1.25597000
30      2    4.7 1.03459000
32      3    5.3 1.65580173
33      3    4.4 3.59358761
34      3    4.0 3.66834805
39      3    2.8 1.34671000
41      3    5.6 1.56052000
44      3    3.7 2.91198000
> df[unlist(ind_train),]
   plotID Rs.ten   Corr.Rs
4       1    0.0 1.1925100
8       1    4.5 1.4588300
11      1    3.6 1.7791400
10      1    4.4 1.9224500
7       1    2.0 1.5539900
1       1    4.7 2.4344373
22      2    6.6 1.8128551
28      2    4.9 0.8966800
21      2    6.4 1.3924907
19      2    5.5 1.0970636
26      2    2.7 0.7914000
18      2    6.4 1.5904818
20      2    5.2 1.3896836
25      2    3.1 1.0016200
13      2    0.2 0.9884438
24      2    0.4 0.9067800
14      2    3.5 0.9373114
31      3    5.0 2.2651953
35      3    5.2 2.4597420
42      3    4.2 2.2606700
40      3    2.6 1.9010500
37      3    0.7 2.5531600
36      3    4.3 3.1286876
38      3    3.0 2.5708000
43      3    4.7 2.2248800

答案 2 :(得分:0)


sample(x, size, replace = FALSE, prob = NULL)


答案 3 :(得分:0)

df.split <- ddply(df, .(plotID), mutate, set=sample(c("train", "test"), length(plotID0, replace=T, prob=c(0.6, 0.4))
testSet <- subset(df.split, set == "test")
trainSet <- subset(df.split, set == "train")