中的机器,以便我可以按顺序执行它们。 / LI>
public class DataClient implements Client {
private RestTemplate restTemplate = new RestTemplate(new HttpComponentsClientHttpRequestFactory());
private ExecutorService service = Executors.newFixedThreadPool(15);
public Future<DataResponse> getData(DataKey key) {
DataExecutorTask task = new DataExecutorTask(key, restTemplate);
Future<DataResponse> future = service.submit(task);
return future;
我的阻止列表每1分钟从另一个后台线程继续更新。如果任何服务器关闭而没有响应,那么我需要使用这个 -
来阻止该服务器public class DataExecutorTask implements Callable<DataResponse> {
private DataKey key;
private RestTemplate restTemplate;
public DataExecutorTask(DataKey key, RestTemplate restTemplate) {
this.restTemplate = restTemplate;
this.key = key;
public DataResponse call() {
DataResponse dataResponse = null;
ResponseEntity<String> response = null;
MappingsHolder mappings = ShardMappings.getMappings(key.getTypeOfFlow());
// given a userId, find all the hostnames
// it can also have four hostname or one hostname or six hostname as well in the list
List<String> hostnames = mappings.getListOfHostnames(key.getUserId());
for (String hostname : hostnames) {
// If host name is null or host name is in local block list, skip sending request to this host
if (ClientUtils.isEmpty(hostname) || ShardMappings.isBlockHost(hostname)) {
try {
String url = generateURL(hostname);
response = restTemplate.exchange(url, HttpMethod.GET, key.getEntity(), String.class);
if (response.getStatusCode() == HttpStatus.NO_CONTENT) {
dataResponse = new DataResponse(response.getBody(), DataErrorEnum.NO_CONTENT,
} else {
dataResponse = new DataResponse(response.getBody(), DataErrorEnum.OK,
// below codes are duplicated looks like
} catch (HttpClientErrorException ex) {
HttpStatusCodeException httpException = (HttpStatusCodeException) ex;
DataErrorEnum error = DataErrorEnum.getErrorEnumByException(httpException);
String errorMessage = httpException.getResponseBodyAsString();
dataResponse = new DataResponse(errorMessage, error, DataStatusEnum.ERROR);
return dataResponse;
} catch (HttpServerErrorException ex) {
HttpStatusCodeException httpException = (HttpStatusCodeException) ex;
DataErrorEnum error = DataErrorEnum.getErrorEnumByException(httpException);
String errorMessage = httpException.getResponseBodyAsString();
dataResponse = new DataResponse(errorMessage, error, DataStatusEnum.ERROR);
return dataResponse;
} catch (RestClientException ex) {
// if it comes here, then it means some of the servers are down so adding it into block list
if (ClientUtils.isEmpty(hostnames)) {
dataResponse = new DataResponse(null, DataErrorEnum.PERT_ERROR, DataStatusEnum.ERROR);
} else if (response == null) { // either all the servers are down or all the servers were in block list
dataResponse = new DataResponse(null, DataErrorEnum.SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE, DataStatusEnum.ERROR);
return dataResponse;
为了检查是否有任何服务器在阻止列表中,我使用了这个 -
检查, 不确定它是否正确。
我在这里没有遵循单一责任原则我想是。 任何人都可以举例说明在这里使用SRP原理的最佳方法。
经过深思熟虑之后,我能够提取下面给出的主机类,但不确定 在上面中使用它的最佳方法 {{1} } class。
response == null
答案 0 :(得分:6)
First, it is getting list of hostnames
Next, it loops through every hostnames that do the following things:
It checks whether the hostname is valid to send request.
If not valid: skip.
Else continue.
Generate the URL based on hostname
Send the request
Translate the request response to domain response
Handle exceptions
If the hostnames is empty, generate an empty response
Return response
HostnameValidator: checks whether the hostname is valid to send request
HostnameRequestSender: Generate the URL
Send the request
HttpToDataResponse: Translate the request response to domain response
HostnameExceptionHandler: Handle exceptions
First, it is getting list of hostnames
If the hostnames is empty, generate an empty response
Next, it loops through every hostnames that do the following things:
It checks whether the hostname is valid to send request
If not valid: remove hostname
Else: Generate the URL based on hostname
Next, it loops through every valid hostnames that do the following things:
Send the request
Translate the request response to domain response
Handle exceptions
Return response
HostnameValidator: checks whether the hostname is valid to send request
ValidHostnameData: Getting list of hostnames
Loops through every hostnames that do the following things:
Checks whether the hostname is valid to send request
If not valid: remove hostname
Else: Generate the URL based on hostname
HostnameRequestSender: Send the request
HttpToDataResponse: Translate the request response to domain response
HostnameExceptionHandler: Handle exceptions