
时间:2015-04-17 20:12:31

标签: vba outlook





1 个答案:

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  • ConversationID - 唯一标识MailItem对象所属的Conversation对象的字符串。
  • ConversationTopic - 表示Outlook项目的会话线程主题的字符串。它是消息的规范化主题,没有前缀字符串的主题。
  • ConversationIndex - 一个字符串,指示对话线程中项目的相对位置。


您可以使用MailItem类的GetConversation方法获取表示此项目所属对话的Conversation对象。请注意,如果项目没有对话,则GetConversation将返回Null(在Visual Basic中为Nothing)。在以下情况下,项目不存在对话:

  • 项目尚未保存。可以通过编程,用户操作或自动保存来保存项目。
  • 对于可以发送的项目(例如,邮件项目,约会项目或联系项目),该项目尚未发送。
  • 已通过Windows注册表禁用了对话。
  • 商店不支持“对话”视图(例如,Outlook在Microsoft Exchange Server 2010之前的Microsoft Exchange版本的经典在线模式下运行)。使用Store对象的IsConversationEnabled属性确定存储是否支持“对话”视图。


 public void DemoConversation()
   object selectedItem = Application.ActiveExplorer().Selection[1]; 
   // This example uses only 
   // MailItem. Other item types such as 
   // MeetingItem and PostItem can participate 
   // in the conversation. 
   if (selectedItem is Outlook.MailItem) 
      // Cast selectedItem to MailItem. 
      Outlook.MailItem mailItem = selectedItem as Outlook.MailItem; 
      // Determine the store of the mail item. 
      Outlook.Folder folder = mailItem.Parent as Outlook.Folder; 
      Outlook.Store store = folder.Store; 
      if (store.IsConversationEnabled == true) 
          // Obtain a Conversation object. 
          Outlook.Conversation conv = mailItem.GetConversation(); 
          // Check for null Conversation. 
          if (conv != null) 
             // Obtain Table that contains rows 
             // for each item in the conversation. 
             Outlook.Table table = conv.GetTable(); 
             Debug.WriteLine("Conversation Items Count: " + table.GetRowCount().ToString()); 
             Debug.WriteLine("Conversation Items from Table:"); 
             while (!table.EndOfTable) 
                Outlook.Row nextRow = table.GetNextRow(); 
                Debug.WriteLine(nextRow["Subject"] + " Modified: " + nextRow["LastModificationTime"]); 
             Debug.WriteLine("Conversation Items from Root:"); 
             // Obtain root items and enumerate the conversation. 
             Outlook.SimpleItems simpleItems = conv.GetRootItems(); 
             foreach (object item in simpleItems) 
                // In this example, enumerate only MailItem type. 
                // Other types such as PostItem or MeetingItem 
                // can appear in the conversation. 
                if (item is Outlook.MailItem) 
                   Outlook.MailItem mail = item as Outlook.MailItem; 
                   Outlook.Folder inFolder = mail.Parent as Outlook.Folder; 
                   string msg = mail.Subject + " in folder " + inFolder.Name; 
                // Call EnumerateConversation 
                // to access child nodes of root items. 
                EnumerateConversation(item, conv); 

 void EnumerateConversation(object item, Outlook.Conversation conversation) 
     Outlook.SimpleItems items = conversation.GetChildren(item); 
     if (items.Count > 0) 
        foreach (object myItem in items) 
           // In this example, enumerate only MailItem type. 
           // Other types such as PostItem or MeetingItem 
           // can appear in the conversation. 
           if (myItem is Outlook.MailItem) 
              Outlook.MailItem mailItem = myItem as Outlook.MailItem; 
              Outlook.Folder inFolder = mailItem.Parent as Outlook.Folder; 
              string msg = mailItem.Subject + " in folder " + inFolder.Name; 
           // Continue recursion. 
           EnumerateConversation(myItem, conversation); 