我目前面临一个困难的排序问题。我有一组需要相互排序的事件(comparison sort)和它们在列表中的相对位置。
// Psuedo C# code
class Event { int priority; double duration; double earliestTime ; }
void Example()
Event a = new Event { priority = 1, duration = 4.0, earliestTime = 0.0 };
Event b = new Event { priority = 2, duration = 5.0, earliestTime = 6.0 };
Event c = new Event { priority = 3, duration = 3.0, earliestTime = 0.0 };
Event d = new Event { priority = 4, duration = 2.0, earliestTime = 0.0 };
// assume list starts at 0.0 seconds
List<Event> results = Sort( new List<Event> { a, b, c, d } );
assert( results[ 0 ] == a ); // 4.0 seconds elapsed
assert( results[ 1 ] == c ); // 7.0 seconds elapsed
assert( results[ 2 ] == b ); // 12.0 seconds elapsed
assert( results[ 3 ] == d ); // 14.0 seconds elapsed
项目“b”必须是最后的,因为它不允许在列表中的6.0秒之前开始,所以它被推迟并且“c”在“b”之前开始,即使它的优先级较低。 (希望上面解释我的问题,如果不让我知道,我会编辑它。)
我目前的想法是使用insertion sort来管理排序过程。与许多其他常见的排序算法不同,插入排序一次一个地按顺序决定列表的顺序。因此,对于每个索引,我应该能够找到满足最早发生时间的下一个最低优先级事件。
虽然David Nehme给出了我选择的答案,但我想指出他的答案是插入的内心,其他几个人提供了插入排序类型的答案。这向我证实了专门的插入排序可能是要走的路。感谢大家的回答。
答案 0 :(得分:10)
1|ri;pmtn|Σ wiCi
在您的情况下,您永远不需要具有间隙的解决方案,因此您可能只需要进行简单的离散事件模拟(O(n log(n)))时间。您需要将released_jobs存储为优先级队列。
unreleased_jobs = jobs // sorted list of jobs, by release date
released_jobs = {} // priority queue of jobs, by priority
scheduled_jobs = {} // simple list
while (!unreleased_jobs.empty() || !released_jobs.empty()) {
while (unreleased_jobs.top().earliestTime <= t) {
if (!released_jobs.empty()) {
next_job = released_jobs.pop();
t = t + next_job.duration
} else {
// we have a gap
t = unreleased_jobs.top().earliestTime
答案 1 :(得分:2)
换句话说,您希望在制定两个约束时强化整体运行时间(强:最早执行点,弱:优先级)?这称为constraint satisfaction problem。这种问题有特殊的解决方法。
event a (priority = 1, start = 5)
event b (priority = 2, start = 0)
答案 2 :(得分:2)
该算法也是O(n ^ 2)。
答案 3 :(得分:0)
答案 4 :(得分:0)
class Event : IComparable<Event>, IComparable{
int priority;
double duration;
double earliestTime;
public int CompareTo(Event other){
if(other == null)
return 1; /* define: non-null > null */
int cmp = earliestTime.CompareTo(other.earliestTime);
if(cmp != 0)
return cmp;
/* earliestTimes were equal, so move on to next comparison */
return priority.CompareTo(other.priority);
int IComparable.CompareTo(object other){ /* for compatibility with non-generic collections */
if(other == null)
return 1; /* define: non-null > null */
Event e_other = other as Event;
if(e_other == null) /* must have been some other type */
throw new ArgumentException("Must be an Event", "other");
return CompareTo(e_other); /* forward to strongly-typed implementation */
public int CompareTo(Event other){
if(other == null)
return 1; /* define: non-null > null */
int cmp = priority.CompareTo(other.priority);
if(cmp == 0)
* calculate and compare the time each event will be late
* if the other one were to start first. This time may be
* negative if starting one will not make the other one late
return (earliestTime + duration - other.earliestTime).CompareTo(
other.earliestTime + other.duration - earliestTime);
* they're different priorities. if the lower-priority event
* (presume that greater priority index means lower priority,
* e.g. priority 4 is "lower" priority than priority 1), would
* would make the higher-priority event late, then order the
* higher-priority one first. Otherwise, just order them by
* earliestTime.
if(cmp < 0){/* this one is higher priority */
if(earliestTime <= other.earliestTime)
/* this one must start first */
return -1;
if(other.earliestTime + other.duration <= earliestTime)
/* the lower-priority event would not make this one late */
return 1;
return -1;
/* this one is lower priority */
if(other.earliestTime <= earliestTime)
/* the other one must start first */
return 1;
if(earliestTime + duration <= other.earliestTime)
/* this event will not make the higher-priority one late */
return -1;
return 1;
针对任何假设进行测试,但我认为这是我们正在寻找的。 p>
答案 5 :(得分:0)
如果您拥有一组有限的优先级,则可以保留一组时间排序列表,每个级别为1。每当您需要下一个事件时,请按优先级顺序检查每个列表的头部,直到找到其开始时间已过去的列表。 (在检查时跟踪最短的开始时间 - 如果尚未准备好任何事件,您知道要等待哪一个)
答案 6 :(得分:0)
听起来像是我前几天遇到的一个问题,答案是here 假设你正在使用C#...
答案 7 :(得分:0)
Event a = new Event { priority = 1, duration = 1.0, earliestTime = 4.0 };
Event b = new Event { priority = 2, duration = 1.0, earliestTime = 4.0 };
Event c = new Event { priority = 3, duration = 1.0, earliestTime = 4.0 };
Event d = new Event { priority = 4, duration = 1.0, earliestTime = 4.0 };
答案 8 :(得分:0)
Event a = new Event { priority = 1, duration = 4.0, earliestTime = 1.0 };
Event b = new Event { priority = 2, duration = 5.0, earliestTime = 0.0 };
那么,我们是否继续在时间= 0开始b
答案 9 :(得分:0)
#!/usr/bin/env python
class Event(object):
def __init__(self, name, priority, duration, earliestTime):
self.name = name
self.priority = priority
self.duration = duration
self.earliestTime = earliestTime
def __str__(self):
return "%-10s: P %3d D %3.1f T %3.1f" % (self.name, self.priority, self.duration, self.earliestTime)
def sortEvents(_events):
def comparePriority(event1, event2):
if event1.priority < event2.priority: return -1
if event1.priority > event2.priority: return 1
return 0
# Get a copy of the events and sort by priority
events = [e for e in _events]
# Select one event at a time, checking for compatibility with elapsed time
elapsedTime = 0.0
sortedEvents = []
while events:
minGap = events[0].earliestTime - elapsedTime
for e in events:
currentGap = e.earliestTime - elapsedTime
if currentGap < minGap:
minGap = currentGap
if currentGap <= 0.0:
elapsedTime += e.duration
# If none of the events fits, add a suitable gap
if minGap > 0:
sortedEvents.append( Event("gap", MIN_PRIORITY, minGap, elapsedTime) )
elapsedTime += minGap
return sortedEvents
if __name__ == "__main__":
#e1 = Event("event1", 1, 1.0, 4.0)
#e2 = Event("event2", 2, 1.0, 6.0)
#e3 = Event("event3", 3, 1.0, 8.0)
#e4 = Event("event4", 4, 1.0, 10.0)
e1 = Event("event1", 1, 4.0, 0.0)
e2 = Event("event2", 2, 5.0, 6.0)
e3 = Event("event3", 3, 3.0, 0.0)
e4 = Event("event4", 4, 2.0, 0.0)
events = [e1, e2, e3, e4]
print "Before:"
for event in events: print event
sortedEvents = sortEvents(events)
print "\nAfter:"
for event in sortedEvents: print event