Unity 3D对象不断克隆

时间:2015-04-17 03:37:30

标签: c# git unity3d

这是团结2d愤怒的小鸟风格游戏的例子。我正在研究重置器代码。下面的重置器代码(我更改了一些部分)。我在这个项目上使用球而不是鸟。所以,我想如果球被停止后将新球投入弹射器。但它没有正常工作。首先。我写的如果球数== 0克隆对象。但是当球被停止时,它的咆哮声仍然存在。另一方面,我不能使用克隆对象进行投掷。克隆的对象不在弹射器上。抱歉我的英语不好,但这个问题我的上一次  这个游戏的阶段。



这是游戏教程链接。 http://unity3d.com/learn/tutorials/modules/beginner/live-training-archive/making-angry-birds-style-game

using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;

public class Resetter : MonoBehaviour {

public Rigidbody2D projectile;          //  The rigidbody of the projectile
public float resetSpeed = 0.025f;       //  The angular velocity threshold of the projectile, below which our game will reset

private float resetSpeedSqr;            //  The square value of Reset Speed, for efficient calculation
private SpringJoint2D spring;           //  The SpringJoint2D component which is destroyed when the projectile is launched

public int BallCount;              // I using this value for  I need new ball or not
public Rigidbody2D  projectileSD; // Ball 

void Start ()
    BallCount = 1;

    //  Calculate the Resset Speed Squared from the Reset Speed
    resetSpeedSqr = resetSpeed * resetSpeed;

    //  Get the SpringJoint2D component through our reference to the GameObject's Rigidbody
    spring = projectile.GetComponent <SpringJoint2D>();

void Update () {

    //  If the spring had been destroyed (indicating we have launched the projectile) and our projectile's velocity is below the threshold...
    if (spring == null && projectile.velocity.sqrMagnitude < resetSpeedSqr) {
        //  ... call the Reset() function
    //  Reset ();

        if (BallCount == 0 ); 



void ObjeyiKlonla() {              // Clone object

                    Rigidbody2D clone;
                    clone = Instantiate (projectileSD, transform.position, transform.rotation) as Rigidbody2D;
                    clone.velocity = transform.TransformDirection (Vector3.forward * 1);
        BallCount ++;


void OnTriggerExit2D (Collider2D other) {
    //  If the projectile leaves the Collider2D boundary...
    if (other.rigidbody2D == projectile) {
        //  ... call the Reset() function
        //Reset ();

void Reset () {
    //  The reset function will Reset the game by reloading the same level
    //Application.LoadLevel (Application.loadedLevel);
    BallCount =0;

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void Update(){

  if(projectile.GetComponent <SpringJoint2D>() && projectile.velocity.sqrMagnitude < resetSpeedSqr)
                if (BallCount <= 0 ); 
