
时间:2015-04-16 17:03:09

标签: python html unicode lxml scrape

我正试图从一些网页上获取干净的文字。 我已经阅读了很多教程,最后得到了python lxml + beautifulsoup + requests个模块。 使用lxml进行此类任务的原因是它比美丽的汤更能清除html文件。


from bs4 import UnicodeDammit                                                    
import re                                                                        
import requests                                                                  
import lxml                                                                      
import lxml.html                                                                 
from time import sleep                                                           

urls = [                                                                         

def check(url):                                                                     
    print "That is url {}".format(url)                                           
    r = requests.get(url)                                                        
    ud = UnicodeDammit(r.content, is_html=True)                                  
    content = ud.unicode_markup.encode(ud.original_encoding, "ignore")           
    root = lxml.html.fromstring(content)                                            
    lxml.html.etree.strip_elements(root, lxml.etree.Comment,                        
                                   "script", "style")                               
    text = lxml.html.tostring(root, method="text", encoding=unicode)                
    text = re.sub('\s+', ' ', text)                                                 
    print "Text type is {}!".format(type(text))                                     
    print text[:200]                                                                

if __name__ == '__main__':                                                          
    for url in urls:                                                                

因为html页面可能包含一些与大多数其他字符编码不同的字符,所以需要对原始编码进行非中性处理和重新编码。这样的场合进一步打破了lxml tostring方法。


That is url http://ru.onlinemschool.com/math/assistance/statistician/
Text type is <type 'unicode'>!
 Онлайн решение задач по математике. Комбинаторика. Теория вероятности. Close Авторизация на сайте Введите логин: Введите пароль: Запомнить меня Регистрация Изучение математики онлайн.Изучайте математ
That is url http://lectoriy.mipt.ru/course/Maths-Combinatorics-AMR-Lects/
Text type is <type 'unicode'>!
 ÐаÑемаÑика. ÐÑÐ½Ð¾Ð²Ñ ÐºÐ¾Ð¼Ð±Ð¸Ð½Ð°ÑоÑики и ÑеоÑии ÑиÑел / ÐидеолекÑии ФизÑеÑа: ÐекÑоÑий ÐФТР- видеолекÑии по Ñизике,
That is url http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SLPrGWQBX0I
Text type is <type 'unicode'>!
 ÐÑновнÑе ÑоÑмÑÐ»Ñ ÐºÐ¾Ð¼Ð±Ð¸Ð½Ð°ÑоÑики - bezbotvy - YouTube ÐÑопÑÑÑиÑÑ RU ÐобавиÑÑ Ð²Ð¸Ð´ÐµÐ¾ÐойÑиÐоиÑк ÐагÑÑзка... ÐÑбеÑиÑе ÑзÑк. 

这个混乱与编码ISO-8859-1有某种联系,但我无法弄清楚如何。 对于我得到的最后两个网址中的每一个:

In [319]: r = requests.get(urls[-1])

In [320]: chardet.detect(r.content)
Out[320]: {'confidence': 0.99, 'encoding': 'utf-8'}

In [321]: UnicodeDammit(r.content, is_html=True).original_encoding
Out[321]: 'utf-8'

In [322]: r = requests.get(urls[-2])

In [323]: chardet.detect(r.content)
Out[323]: {'confidence': 0.99, 'encoding': 'utf-8'}

In [324]: UnicodeDammit(r.content, is_html=True).original_encoding
Out[324]: u'utf-8'


In [339]: print unicode_string.encode('utf-8').decode("ISO-8859-1", "ignore")

我如何解决我的问题并清除html标签中的所有网址? 也许我应该使用另一个python模块或以其他方式做? 请给我你的建议。

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)

我终于明白了。 解决方案是不使用

root = lxml.html.fromstring(content)


htmlparser = etree.HTMLParser(encoding=enc)
root = etree.HTML(content, parser=htmlparser)


if (declared_enc and enc != declared_enc):


from lxml import html
from lxml.html import etree
import requests
from bs4 import UnicodeDammit
import chardet 

    self.log.debug("Try to get content from page {}".format(url))
    r = requests.get(url)
except requests.exceptions.RequestException as e:
    self.log.warn("Unable to get page content of the url: {url}. "
                  "The reason: {exc!r}".format(url=url, exc=e))
    raise ParsingError(e.message)

ud = UnicodeDammit(r.content, is_html=True)

enc = ud.original_encoding.lower()
declared_enc = ud.declared_html_encoding
if declared_enc:
    declared_enc = declared_enc.lower()
# possible misregocnition of an encoding
if (declared_enc and enc != declared_enc):
    detect_dict = chardet.detect(r.content)
    det_conf = detect_dict["confidence"]
    det_enc = detect_dict["encoding"].lower()
    if enc == det_enc and det_conf < THRESHOLD_OF_CHARDETECT:
        enc = declared_enc
# if page contains any characters that differ from the main
# encodin we will ignore them
content = r.content.decode(enc, "ignore").encode(enc)
htmlparser = etree.HTMLParser(encoding=enc)
root = etree.HTML(content, parser=htmlparser)
etree.strip_elements(root, html.etree.Comment, "script", "style")
text = html.tostring(root, method="text", encoding=unicode)