
时间:2015-04-05 15:39:19

标签: algorithm artificial-intelligence grid-layout maze


  • 机器人在10x10网格上有障碍物(每个方格都是障碍物或可穿越的)

  • 机器人有一个碰撞传感器:当机器人撞到障碍物时它会激活。

  • 在网格上有胡萝卜不断增长。有快速增长的广场和缓慢增长的广场。

  • 每一步,机器人都可以:向前或向左前进或转90°或留在原位

  • 手头不知道胡萝卜和障碍物的位置

  • 胡萝卜在机器人移动时(即使收获后)继续生长

  • 胡萝卜生长在大多数不是障碍的方块中

  • 机器人不知道方块是快速还是缓慢增长

  • 在每个广场上可以有0到20个胡萝卜。在每个时间实例中,对于一个正方形的胡萝卜数量,概率p = 0.01(或快速增长的正方形p = 0.02)

  • 您可以测量您收获的胡萝卜数量。





1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)











type Square =
    | Empty
    | Obstacle
    | Food of float * (float -> float) // available * growth
    | Unknown

let rnd = new System.Random()
let grow p a =
    let r = rnd.NextDouble()
    if r < p then a + 1.0
    else a

let slowGrowth a = grow 0.01 a
let fastGrowth a = grow 0.02 a

let eatPerTick = 1.0 
let maxFoodPerSquare = 20.0

let randomPick values =
    let count = List.length values
    let r = rnd.Next(0,count-1)

type World = Square[,]

let randomSquare pobstacle pfood =
    let r = rnd.NextDouble()
    match r with
    | x1 when x1 < pobstacle -> Obstacle
    | x2 when x2 < (pobstacle + pfood) && x2 >= pobstacle -> 
        Food(rnd.NextDouble() * maxFoodPerSquare, randomPick [slowGrowth; fastGrowth])
    | _ -> Empty

let createRandomWorld n pobstacle pfood = 
    Array2D.init n n (fun col row -> randomSquare pobstacle pfood)

let createUnknownWorld n =
    Array2D.create n n Unknown

type Position = { Column : int; Row : int }

type RoboState = { Memory : Square[,]; Pos : Position; Heading : Position }
type RoboAction = 
    | TurnRight
    | TurnLeft
    | MoveOne
    | Eat
    | Idle

type RoboActor = World -> RoboState -> RoboAction

let right heading : Position =
    match heading with
    | { Column = 0; Row = 1 } -> { Column = -1; Row = 0 }
    | { Column = -1; Row = 0 } -> { Column = 0; Row = -1 }
    | { Column = 0; Row = -1 } -> { Column = 1; Row = 0 }
    | { Column = 1; Row = 0 } -> { Column = 0; Row = 1 }
    | _ -> failwith "Invalid heading!"

let left heading : Position =
    match heading with
    | { Column = -1; Row = 0 } -> { Column = 0; Row = 1 }
    | { Column = 0; Row = -1 } -> { Column = -1; Row = 0 }
    | { Column = 1; Row = 0 } -> { Column = 0; Row = -1 }
    | { Column = 0; Row = 1 } -> { Column = 1; Row = 0 } 
    | _ -> failwith "Invalid heading!"

let checkAccess n position =
    let inRange v = v >= 0 && v < n
    (inRange position.Column) && (inRange position.Row)

let tickWorld world =
    |> Array2D.map 
        (fun sq -> 
            match sq with 
            | Empty -> Empty 
            | Obstacle -> Obstacle 
            | Food(a,r) -> Food(min (r a) maxFoodPerSquare, r)
            | Unknown -> Unknown

let rec step robot world roboState i imax acc = 
    if i < imax then
        let action = robot world roboState
        match action with
        | TurnRight ->
            let rs1 = { roboState with Heading = right roboState.Heading }
            let wrld1 = tickWorld world
            step robot wrld1 rs1 (i+1) imax acc
        | TurnLeft ->
            let rs1 = { roboState with Heading = left roboState.Heading }
            let wrld1 = tickWorld world
            step robot wrld1 rs1 (i+1) imax acc
        | MoveOne ->
            let rs1 =
                let c = 
                    { Column = roboState.Pos.Column + roboState.Heading.Column 
                      Row = roboState.Pos.Row + roboState.Heading.Row
                if checkAccess (Array2D.length1 world) c 
                    match world.[c.Column,c.Row] with
                    | Obstacle -> 
                        roboState.Memory.[c.Column,c.Row] <- Obstacle
                    | _ -> { roboState with Pos = c }
            let wrld1 = tickWorld world
            step robot wrld1 rs1 (i+1) imax acc
        | Eat -> 
            let eat,acc1 = 
                match world.[roboState.Pos.Column,roboState.Pos.Row] with
                | Empty -> Empty,acc
                | Obstacle -> Obstacle,acc
                | Food(a,r) -> 
                    let eaten = if a >= eatPerTick then eatPerTick else 0.0
                    printfn "eating %f carrots" eaten
                    Food(a - eaten, r),eaten + acc
                | Unknown -> Unknown,acc
            world.[roboState.Pos.Column,roboState.Pos.Row] <- eat
            let wrld1 = tickWorld world
            step robot wrld1 roboState (i+1) imax acc1
        | Idle ->
            step robot (tickWorld world) roboState (i+1) imax acc

let initRoboState n = 
    {   Memory = createUnknownWorld n; 
        Pos = { Column = 0; Row = 0;}; 
        Heading = {Column = 1; Row = 0}

let simulate n pobstacle pfood imax robot =
    let w0 = createRandomWorld n pobstacle pfood
    let r0 = initRoboState n
    printfn "World: %A" w0
    printfn "Initial Robo State: %A" r0
    let result = step robot w0 r0 0 imax 0.0
    printfn "Final Robo State: %A" r0

// Not that Marvin would care, but the rule for this simulator is that the 
// bot may only inspect the square in the world at the current position.
// This means, IT CANNOT SEE the neighboring squares.
// This means, that if there is a obstacle next to current square, 
// it costs a simulation tick to find out, trying to bump against it.
// Any access to other squares in world is considered cheating!
// world is passed in spite of all said above to allow for alternate rules.
let marvinRobot world roboState =

// Tries to find a square with food, then stays there, eating when there is something to eat.
let lazyRobot (world : World) (roboState : RoboState) =
    let search() =
        let status action : RoboAction =
            match action with
            | TurnLeft -> printfn "%A TurnLeft at %A (heading: %A)" world.[roboState.Pos.Column,roboState.Pos.Row] roboState.Pos roboState.Heading
            | TurnRight -> printfn "%ATurnRight at %A (heading: %A)" world.[roboState.Pos.Column,roboState.Pos.Row]  roboState.Pos roboState.Heading
            | MoveOne -> printfn "%A MoveOne at %A (heading: %A)" world.[roboState.Pos.Column,roboState.Pos.Row] roboState.Pos roboState.Heading
            | Idle -> printfn "%A Idle at %A (heading: %A)" world.[roboState.Pos.Column,roboState.Pos.Row] roboState.Pos roboState.Heading
            | Eat -> printfn "%A Eat at %A (heading: %A)" world.[roboState.Pos.Column,roboState.Pos.Row] roboState.Pos roboState.Heading
        let neighbors = 
            [ roboState.Heading, MoveOne;
              (roboState.Heading |> right),TurnRight;
              (roboState.Heading |> left),TurnLeft;
              (roboState.Heading |> right |> right),TurnRight
            |> List.map (fun (p,a) -> (p.Column,p.Row),a)
            |> List.map (fun ((c,r),a) -> (roboState.Pos.Column + c,roboState.Pos.Row + r),a)
            |> List.filter (fun ((c,r),a) -> checkAccess (Array2D.length1 world){Position.Column = c; Row = r})
            |> List.sortBy (fun ((c,r),a) -> match roboState.Memory.[c,r] with | Food(_,_) -> 0 | Unknown -> 1 | Empty -> 2 | Obstacle -> 3)
            |> List.map (fun ((c,r),a) -> { Column = c; Row = r},a)
        if neighbors.IsEmpty then failwith "It's a trap!" // can happen if bot is surrounded by obstacles, e.g.  in a corner
            let p,a = neighbors.Head
            status a
    roboState.Memory.[roboState.Pos.Column, roboState.Pos.Row] <- 
    match world.[roboState.Pos.Column,roboState.Pos.Row] with
    | Food(a,_) -> 
        printfn "Found food at %A" roboState.Pos
    | _ -> 

//simulate 10 0.1 0.05 2000 marvinRobot
simulate 10 0.1 0.1 2000 lazyRobot
