class Room():
def __init__(self, monster, exits, loot):
self.room_guard = monster
self.exits = exits
self.guard_is_alive = True
self.loot = loot
room_2 = Room(spider, {"West": room_3, "East": room_4, "South": room_1}, 2)
room_1 = Room(trogdor, {"North": room_2}, 2)
2号房间无法"South": room_1
答案 0 :(得分:6)
rooms = {}
rooms['room_2'] = Room(spider, {"West": 'room_3', "East": 'room_4', "South": 'room_1'}, 2)
rooms['room_1'] = Room(trogdor, {"North": 'room_2'}, 2)
room_2 = Room(spider, {}, 2)
room_1 = Room(trogdor, {}, 2)
room_2.exits = {"West": room_3, "East": room_4, "South": room_1}
room_1.exits = {"North": room_2}
答案 1 :(得分:2)
class Room():
def __init__(self, monster, exits, loot, exits_back={}):
self.room_guard = monster
self.exits = exits
self.guard_is_alive = True
self.loot = loot
for direction, room in exits_back.items():
room.exits[direction] = self
room_2 = Room(spider, {"West": room_3, "East": room_4}, 2) # no room_1 ref here
room_1 = Room(trogdor, {"North": room_2}, 2, {"South": room_2}) # extra dict passed
答案 2 :(得分:0)
class Room():
def create(self, monster, exits, loot=None):
self.room_guard = monster
self.exits = exits
self.guard_is_alive = True
self.loot = loot
room_1 = Room()
room_2 = Room()
room_3 = Room()
room_4 = Room()
room_1.create('spider', {"West": room_3, "East": room_4, "South": room_1}, 2)
room_2.create('trogdor', {"North": room_2}, 2)
编辑:使用上述方法,这是组织房间的一种可能方式。我已将房间存放在2-dimensional list。这个解决方案很好,因为你不必担心出口的位置;该计划为您创建的每个房间都有所体现。
rooms = []
horizontal_room_count = 2
vertical_room_count = 2
class Room():
def __init__(self, x, y):
self.x = x
self.y = y
def create(self, monster, loot):
self.room_guard = monster
self.exits = self.get_exits()
self.guard_is_alive = True
self.loot = loot
def get_exits(self):
x, y = self.x, self.y
def get_room(x2, y2):
if x2 < 0 or y2 < 0 or x2 >= horizontal_room_count or y2 >= vertical_room_count:
return None
return rooms[x2][y2]
return {
'West': get_room(x-1, y),
'East': get_room(x+1, y),
'North': get_room(x, y+1),
'South': get_room(x, y-1)
rooms = [[Room(x,y) for x in range(horizontal_room_count)] for y in range(vertical_room_count)]
rooms[0][0].create('spider', loot=2)
rooms[0][1].create('trogdor', loot=2)
#creating the room
>> rooms[0][0].create('evil_fairy', loot=3)
#finding the exits
>> rooms[0][0].exits
#accessing info
>> rooms[0][0].loot
答案 3 :(得分:0)
class Room(object):
def __init__(self, monster, loot):
self.exits = {direction:None for direction in
["North", "South", "East", "West"]}
# rooms have no exits until you add links to them manually
self.room_guard = monster
self.guard_is_alive = True
self.loot = loot
def add_link(self, other, ordinal):
"""Creates a link between this room and another in the specified direction
room_A.add_link(room_B, 'East')
sets room_A.exits['East'] = room_B and room_B.exits['West'] = room_A"""
if not hasattr(other, 'exits')
raise ValueError("Can only link with other objects with exits")
ordinal_map = {"North":"South", "South":"North",
"East":"West", "West":"East"}
other_ordinal = ordinal_map[ordinal]
except KeyError:
raise ValueError("ordinal must be one of {}".format(
', '.join(ordinal_map.keys())))
self.exits[ordinal] = other
other.exits[other_ordinal] = self
map = """ A - B C
| |
D - E - F """
# bonus points if you can build a function that takes this as input and
# outputs the correct structure of rooms!!!
rooms = {key:Room(*args) for key,args in zip("ABCDEF",monster_loot_tuples)}
# monster_loot_tuples would be a list like [("Gargoyle","+1 Sword of Smiting"), ...]
rooms['A'].add_link(rooms['B'], 'East')
rooms['A'].add_link(rooms['D'], 'South')
rooms['D'].add_link(rooms['E'], 'East')
rooms['E'].add_link(rooms['F'], 'East')
rooms['F'].add_link(rooms['C'], 'North')