
时间:2015-03-29 14:33:32

标签: ios swift rotation sprite-kit skaction


到目前为止,我可以做到,但我想要的是我的节点具有"旋转速度"。 所以我计算角度的长度然后设置一个不同的时间与它一起旋转(如果弧很长,则需要时间......)。


override func touchesMoved(touches: NSSet, withEvent event: UIEvent) {
    _isTouched = true
    for touch in touches {
        let location:CGVector = touch.locationInNode(self) - miner.position

        miner.weaponRotation = location.angle() - CGFloat(M_PI_2)

var wantedRotation: CGFloat {
    get { return _wantedRotation }
    set(rotation) {
        if rotation > CGFloat(M_PI) || rotation < -CGFloat(M_PI) {
            _wantedRotation = CGFloat(M_PI) + rotation % CGFloat(M_PI)
        else {
            _wantedRotation = rotation

        let arc: CGFloat = CGFloat(abs(_wantedRotation - zRotation))
        let shortestArc: CGFloat = min(arc, CGFloat(M_PI * 2.0) - arc)
        runAction(SKAction.rotateToAngle(_wantedRotation, duration: NSTimeInterval(shortestArc / CGFloat(M_PI) * rotationSpeed), shortestUnitArc: true), withKey: "rotation")




当我收到答案时,我再次阅读了SpriteKit文档并找到了this clear note





4 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:7)


我有一个炮塔......应该瞄准手指的位置,但不是   马上,花时间转。



import SpriteKit

class GameScene: SKScene {
    let turret = SKSpriteNode(imageNamed: "Spaceship")
    let rotationSpeed: CGFloat = CGFloat(M_PI) //Speed turret rotates.
    let rotationOffset: CGFloat = -CGFloat(M_PI/2.0) //Controls which side of the sprite faces the touch point. I offset the angle by -90 degrees so that the top of my image faces the touch point.

    private var touchPosition: CGFloat = 0
    private var targetZRotation: CGFloat = 0

    override func didMoveToView(view: SKView) {
        turret.physicsBody = SKPhysicsBody(rectangleOfSize: turret.size)
        turret.physicsBody!.affectedByGravity = false
        turret.position = CGPoint(x: self.size.width/2.0, y: self.size.height/2.0)

    override func touchesMoved(touches: NSSet, withEvent event: UIEvent) {
        calculateAngleToTouch(touches.anyObject() as UITouch)

    override func touchesBegan(touches: NSSet, withEvent event: UIEvent) {
        calculateAngleToTouch(touches.anyObject() as UITouch)

    func calculateAngleToTouch(touch: UITouch) {
        let position = touch.locationInNode(self)
        let angle = atan2(position.y-turret.position.y, position.x-turret.position.x)

        targetZRotation = angle + rotationOffset

    override func update(currentTime: NSTimeInterval) {
        var angularDisplacement = targetZRotation - turret.zRotation
        if angularDisplacement > CGFloat(M_PI) {
            angularDisplacement = (angularDisplacement - CGFloat(M_PI)*2)
        } else if angularDisplacement < -CGFloat(M_PI) {
            angularDisplacement = (angularDisplacement + CGFloat(M_PI)*2)

        if abs(angularDisplacement) > rotationSpeed*(1.0/60.0) {
            let angularVelocity = angularDisplacement < 0 ? -rotationSpeed : rotationSpeed
            turret.physicsBody!.angularVelocity = angularVelocity
        } else {
            turret.physicsBody!.angularVelocity = 0
            turret.zRotation = targetZRotation



enter image description here

答案 1 :(得分:1)

你不需要这样做:removeActionForKey(&#34; rotation&#34;) - 这就是你有动作阻塞的原因。请看一下这些方法

  • speedBy:持续时间:
  • speedTo:持续时间:



速度 - 速度因子可调整动作动画的运行速度。例如,速度因子为2.0意味着动画的运行速度是原来的两倍。

在您的情况下很难说,但解决方案是创建序列操作,因此它们将逐个执行。 希望这有帮助

答案 2 :(得分:1)


- (void)rotateSprite:(SKSpriteNode *)sprite toAngle:(float)angle inDuration:(NSTimeInterval)duration
    SKAction *rotation = [SKAction rotateToAngle:angle duration:duration]; 
    [sprite runAction:rotation completion:^{
        [sprite removeAllActions];

- (void)touchesMoved:(NSSet *)touches withEvent:(UIEvent *)event
   // your sprite
   [node removeAllActions];                
   float angle = [self calcAngle]; // your angle
   NSTimeInterval duration = [self calcDuration]; // your duration
   [self rotateSprite:(SKSpriteNode *)node toAngle:angle inDuration:duration];

答案 3 :(得分:1)



#import "GameScene.h"

@implementation GameScene {
    SKAction *objectAnimation;
    SKSpriteNode *node0;

-(void)didMoveToView:(SKView *)view {
    self.backgroundColor = [SKColor blackColor];

    node0 = [SKSpriteNode spriteNodeWithColor:[SKColor redColor] size:CGSizeMake(100, 10)];
    node0.position = CGPointMake(300, 300);
    node0.zRotation = 0.0;
    [self addChild:node0];

-(void)touchesBegan:(NSSet *)touches withEvent:(UIEvent *)event {

    for (UITouch *touch in touches) {
        CGPoint touchLocation = [touch locationInNode:self];

        // calculate angle between object and touch
        float deltaY = touchLocation.y - node0.position.y;
        float deltaX = touchLocation.x - node0.position.x;
        float moveBydegrees = atan2(deltaY, deltaX) * 180 / 3.14159265359;

        // convert degrees to radians
        float moveByRadians = moveBydegrees * M_PI / 180;

        float myFloat0 = 0;
        if(moveByRadians < 0) {
            myFloat0 = fabs(moveByRadians);
        } else {
            myFloat0 = moveByRadians;
        NSLog(@"myFloat0 = %f",myFloat0);

        float myFloat1 = 0;
        if(node0.zRotation < 0) {
            myFloat1 = fabs(node0.zRotation);
        } else {
            myFloat1 = node0.zRotation;
        NSLog(@"myFloat1 = %f",myFloat1);

        float durationTime = fabs(myFloat0 - myFloat1);

        NSLog(@"durationTime = %f",durationTime);

        objectAnimation = [SKAction rotateToAngle:moveByRadians duration:durationTime shortestUnitArc:YES];
        [self startObjectAnimation];

-(void)startObjectAnimation {
    [node0 removeActionForKey:@"animation"];

    if (![node0 actionForKey:@"animation"]) {
        if(objectAnimation != nil) {
            [node0 runAction:objectAnimation withKey:@"animation"];
            NSLog(@"runnign animation");
        } else {
            NSLog(@"enemy node animation is nil");
