
时间:2015-03-29 09:32:57

标签: javascript animation rotation trigonometry

我一直在攻击这个问题一段时间似乎无法找到解决方案(我不是三角测量的朋友)。 我正在尝试构建一个用户可以“抓取”然后旋转的元素。我有它的工作,除了我似乎无法弄清楚的最后一个功能: http://codepen.io/megakoresh/pen/WbLLzZ?editors=001


我想要的是根据increments值将对象捕捉到度数。这意味着如果snap==true,代码应计算最接近鼠标释放点的估计target,并根据旋转方向平滑地将对象旋转到target个旋转: enter image description here 由于对象是“抓取”的,我计算了mousedown对象当前旋转的偏移量,即它来自哪里,因此它不会只是捕捉到鼠标。



我为它编写的函数基于autoSpin()函数(在spin==false时执行),它采用翻转时间指数乘数delta(根据自鼠标释放后经过的时间计算得出) )。随着时间的推移,delta会沿着翻转的指数减小,因此角度会减慢。


function snapTo() {      
    var elapsed, delta;    
    increments = (typeof increments === 'number') ? Math.floor(increments) : 4;    
    var ia = 360 / increments; //increment angle - snapping points should occur "every ia degrees"
    if (Math.abs(angle % ia) > 0) { //if user turned for more than 1 increment
      var a = lastRot % ia; //check the distance from 
      if (angle > 0){ //positive direction
        amplitude = 50; //if snapping is on, force amplitude
        target = (lastRot - a) + ia;
      if (angle < 0){ //negative direction        
        amplitude = -50;
        target = lastRot - a;
    } else { //cancel the rotation
      target = rotation;
    elapsed = Date.now() - timestamp; //time passed since mouse was released
    delta = -amplitude * Math.exp(-elapsed / timeConstant); //the greater the time from mouse release, the smaller this value
    if (delta > 0.5 || delta < -0.5) { //while delta is decreasing...         
      rotate(target - delta - offset); 
      snapFrame = requestAnimationFrame(snapTo); //keep rotation
    } else {                
      rotate(target - offset); //when enough time passes (based on timeConstant), make one final rotation and stop


1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)

*叹了口气 好吧,我必须自己解决这个问题。如果有人想要做这种事情,这是一种方法:

function snapTo() {      
    var elapsed, ease, diff;    
    increments = (typeof increments === 'number') ? Math.floor(increments) : 4;    
    var ia = 360 / increments; //increment angle - this is how large each increment will be
    var a = last % ia; //check the distance from point of mouse release to the previous increment    
    if (movement>0) {
      elapsed = Date.now() - timestamp; //time passed since mouse was released
      ease = 1 - Math.exp((-3*elapsed)/timeConstant); //your easing function formula goes here
      if(a > ia/2) { //if halfway through the increment...
        target = (last - a) + ia; //target next increment
      else { //else revert to previous increment to the point of mouse release
        target = last - a;
      diff = target - last; //difference between target and rotation at time of mouse release
      if(ease < 0.95){ //this depends on your easing formula
        rotate(last+diff * ease);
        requestAnimationFrame(snapTo); //don't forget to RAF
      } else { //and for your final frame...
        rotate(last+diff); //make it snappy :P
      console.log(last); //traces of debugging were found in this derelict question...


  • elapsed是自鼠标释放以来的时间
  • increments是用户提供的参数:将有多少对齐点
  • ia是度数的计算增量:360 / increments
  • last是在mouseup事件中记录的角度 - 图中的“当前旋转”。它包括偏移量(在我的代码中,它只是释放点rotation的“快照”,然后在符号中反转,因为在DOM中,坐标系是y翻转的,我不喜欢工作接着就,随即)。
  • alast比前一个最近的增量点大多少。
  • diff是图表中的“目标” - 最终轮播与last
  • 之间的差异
  • ease只是根据您的缓动功能而变化的值,您可以继续调用RAF或完成动画。
  • timeConstant是动画将花费多长时间的时间(以毫秒为单位)。你有没有这个,取决于你的宽松公式

一般的阅读资源:Understanding Easing Functions

同样Desmos graphing calculator非常适合开发宽松公式。


Codepen of the working function
