pandas - 转换数据视图

时间:2015-03-27 06:32:49

标签: python numpy pandas


id      name    date        gross1  gross2  net1    net2    balance1    balance2
1       abc     01/01/2001  100     101     50      51      200         201 
2       def     01/02/2001  201     202     40      41      300         3001
3       ghi     01/03/2001  300     303     99      98      1000        10001


id  date        level   parent  category    name    value1  value1
1   01/01/2001  0       NaN     gross       abc     100     101
2   01/01/2001  1       1       net         abc     50      51
3   01/01/2001  1       1       balance     abc     200     201

4   01/02/2001  0       NaN     gross       def     201     201
5   01/02/2001  1       4       net         def     40      41
6   01/02/2001  1       4       balance     def     300     3001

7   01/03/2001  0       NaN     gross       ghi     300     303
8   01/03/2001  1       7       net         ghi     99      98
9   01/03/2001  1       7       balance     ghi     1000    10001


df_gross = df['name','gross1','gross2']
df_gross.columns = ['name', 'value1', 'value2']

df_net = df['name', 'net1','net2']
df_net.columns = ['name', 'value1', 'value2']

df_balance = df['name', 'balance1','balance2']
df_balance.columns = ['name', 'value1', 'value2']
df = pandas.concat(df_gross, df_net, df_balance)

我可以..在concat,reset_index之后,然后删除' id'然后将列设置为pandas生成的索引(应该是值1..n)。然后我想我做一个dataframe.apply来找到父母的日期'和'等级= 0'并相应地设置父级。这会是最有效的方式吗?

2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:3)



arr = df.ix[:,'gross1':'balance2'].values.reshape(9,2)

array([[  100,   101],
       [   50,    51],
       [  200,   201],
       [  201,   202],
       [   40,    41],
       [  300,  3001],
       [  300,   303],
       [   99,    98],
       [ 1000, 10001]], dtype=int64)


df2 = df.set_index(['id','date','name']).stack().iloc[::2].reset_index().iloc[:,:-1]

   id        date name   level_3
0   1  01/01/2001  abc    gross1
1   1  01/01/2001  abc      net1
2   1  01/01/2001  abc  balance1
3   2  01/02/2001  def    gross1
4   2  01/02/2001  def      net1
5   2  01/02/2001  def  balance1
6   3  01/03/2001  ghi    gross1
7   3  01/03/2001  ghi      net1
8   3  01/03/2001  ghi  balance1


df2[['value1','value2']] = pd.DataFrame(arr)

   id        date name   level_3  value1  value2
0   1  01/01/2001  abc    gross1     100     101
1   1  01/01/2001  abc      net1      50      51
2   1  01/01/2001  abc  balance1     200     201
3   2  01/02/2001  def    gross1     201     202
4   2  01/02/2001  def      net1      40      41
5   2  01/02/2001  def  balance1     300    3001
6   3  01/03/2001  ghi    gross1     300     303
7   3  01/03/2001  ghi      net1      99      98
8   3  01/03/2001  ghi  balance1    1000   10001


df2['parent'] = df2.groupby('id').cumcount()
df2['parent_index'] = df2[ df2.parent == 0 ].index.to_series()
df2['parent_index'] = df2.parent_index.fillna(method='ffill')
df2['parent'] = np.where( df2.parent > 1, 1, df2.parent )
df2['parent_index'] = np.where( df2.parent == 0, np.nan, df2.parent_index )

   id        date name   level_3  value1  value2  parent  parent_index
0   1  01/01/2001  abc    gross1     100     101       0           NaN
1   1  01/01/2001  abc      net1      50      51       1             0
2   1  01/01/2001  abc  balance1     200     201       1             0
3   2  01/02/2001  def    gross1     201     202       0           NaN
4   2  01/02/2001  def      net1      40      41       1             3
5   2  01/02/2001  def  balance1     300    3001       1             3
6   3  01/03/2001  ghi    gross1     300     303       0           NaN
7   3  01/03/2001  ghi      net1      99      98       1             6
8   3  01/03/2001  ghi  balance1    1000   10001       1             6

答案 1 :(得分:3)


import numpy as np
import pandas as pd

# assuming your dataframe is called `df`, first stack the dataframe
dfnew = df.set_index(['id', 'date','name']).stack().reset_index()

# split the category information into category and value level, then delete column level_3
dfnew[['category', 'valuelevel']] = dfnew.level_3.apply(
        lambda x: pd.Series([x[:-1], x[-1]]))
del dfnew['level_3']

# reshape data to meet required format and reset_index
dfnew = dfnew.set_index(['id', 'date', 'name', 'category', 'valuelevel']).unstack(level=-1).reset_index()

# fix MultiIndex mess by flattening the column names, 
# note: renaming id to parent because that is what it will end up being, new id will be the index.
dfnew.columns = ['parent', 'date', 'name', 'category', 'value1', 'value2']

# reorder the data frame according to parent_id & category ['gross', 'net', 'balance'], 
# using a second data frame
# then get rid of the extra fields `index` & `catlevel`
cat_level = pd.DataFrame({'category': ['gross', 'net', 'balance'], 'catlevel': [0, 1, 2]})
dfnew = dfnew.merge(cat_level)
dfnew = dfnew.sort(['parent', 'catlevel']).reset_index()
del dfnew['index']
del dfnew['catlevel']

# generate the new row id from index
dfnew['id'] = dfnew.reset_index()['index'] + 1

# reset the parent column to point to the current parent id
dfnew['parent'] = dfnew.groupby('parent')['id'].transform(min)

# add new column level
dfnew['level'] = 1

# update the parent & level columns based on the mask parent == id
mask = dfnew.parent ==
dfnew.level[mask] = 0
dfnew.parent[mask] = np.NaN


   parent        date name category  value1  value2  id  level
0     NaN  01/01/2001  abc    gross     100     101   1      0
1       1  01/01/2001  abc      net      50      51   2      1
2       1  01/01/2001  abc  balance     200     201   3      1
3     NaN  01/02/2001  def    gross     201     202   4      0
4       4  01/02/2001  def      net      40      41   5      1
5       4  01/02/2001  def  balance     300    3001   6      1
6     NaN  01/03/2001  ghi    gross     300     303   7      0
7       7  01/03/2001  ghi      net      99      98   8      1
8       7  01/03/2001  ghi  balance    1000   10001   9      1


column_ordered = ['id', 'date', 'level', 'parent', 'category', 'name', 'value1', 'value2']
finaldf = pd.DataFrame()
for col in columns_ordered:
    finaldf[col] = dfnew[col]