
时间:2015-03-26 10:11:23

标签: eclipse debugging tcl


source scripts/VeriwaveProc.tcl
source scripts/ConfigurationTableReader.tcl

set i 0
set arg_to_pass_to_object ""

try {
	Veriwave oVeriwave -port1 {eth} -port2 {wlan} -config_file {SetupConfigs\Coex}
} on error {result options} {
    	puts "$result"


package require itcl
namespace import itcl::*

#Local class just for initializing and Analyse results,
itcl::class Veriwave {

	#Varliable declartions:
    public variable ip            						""
	public variable	managementIP 						""     
	public variable	user 								""
	public variable	password 							""
	public variable	hostConnected 						""
	public variable	hostname 							""
	public variable	wlanHome 							""               
	public variable config_file	 						""   ;#the xml config filename
	public variable config_file_extension	 			""   ;# .wml // .wrl
	public variable test_type	 						""   ;# .wml // .wrl
	public variable use_sniffer	 						"0"  ;#false= 0 or true=1
	public variable ConfigArr_BasicParam    			""   ;#a dict {param value param v..} type.
	public variable ConfigMtx_ClientsParam   			     ;#an array of dict (matrix) {param value #param v..} type. For each client allocate1 entry in array
	public variable excelEnv								 ;#Object with type :ConfigurationTableReader  and name:excelEnv
	# All port corresponding to specific Veriwave setup eth / wlan / none / radar
        public variable port1	""
        public variable port2	""	    
        public variable port3	""			    
        public variable port4	""
        public variable port5	""
        public variable port6	""
        public variable port7	""
        public variable port8	""
        public variable port9	""

    constructor {args} {    
        	eval configure $args    
		# set ConfigMtx_ClientsParam to an array
		array set ConfigMtx_ClientsParam {}
		ConfigurationTableReader "excelEnv" \
        		-XLS_file_path "${config_file}.xls" \
        		-CSV_file_path "${config_file}.csv"
    destructor { clear    }
    #Methods declarations:
	method Run_test				{settings} 								;#testname configKey
	method init_Veriwave			{settings}
	method Read_map_Excels			{}
	method Change_wml_BasicParam		{}
	method Change_wml_ClientsParam		{}
	method Cleanup				{}


###################### Procedure Name : Run_test ################################################################
# Description: 
# Arguments:    
# Return Value : 
# Author/date : Sion/24.03.2014
body Veriwave::Run_test {setting} {

	init_Veriwave $setting 

###################### Procedure Name : init_Veriwave ################################################################
# Description: 
# Arguments:    
# Return Value : 
# Author/date : Sion/24.03.2014
body Veriwave::init_Veriwave {settings} {


###################### Procedure Name : Read_map_Excels ################################################################
# Description: 
# Arguments:    
# Return Value : 
# Author/date : Sion/24.03.2014
body Veriwave::Read_map_Excels {} {


###################### Procedure Name : Change_wml_BasicParam ################################################################
# Description: 
# Arguments:    
# Return Value : 
# Author/date : Sion/24.03.2014
body Veriwave::Change_wml_BasicParam {} {

###################### Procedure Name : Change_wml_ClientsParam ################################################################
# Description: 
# Arguments:    
# Return Value : 
# Author/date : Sion/24.03.2014
body Veriwave::Change_wml_ClientsParam {} {

###################### Procedure Name : Cleanup ################################################################
# Description: 
# Arguments:    
# Return Value : 
# Author/date : Sion/24.03.2014
body Veriwave::Cleanup {} {

###################### Procedure Name : Convert_sniffer_output_to_pcap ################################################################
# Description: 
# Arguments:    
# Return Value : 
# Author/date : Sion/24.03.2014
proc Convert_sniffer_output_to_pcap	{src_file_path src_file_name dst_file_path dst_file_name} {


Execution error 206: bad level "-1"
    while executing
"DbgNub_infoCmd level -1"
    ("uplevel" body line 1)
    invoked from within
"DbgNub_uplevelCmd DbgNub_infoCmd $args"
    invoked from within
"::info level -1"
    invoked from within
"info level -1"
    while constructing object "::oVeriwave" in ::Veriwave::constructor (body line 4)
    invoked from within
"Veriwave oVeriwave -port1 {eth} -port2 {wlan} -config_file {SetupConfigs\Coex}"

Stack trace:
    #0 file:/C:/AutomationHome/Veriwave/main.tcl [10]

不知道Y. TNX

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