我已经看过很多关于texture.setWrap(TextureWrap.Repeat,....)的内容,但这并不是我在播放atm之后的原因。我正在使用Rube和Libgdx,以及Tescott的rube loader。 理想情况下,我想使用如下图像,顶部有一条尖锐的暗线,用于汽车接触的地面。有没有人有任何资源或提示指出我正确的方向?我相信我需要UV映射,但我确切地使用它我不确定。谢谢。
Array<Body> bodies = scene.getBodies();
EarClippingTriangulator ect = new EarClippingTriangulator();
if ((bodies != null) && (bodies.size > 0))
mPolySpatials = new Array<PolySpatial>();
Vector2 bodyPos = new Vector2();
// for each body in the scene...
for (int i = 0; i < bodies.size; i++)
Body body = bodies.get(i);
float bodyAngle = body.getAngle()*MathUtils.radiansToDegrees;
Array<Fixture> fixtures = body.getFixtureList();
if ((fixtures != null) && (fixtures.size > 0))
// for each fixture on the body...
for (int j = 0; j < fixtures.size; j++)
Fixture fixture = fixtures.get(j);
String textureName = (String)scene.getCustom(fixture, "TextureMask", null);
if (textureName != null)
String textureFileName = "data/" + textureName;
Texture texture = mTextureMap.get(textureFileName);
TextureRegion textureRegion = null;
if (texture == null)
texture = new Texture(textureFileName);
texture.setWrap(TextureWrap.Repeat, TextureWrap.Repeat);
mTextureMap.put(textureFileName, texture);
textureRegion = new TextureRegion(texture);
mTextureRegionMap.put(texture, textureRegion);
textureRegion = mTextureRegionMap.get(texture);
// only handle polygons at this point -- no chain, edge, or circle fixtures.
if (fixture.getType() == Shape.Type.Polygon)
PolygonShape shape = (PolygonShape) fixture.getShape();
int vertexCount = shape.getVertexCount();
float[] vertices = new float[vertexCount * 2];
// static bodies are texture aligned and do not get drawn based off of the related body.
if (body.getType() == BodyType.StaticBody)
for (int k = 0; k < vertexCount; k++)
shape.getVertex(k, mTmp);
mTmp.add(bodyPos); // convert local coordinates to world coordinates to that textures are
// aligned
vertices[k * 2] = mTmp.x * PolySpatial.PIXELS_PER_METER;
vertices[k * 2 + 1] = mTmp.y * PolySpatial.PIXELS_PER_METER;
short [] triangleIndices = ect.computeTriangles(vertices).toArray();
PolygonRegion region = new PolygonRegion(textureRegion, vertices, triangleIndices);
PolySpatial spatial = new PolySpatial(region, Color.WHITE);
// all other fixtures are aligned based on their associated body.
for (int k = 0; k < vertexCount; k++)
shape.getVertex(k, mTmp);
vertices[k * 2] = mTmp.x * PolySpatial.PIXELS_PER_METER;
vertices[k * 2 + 1] = mTmp.y * PolySpatial.PIXELS_PER_METER;
short [] triangleIndices = ect.computeTriangles(vertices).toArray();
PolygonRegion region = new PolygonRegion(textureRegion, vertices, triangleIndices);
PolySpatial spatial = new PolySpatial(region, body, Color.WHITE);