我正在尝试将一些列数据从一个表移动到另一个表。 一切都在移动,但图像(blob)从未复制到新位置。我已经更新了我的代码,用一个新的ID将图像从一个表移动到另一个表。
logit("\nSwap Lane\n");
$camTable = $_POST['cam'];
$plate = $_POST['plate'];
$id = $_POST['id'];
$tmp = explode("-", $id);
$tableEntryId = $tmp[0];
$tmp= explode('_anpr_vega', $camTable);
$camName = $tmp[0];
if ($camName == "archive")
print "{\"iv\":\n";
print " { \"result\": \"FAILED\"} \n";
print "}\n";
print "{\"iv\":\n";
$custId = $_SESSION['customerID'];
$userId = $_SESSION['userId'];
if ($custId != "")
$conn = &newEtConn($custId);
if ($camTable != "archive")
$camId = etCommonCamIdByName($camName);
$inOut = etCommonInOutByCamId($camId);
$cpId = etCommonSiteIdByCamId($camId);
$staticWhitelist = etCommonMkWhiteList($conn, $cpId);
if ($inOut == 1)
$camColumn = "in_cam_id";
$entryColumn = "in_entry_id";
$datetimeColumn = "in_datetime";
$otherColumn = "out_cam_id";
$otherEntry = "out_entry_id";
$otherDatetime = "out_datetime";
$otherType = 2;
$new_cam_id_array = etCommonAllOutCamIdsByCamId($camId);
$myDateColumn = "in_datetime";
$otherDateColumn = "out_datetime";
else if ($inOut == 2)
$camColumn = "out_cam_id";
$entryColumn = "out_entry_id";
$datetimeColumn = "out_datetime";
$otherColumn = "in_cam_id";
$otherEntry = "in_entry_id";
$otherDatetime = "in_datetime";
$otherType = 1;
$new_cam_id_array = etCommonAllInCamIdsByCamId($camId);
$myDateColumn = "out_datetime";
$otherDateColumn = "in_datetime";
$new_cam_id = $new_cam_id_array[0];
$new_cam_name = etCommonCamNameById($new_cam_id);
$newCamTable = $new_cam_name . "_anpr_vega";
// Find the reconcile entry
$sql = "SELECT id, plate, in_cam_id, out_cam_id, $myDateColumn AS my_datetime FROM customer_1.reconcile WHERE $camColumn = \"$camId\" AND $entryColumn = \"$tableEntryId\" LIMIT 1";
$result = $conn->Execute($sql);
$row = $result->fields;
$reconcileId = $row['id'];
$recon_in_cam_id = $row['in_cam_id'];
$recon_out_cam_id = $row['out_cam_id'];
$recon_plate = $row['plate'];
$recon_datetime = $row['my_datetime'];
$tmp = explode(" ", $recon_datetime);
$entry_date = $tmp[0];
$entry_time = $tmp[1];
// Put the entry into the other table
$sql = "INSERT INTO $newCamTable (plate, nread, datetime, millisecs, nationality, image_name, image) SELECT plate, nread, datetime, millisecs, nationality, image_name, image FROM $camTable WHERE id=\"$tableEntryId\"";
$result = $conn->Execute($sql);
if (!$result)
print $conn->ErrorMsg();
$sql = "SELECT id FROM $newCamTable ORDER BY id DESC";
$result = $conn->Execute($sql);
if (!$result)
print $conn->ErrorMsg();
$row = $result->fields;
$newId = $row['id'];
$sql = "UPDATE $newCamTable SET name=\"$new_cam_name\", camera_id=\"$new_cam_id\" WHERE id=\"$newId\"";
$result = $conn->Execute($sql);
if (!$result)
print $conn->ErrorMsg();
$sql = "UPDATE $newCamTable SET plate=\"$plate\", checked=\"1\" WHERE id=$newId";
$result = $conn->Execute($sql);
if (!$result)
print $conn->ErrorMsg();
print " { \"result\": \"OK\", \n";
print " \"data\": [\n";
print " {\"plate\": \"$plate\"}";
print "\n ]\n }\n}\n";