interface ITranslator<TSource, TDest>
TDest Translate(TSource toTranslate);
这些类将数据对象转换为新表单。为了获得翻译器的实例,我有一个带有方法ITranslator<TSource, TDest> GetTranslator<TSource, TDest>()
方法目前只使用Unity来解析{ {1}}与请求的翻译人员匹配。
这种实现感觉非常尴尬。我已经读过服务定位器is an anti-pattern,无论它是否存在,这个实现使单元测试变得更加困难,因为我必须提供一个配置的Unity容器来测试任何依赖于翻译器的代码。
答案 0 :(得分:2)
正如StuartLC指出的那样,你似乎正在重新发明轮子。有many 3rd party implementations已经在类型之间进行转换。我个人认为这些替代方案是首选,并评估哪种方案具有最佳DI支持以及是否符合您的其他要求。
当我第一次发布这个答案时,我没有考虑使用.NET Generics在转换器的接口声明中使用策略模式所遇到的困难,直到我尝试实现它。由于策略模式仍然是一个可能的选择,我将留下这个答案。然而,我提出的最终产品并不像我最初希望的那样优雅 - 也就是译者本身的实现有点尴尬。
- 如果您的类没有通用的抽象类型(例如在接口声明中使用Generics时)。
- 当接口的实现数量太多而内存成为问题时,因为它们都是同时加载的。
- 当您必须让DI容器控制对象生命周期时,例如当您处理昂贵的一次性依赖项时。
Strategy Pattern可用于解决此问题而无需注入DI容器。这需要一些重新管道来处理你通用的类型,以及一种映射翻译器以与所涉及的类型一起使用的方法。
public interface ITranslator
Type SourceType { get; }
Type DestinationType { get; }
TDest Translate<TSource, TDest>(TSource toTranslate);
public static class ITranslatorExtensions
public static bool AppliesTo(this ITranslator translator, Type sourceType, Type destinationType)
return (translator.SourceType.Equals(sourceType) && translator.DestinationType.Equals(destinationType));
class Model
public string Property1 { get; set; }
public int Property2 { get; set; }
class ViewModel
public string Property1 { get; set; }
public string Property2 { get; set; }
public class ModelToViewModelTranslator : ITranslator
public Type SourceType
get { return typeof(Model); }
public Type DestinationType
get { return typeof(ViewModel); }
public TDest Translate<TSource, TDest>(TSource toTranslate)
Model source = toTranslate as Model;
ViewModel destination = null;
if (source != null)
destination = new ViewModel()
Property1 = source.Property1,
Property2 = source.Property2.ToString()
return (TDest)(object)destination;
public class ViewModelToModelTranslator : ITranslator
public Type SourceType
get { return typeof(ViewModel); }
public Type DestinationType
get { return typeof(Model); }
public TDest Translate<TSource, TDest>(TSource toTranslate)
ViewModel source = toTranslate as ViewModel;
Model destination = null;
if (source != null)
destination = new Model()
Property1 = source.Property1,
Property2 = int.Parse(source.Property2)
return (TDest)(object)destination;
public interface ITranslatorStrategy
TDest Translate<TSource, TDest>(TSource toTranslate);
public class TranslatorStrategy : ITranslatorStrategy
private readonly ITranslator[] translators;
public TranslatorStrategy(ITranslator[] translators)
if (translators == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException("translators");
this.translators = translators;
private ITranslator GetTranslator(Type sourceType, Type destinationType)
var translator = this.translators.FirstOrDefault(x => x.AppliesTo(sourceType, destinationType));
if (translator == null)
throw new Exception(string.Format(
"There is no translator for the specified type combination. Source: {0}, Destination: {1}.",
sourceType.FullName, destinationType.FullName));
return translator;
public TDest Translate<TSource, TDest>(TSource toTranslate)
var translator = this.GetTranslator(typeof(TSource), typeof(TDest));
return translator.Translate<TSource, TDest>(toTranslate);
using System;
using System.Linq;
using Microsoft.Practices.Unity;
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
// Begin Composition Root
var container = new UnityContainer();
// IMPORTANT: For Unity to resolve arrays, you MUST name the instances.
container.RegisterType<ITranslator, ModelToViewModelTranslator>("ModelToViewModelTranslator");
container.RegisterType<ITranslator, ViewModelToModelTranslator>("ViewModelToModelTranslator");
container.RegisterType<ITranslatorStrategy, TranslatorStrategy>();
container.RegisterType<ISomeService, SomeService>();
// Instantiate a service
var service = container.Resolve<ISomeService>();
// End Composition Root
// Do something with the service
public interface ISomeService
void DoSomething();
public class SomeService : ISomeService
private readonly ITranslatorStrategy translatorStrategy;
public SomeService(ITranslatorStrategy translatorStrategy)
if (translatorStrategy == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException("translatorStrategy");
this.translatorStrategy = translatorStrategy;
public void DoSomething()
// Create a Model
Model model = new Model() { Property1 = "Hello", Property2 = 123 };
// Translate to ViewModel
ViewModel viewModel = this.translatorStrategy.Translate<Model, ViewModel>(model);
// Translate back to Model
Model model2 = this.translatorStrategy.Translate<ViewModel, Model>(viewModel);
有关其他一些实施示例,请查看this answer和this answer。
答案 1 :(得分:2)
这并没有真正回答你的大问题,但你搜索一种存储简单映射函数的方法而不创建大量的普通映射类*导致这个嵌套映射由Source键入,然后是Destination类型(我大量借用)来自Darin's answer here):
public class TranslatorDictionary
private readonly IDictionary<Type, IDictionary<Type, Delegate>> _mappings
= new Dictionary<Type, IDictionary<Type, Delegate>>();
public TDest Map<TSource, TDest>(TSource source)
IDictionary<Type, Delegate> typeMaps;
Delegate theMapper;
if (_mappings.TryGetValue(source.GetType(), out typeMaps)
&& typeMaps.TryGetValue(typeof(TDest), out theMapper))
return (TDest)theMapper.DynamicInvoke(source);
throw new Exception(string.Format("No mapper registered from {0} to {1}",
typeof(TSource).FullName, typeof(TDest).FullName));
public void AddMap<TSource, TDest>(Func<TSource, TDest> newMap)
IDictionary<Type, Delegate> typeMaps;
if (!_mappings.TryGetValue(typeof(TSource), out typeMaps))
typeMaps = new Dictionary<Type, Delegate>();
_mappings.Add(typeof (TSource), typeMaps);
typeMaps[typeof(TDest)] = newMap;
// Bootstrapping
var translator = new TranslatorDictionary();
translator.AddMap<Foo, Bar>(
foo => new Bar{Name = foo.Name, SurrogateId = foo.ID});
translator.AddMap<Bar, Foo>(bar =>
new Foo { Name = bar.Name, ID = bar.SurrogateId, Date = DateTime.MinValue});
// Usage
var theBar = translator.Map<Foo, Bar>(new Foo{Name = "Foo1", ID = 1234, Date = DateTime.Now});
var theFoo = translator.Map<Bar, Foo>(new Bar { Name = "Bar1", SurrogateId = 9876});
。通过对每个映射进行适当的单元测试覆盖,可以避免导致回归问题的任何concerns about fragility of the automagic mapping。
C# can't instantiate anonymous classes在.NET中实现您的ITranslator
答案 2 :(得分:1)
答案 3 :(得分:0)
首先,Service locator is not an anti pattern。如果我们将模式标记为反模式只是因为它们不适用于某些用例,我们就会留下反模式。