Prolog - 乐透机

时间:2015-03-10 15:14:55

标签: list random prolog rules




: - use_module(library(random))。


? - 随机(1,50,Out)。



1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)

pick_number(N) :- random(1, 50, N). 


lotto_numbers(Ns) :-
    length(Ns, 6),           % The length of our list is 6, now we have a list of 6 free variables.
    select_numbers(Ns).     % We need to select our numbers, binding them to our free variables. 

select_numbers([]).         % An empty list needs no picking
select_numbers([N|Ns]) :-
    pick_number(N),         % We pick the first number (bind the free variable to a random number)
    select_numbers(Ns).     % Then we pick the rest of the numbers.

我们需要检查持票人是否有中奖号码。数字的顺序是否重要?如果是,那么我们可以检查两个列表是否统一:LottoNumbers = LottoTicketNumbers。如果我们不关心订单,那么我们需要一个稍微复杂的解决方案:

numbers_match([], []).          % if both lists are empty, then they must have all matched.
numbers_match([N|Ns], Ms) :-
    select(N, Ms, NewMs),       % remove N from Ms (if N matches an element in Ms), leaving NewMs
    numbers_match(Ns, NewMs).   % remove the rest of Ns from NewMs.

如果两个列表同时没有清空,那么它们都不会匹配。 假设我们在数据库中有一些loto票,

lotto_ticket(Ns) :- lotto_numbers(Ns).


  ?- lotto_ticket(T), lotto_numbers(L), numbers_match(T, L).


这一切都很好,但我们可以通过使用更高阶来节省很多步骤 谓词和一些常见的库谓词:

alt_lotto_numbers(Ns) :-
    length(Ns, 6),
    maplist(random(1,50), Ns).  % `maplist/2` is just a way of calling a predicate on every member of a list.

alt_numbers_match(Ns, Ms) :-
    same_length(Ns, Ms),
    subset(Ns, Ms).